Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Black Town Boundary Pillar, Madi Poonga / Terrace Garden and Emden Bombarded inscription, Chennai, Tamil Nadu A Pulicat Heritage walk

25th February 2017.
When I posted my previous visit on 13th March 2016 to PULICAT  photographs on Facebook, Mr Venkatesh wished to once again, cover some more important places. On this visit, the left MINT WALK,  a part of the local history of Madras Black Town, sites of Esplanade Boundary pillar and Madi Poonga are Covered before the breakfast at Murugan Idly shop opposite to Armenian Church on Armenian Street. In addition to this Self and Ms. Nivedita Louis had seen the Emden Bombardment inscription on the east side wall of Madras High Court.

To have a clear view of firings from St. George Fort against invaders, Britishers, razed down the settlement in the present High Court area and erected 6 Pillars during the year 1773 CE (Body claims 13 pillars) along the present NSC Bose Road.  The Present Chenna Kesava Perumal and Chenna Malleeswarar temples were also shifted for which land and money for construction was given by the Britishers. Indians are allowed to construct beyond these boundary stones One such Pillar still remains at the left side of Dare House, presently called Parry Building. From 1911 CE, the Black Town was renamed after King George V as  George Town, in honor of his crowing as Emperor of India.

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The “Emden”, a 3600 tone German Ship fitted with 22 guns bombarded Madras City on 22nd September 1914, leaving 3 dead and 13 injured from 2.5 Km off the shore. The aim of this mission was to destroy the commercial ship, and oil storage vessels at Madras Port. It shoots the buildings on the shore also.  Some people claim that freedom fighter Dr Shenbagaraman was with Emden Ship during the bombardment, but there is no evidence to prove the same.   

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This park was created in 1968 by the Chennai Corporation on the remaining part of the old north side of the boundary wall of Black Town. The partially completed 3.5 miles wall with 17 bastions and 7 gates ( The seven gates of the wall are the Boatman Gate near Port Trust quarters, Pulley Gate near the road leading to Royapuram, Tiruvottiyur Gate next to Stanley Hospital, Ennore Gate near Mint, Elephant Gate, Chucklers' Gate near the Gujarati choultry and Hospital Gate near the General Hospital)  was constructed during 1772 CE.

Paul Benfield who constructed the Chepauk palace was constructed this also. This was constructed to protect the City from the French and Hyder Ali with enough clear space to keep the cannon to fire ( The Cannon is now kept inside the PWD workshop on the old Jail Road, probably taken from the wall ). It was proposed to levy a Tax for using the road along the wall which was objected to by the public, so the same was dropped. But still, the Wall Tax Road reminds the same.
The wall might be more than 60 feet thick and about 12 feet high. The park was created by the Chennai Corporation. The oldest inscription found belongs to 1957 CE.  The other part of the wall was demolished and utilized for the City’s expansion.
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Friday, February 24, 2017

Thanthondreeswarar Temple inscriptions and Mookkaruppu War inscriptions, Angalamman Temple, at Kurichi and Chekkadipatti and Komari kal at Belur, Salem District, Tamil Nadu.

19th February 2017
For the past two years, Salem Historical Center has found many historically important inscriptions relating to donations made to this Belur, Thanthondreeswarar Temple, Mookkaruppu Por/War or the Mysore war and establishing the fact of Salem being ruled directly by Chozha and Nayaks. The Details are as follows.

There are 5 inscriptions found in the temple. The details of the first inscription are as follows. This inscription is on the Northeast corner of the Temple opposite Bairavar Sannidhi. The Inscription belongs to Second Aditya Karikala's 3rd-year rule in 959 CE.  In that Sembian Milaadudayan has given an assurance that the taxes levied on Thuravi nadu villagers will be received by him. If anyone defaults, will go to hell. 

  1. ஸ்வஸ்தி ஸ்ரீ
  2. வீரபாண்டிய
  3. ன்றலை கொண்
  4. கோப்பரகேசரி
  5. பன்மற்கு யாண்டு 3
  6. ஆவது பார்க்கவகோ
  7. த்ரத்து மிலாடுடையா
  8. ன் அகலங்கள்
  9. லையராதித்தனான செ
  10. ம்பியன் மிலாடுடை
  11. யானேன் துறவி நா
  12. ட்டுராளிகளை ஊராளித்திறை
  13. நாற்கழஞ்சே காலே கொ
  14. ள்வதாக பூவிலை செய்
  15. து குடுத்தேன் செம்பி
  16. யன் மிலாடுடையா
  17. னேன்
  18. இது மா
  19. ற்றுவான்
  20. ஏழா நரக
  21. ம் புகுவான்

This is on the left side of Ambal Sannidhi's wall. In this relief, one lady is in a worshiping posture and another lady is doing pooja to Shiva. This inscription belongs to the 11th century. This speaks about how Brahma Kannan and his wife Sathya Kamala Devi donated a Bell and urchavar for this Veliyur ( The earlier name of Belur ) Temple.

  1. ஸ்வஸ்தி ஸ்ரீ எருத்த தொண்டியான்
  2. கண் (ணது) சத்தி கமல் தேவியூ

  1. எரிமணியூர் ()
  2. டி கணபதியா ரைய் சேவி
  3. த்தார் இவ்விரு
  4. வரும் வெளியூர்
  5. ஆண்டாருக்கு ஸ்ரீ

  1. வெளியூர்
  2. ஆண்டார்
  3. ஸ்ரீ பாத ரஷை
This is otherwise known as the Mysore War. The Mysore King  Kanthiruva Narasa Raja presumed that Thirumalai Nayakkar was behind Bijapur Sultan attacking Mysore. So he declared war against Thirumalai Nayakkar in the year 1656 AD through Sathyamangalam, which was under the rule of Thirumalai Nayakar. Mysore Raja’s captain Kembayya cuts the nose with the upper lip, of those common men including Children who are on their way to Madurai and sent to Mysore Raja.  In retaliation, Thirumalai Nayakar with the help of Sethupathi of Ramnad and Palayakarars of Salem Erode chased them to Mysore. This was mentioned in the book  “A Voyage to East India” written by J H Gross. In 1679 AD the Britishers mentioned in a resolution at St George Fort.  This inscription on a small pillar is the only written document found in the midst of the field states  மீசையுடநே மூக்கறு ப்பிச்சார்.

The inscription also speaks about the donation of pulling rope given to Madurai Chokkanathaswamy temple’s Chariot by Chinna Poobalarayan aka Chinnamanayakar. Viswanatha Nayaka, Thanjavur Adappa Sevvaya, Achutha Nayaka, and Trichy Mutharaiyar will be in favor of Thirumalai Nayakar. A letter was sent to Madurai, Thanjavur, and Senji forces had to move to Salem for Chinnapoobalarayar to battle against the Mysore king. At the same time, Venkatappa Nayaka came to Trichy, Rayarpalayam, and cut the nose with the mustache.

The land was also donated in favor of Thirumalai Nayakar. Further, it was mentioned that if anybody is a hindrance to this will get the curse equivalent to killing their father and mother. 

Soolam to mark the boundary line  (  எல்லையைக் குறிக்க சூலம் )

Part of the inscription tablet belongs  1st Parantaka Chozha dated 948 CE period was found in Angalamman Temple. There are 8 lines  which starts with ஸ்வஸ்தி ஸ்ரீ மதிரையும் ஈழமும் கொண்ட கோப்பரகெசரி பன்மருக்கு“. This is the title for 1st Paranthaka Chozhan. Hence this inscription is proof of Chozha’s direct rule in the Salem area.  This tablet is under worship by the locals.

The inscription is on the roadside and on the back side of the Mariamman Temple at Kurichi. This inscription belongs to the 17th century during the Viswanatha Thirumalai Nayakar period. This stone inscription mainly speaks about the village Kurichi was donated to Thanthondreeswarar Temple, which includes fields, ponds with fish, trees, well. It was also written that those who default on this inscription will get a curse equivalent to the killing of father and mother on the banks of river Ganga and those who take care will benefit equivalent to taking a bath in Ganga and conducting Aswamedha Yaga.

( மேற்க்கு பக்கம் )
  1. ஸ்வத் ஸ்ரீ மன் மகா
  2. மண்டலேச்வரன்
  3. ராசாதி ராசர் ராச பர
  4. மேசுவரன் ராசமிர்க்க
  5. ண்டன் ராச கெம் பீ
  6. ரன் மஹாபிரதாநரான ஆ
  7. னை கொந்த வெங்கடபதி ரா
  8. யர் பிறுதிவி ராச்சியம்
  9. பண்ணி அருளா நின்ற கா
  10. லத்தில் மஹா மந் பிரதானரா
  11. னை கொந்த வெங்கடபதி ரா
  12. யர் பிறுதிவி ராச்சியம்
  13. பண்ணி அருளா நின்ற கா
  14. லத்தில் மஹாமந் பிரதானரா
  15. ன விசுவன்நாத திருமலை
  16. நாயக்கர் வாசலு பிரதா
  17. ந மான ராமப்பய்யன் வா
  18. சல் பிறயதாநமான கொண்
  19. டப்பய்யன் மணி(ய)த்தில் சா
  20.  லிவாஹந  சகாப்தம்
  21. க்ஷருளாய க்ஷ இதின் மே
  22. ல் செல்லா நின்ற வெ
  23. கு தானிய வருஷம் அற்ப
  24. சி மீ எஉ விஜயதசமியும்
  25. சோமவாரமும் பெற்ற நா
  26. ளில் மகா மண்டல
  27. த்து வெளியுர்னாட்டி வெ
  28. ளியூரில் உடையார் தா
  29. ந் தோனீச்சுரமுடை
  30. யதம்பினாக்கு திருமலை நாய
  31. க் கரையன் புண்ணிய மா
  32. க கொண்டப்பையன் குடுத்
  33. த பரிசாவது இன்டைக்
  34. குறிச்சியாந கிறாமத்தில் நஞ்
  35. சையும் புஞ்சையும் நாற்
  36. பாங் கெல்லையும் தேன்
  37. படு வரையும் மீன்படு சு
  38. னையும் மேல்னோக்கின
  39. மரமும் கீள்னோக்கின கி
  40. ணரும் மற்றும் எ
( தொடர்ந்து கிழக்கு பக்கம் )

  1. ப் பேர்ப்பட்ட பல உரிமை க
  2. ளும் இன்னாயற்கு பூதா
  3. நமாக குடுத்தோம் இந்த
  4. கிறாமத்தை சந்திராதித்தர்
  5. வரையும் நடத்திவர க்
  6. டவராகவும் இத்தைனோக்கி
  7. நலனுக்கு கெங்கை யா
  8. டின பலனும் அசுவமேத
  9. யாஹம் பண்ணின பலனும் ஸா
  10. யுஜ்ய பதவியும் பெறு
  11. வார்கள் இதுக்கு அஹித
  12. ம் பேசினவன் கெங்கை
  13. கரையிலே பிராமண
  14. ரையும் காராம் பசு
  15. வையும் தத்தம் மாதா பி
  16. தாவையும் கொன்ற
  17. தோஷத்திலே போக
  18. கடவராகவும்

This is in the midst of a coconut tree farm 4 KM from Belur on the way to Thumbal. This inscription belongs to the 17th century and gives the details of Chinnamma Naikar’s legal heirs. Lakshmana Nayakar, one of the six sons of Chinnamma Nayakar had built a fort at Belur and constructed dams across Vashista nadhi.  He also donated the chain for the Madurai Meenakshi Amman Temple Chariot. For the same, he donated the person in charge a hundred Kuzhi ( Kuzhi - a measure of Land ) land in Lakshmana Samudram. He also constructed a madam in the name of his father Chinnamma Nayakar.

Knife for the symbol of Nayaks (குறுவால் நாயக்கர்களின் சின்னம் )..

This stone is on the opposite side of Sri Angalamman Temple.  Still, People used to bring their cattle to do pooja to this stone.  Also, People used to circumambulate the cattle around the Komari Kal to get cures from deceases. Normally the Komarikal used to have some symbols for which reasons are not known.


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Sri Ashtabhuja Bala Madhana Venugopala Swamy Temple / Ashtabhuja Venugopalaswamy Temple, Belur, Salem District, Tamil Nadu.

…. A continuation post ( Sri Theerthagreeswarar Temple Kurichi )
19th February 2017
This is the last stop of our Belur, Salem heritage walk. This Perumal temple is on the banks of Vashistanadi. This temple is dedicated to Perumal and his sister Parasakthi in the name of Maragatha Valli.

 Moolavar sanctum and left side yellow color sannidhi is Thayar sannidhi.

Moolavar  : Sri Ashtabuja Bala Madhana Venugopala Swamy.
                 Ashtabhuja Venugopalaswamy
Thayar     : Sri Poongothai

Some of the important features of this temple are….
The temple faces east with a three-tier Rajagopuram. Anjaneyar and Garuda Thoon are in front of the Rajagopuram but not on the same line. In the sanctum, Moolavar Sri Ashtabuja Bala Madhana Venugopala Swamy is with Sri Devi and Bhoodevi. ( Urchavars are kept at Sri Thanthondreeswarar temple considering the safety).

Moolavar is in the form of a relief panel with eight hands holding various weapons and articles including a sugar cane (signifies to remove the bad desires of sex). The upper two hands holding the Conch and disc belong to Sri Vishnu. The two hands below belong to Krishna's avatar.  The bottom 4 hands belong to Balaraman an incarnation of Sri Maha Vishnu. The cheeks on both sides have different characters. The left cheek is smooth belonging to the feminine character and the right cheek is a little rough belonging to the masculine.  The dress on the left is chiseled like a Pancha kacha saree and on the right leg is like a male.  On the top of the head, the 7-hooded Adiseshan.

In the artha mandapam moorthams of Alwars. In the outer prakaram sannadhi for Chakrathalwar & Yoga Narasimhar, Thumbikkai Alwar ( Vinayagar ), Poongothai Thayar, Maragatha Valli Ambal,  and Andal.

The temple consists of sanctum sanctorum, artha mandapam, and front mandapam. Balipeedam, Dwajasthambam,  Garudalwar are in the  front mandapam. Chakkarathalawar Sannidhi is in Dravida style of construction from the base. 

 Chakkarathalwar Sannadhi

It was believed that Vashistar installed this moortham.  The mandapam was built during the Nayak Period and their emblem of the sanctum Sanctorum with sun and moon are in the form of reliefs. ( the dog in the moon signifies what? ). A Kannada / Telugu inscription is on the entrance steps of the artha mandapam.

 Vijayanagara Nayaka's emblem of Prastaram nasi kudu

Maragatha Valli  Ambal is in a separate temple like sannidhi. Ambal looks old age. As per the legend, Ambal took different incarnations like Kamakshi, Visalakshi, Ulagammai, Parvati, and Thatchiyaayani.  The story starts in Madurai. A devotee ( Kanchanamalai in the next birth ) treated Meenakshi as a child and used to sing Thalattu to make her sleep. Ambal was pleased by her devotion and promised her that she would take rebirth as Meenakshi to her. The devotee was blessed to take rebirth as Kanchanamalai and married to Pandya king.  Perumal as a brother conducted the marriage of  Sri Meenakshi with Lord Shiva. So Ambal Maragathavalli took the form of an old mother and blessed the devotees in this temple.

Since Garudalwar belongs to the Rama avatar period, the wings are in chopped condition ( who fought with Ravana while Seetha was taken to Lanka ). Dwarapalakas are at the entrance of the artha mandapam and look beautiful.

The temple will be kept open between 06.00 Hrs to 11.00 Hrs and 16.00 Hrs to 20.00 Hrs.

The temple is about 30 KM from Salem and 6 Km from Valapady.
Town buses and share autos are available from Valapady.
The temple is on the other side of the Vashistanadi a walkable distance from the bus stop.


 Moolavar sanctum and right side painted with yellow color is Ambal sannidhi.

 The north side Vimanam  stucco images  look in North Indian Style - Puri Jaganath

 See the mouth of the female relief

 Front mandapam, Dwajasthambam, balipeedam  and Garudalwar

to be continued (Inscription Pillars of  Mookaruppu battle, Chekkampatti, Kurichi & Belur)

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Sri Theerthagreeswarar Temple / Sri Theertha Greeswarar, Belur, Salem District, Tamil Nadu.

... a Continuation post...
 19th February, 2017.

After the Sri Thanthondreeswarar temple visit, our lunch was hosted by the Historical Research Center. In the meantime, they had arranged a bus also to see the temples and historical sites around Belur, near Salem. Sri Theertha Greeswarar Temple is on the way to Arunootru Malai, one km from Kurichi. The temple is a km off the main road, on the west banks of Vashista River.

The temple is in dilapidated condition but Moolavar is under worship. The sanctum was constructed with stone without Vimana. In front, the Rishabam and the right horn is in broken condition. It was believed that the temple might have been constructed either same period or  before Sri Thanthodreeswarar Temple at Belur


... to be continued. ( Sri Ashta Buja Bala Madhana Venugopala Swamy Temple )


Sri Thanthondreeswarar Temple / ஸ்ரீ தான்தோன்றீஸ்வரர் கோயில், Belur, Salem district, Tamil Nadu.

 19th February 2017.
Utilizing the opportunity to attend the inauguration of the Salem Historical Research Centre, which functioned as Salem Varalaru Thedal Kuzhu, visited the heritage sites around Belur near Salem on 19th February 2017. More than 100 participants, including Scholars, enthusiasts, and College & School students, attended this Heritage walk. After the inauguration function,  visited important sites like Sri Thanthondreeswarar Temple, Sri Theerthagireeswarar Temple,  an inscription stone which speaks about the village Kurichi donated to Sri Theerthagireeswarar at Kurichi,  an inscription pillar amid field at Chekkadipattu, which is the evidence of Nayakas direct rule in this area, a Thannasi/ Komari Kal, Mookkaruppu battle the only evidence inscription pillar standing amid a millet field, a Parantaka Chozha – I, inscription at Angala Parameswari Temple and Sri Ashtabuja Bala Madhana Venugopala Swamy temple. 

A Royal treatment was given to all the participants by the organizers. I extend my sincere thanks to the organizers Mr. Aragalur Venkatesan Pon, Mr. Kalaiselvan, Mr. Srinivasan, Dr. Ponnambalam, Mr. Jeevanarayanan, Mr. Periyar Mannan, and other organizers. It was a nice experience to interact with history Scholars like Mr. Veeramani Veeraswamy, Mr. Sugavana Murugan, Mr. Mani, Mr. Edappadi Amudhan, and his Facebook friends.

This temple is the earth Sthalam, one of the Pancha bhuta Sthalams, on the banks of Vashista River aka Neevaa aka Vellaru in Salem district. ( The other Pancha bhuta Sthalangal are water – Ethappur, Sri Sambamurtheeswarar, Fire – Attur, Sri Karya Nirmaleswarar,  Air- Aarakazhur, Sri Kamanatha Eswarar and Space  - Kookaiyur, Sri Swarnapureeswarar ).

Moolavar    : Sri Thanthondreeswarar ( Swayambhu )
Consort      : Sri Dharmasamvardhini.

Some of the important features of this temple are …
The temple faces east with a 7-tier Rajagopuram.  In front of the Rajagopuram, there is a 4 pillar mandapam, a Garuda thoon and a mandapam ( This may be Sri Pachai Kandha Swamigal’s madam, which has to be explored ).

In the outer praharam sannidhi for  Pancha bhuta Lingas, Nayanmars, Kalyana Vinayagar, Nagars under dried  Sthala Vruksham, Subramanyar, Jyeshta Devi with Manthan and Manthi, Kaliyuga Subramaniar, Gajalakshmi, Navagrahas, Dhandayuthapani with Vinayagars on both sides under Vanni tree, Kanampulla Nayanar (it was believed that he is one of the 63 Nayanmars who lived here and worshiped lord Than Thontreeswarar), Pichadanar, Bhairavar, Chandran and Suriyan.

Dwarapalakas are at the entrance of the sannidhi and look cute.  In koshtam Vinayagar, Dakshinamurthy, Lingothbavar, Brahma and Durgai. In artha mandapam urchava murtis.   Everyone is a masterpiece of its kind ( it was believed that the icons, Chandrasekar, Uma Maheswarar, Saba Nayagar, and Vinayagar were unearthed while Ploughing the land behind the temple ).  In Saba mandapam, Nearby Vazhapadi Shiva temple’s  Nataraja looks very nice and the Muyalakan holds a knife, which is very unique, The lamp lady looks awesome.  Moolavar is about 3 feet tall, a little rough, and believed to be swayambhu.

Ambal is in a temple like Sannadhi on the left side of Shiva facing east. Stucco dwarapalakis are at the entrance. Ambal is in a standing posture with four hands. The upper hand holds the flowers, the lower right hand in abhaya hasta, and the left hand in vara hasta.

  This relief is above the Palipeedam on the ceiling, is a rare one, which represents to leave aanavam, kanmam, maayai, maamayai and  thirothaayi before entering the temple. ( பலிபீடத்திற்கு நேர் மேலே உள்ள சிற்பம், வேறுகோயிலில் காணமுடியாத அபூர்வ சிற்பம். இது ஆணவம், கன்மம், மாயை, மாமாயை, திரோதாயி என்ற இம்மலங்களின் உருவகம் இது ) .

The temple consists of Sanctum sanctorum, antarala, artha mandapam, maha mandapam and Vasantha mandapam. In maha mandapam Dwajasthambam, balipeedam, and Rishabam Idabam  The special feature of the Rishabam is both front legs are folded, which is very unique). The front mandapam pillars have the reliefs of Jwarakeswarar,  Milaku Chettiar, Pachai Kandha Swamigal, Vasistha Muni, Adhikara Nandhi, etc,. The front maha mandapam pillars are of Nayak period Yazhi pillars and a rotating stone ball inside its mouth is a special attraction.

 Mr Veeramani Veeraswamy  and his ancestor Sri Pachai Kandha Swamy

 A relief of a lady on the Artha mandapam pillar – see the hairstyle 

Even though it is claimed that the temple is 5000 years old, from evidence found in the form of inscriptions, the temple must be more or less 1200 years old. The sanctum was constructed by Chozhas and the front mandapam was constructed by Nayaks. 

There are 5 inscriptions documented so far inside the temple complex. The inscriptions belong to the period of  Athithan- II aka  Athitha Karikalan, ( 959 CE ),  3 nos of the 11th century and the 20th century. As per the inscription the Belur was called Veliyur. The inscriptions mainly speak about the donations given to the temple.  

As per the legend Arjuna had done penance here and prayed to lord shiva, for water to worship him, Lord Shiva shot an arrow which hit the hill in front of Belur. Water flowed from the place called Vellaru and the hill was called Arunutru Hill. Vashista Maharishi established 5 temples (later called Pancha bhuta Temples) along the river and worshiped Lord Shiva, hence the river was called Vashista River.

The temple will be kept open between 07.00 Hrs to 12.00 Hrs and 16.30 Hrs to 20.30 Hrs.

Siva Gurukkal may be contacted through his mobile at +91 96296 07409

The temple is about 30 KM from Salem and 6 Km from Vazhapadi.
Town buses and share autos are available from Vazhapadi.



 Jeyeshta Devi with Manthan and Agni matha ( Jyeshta has the trimmed stomach )

The original sthala virukasham was jack fruit tree, which changed to Kattu iluppai  due to curse of Vashista Maharishi (  பலா மரமாக இருந்து வசிஷ்டர் சாபத்தால் காட்டிலுப்பையாக மாறியது ) 

Bhirungi Muni

 Natarajar – on the left Manickavasagar 

 This Natarajar belongs to Vazhapadi Shiva Temple, kept here for safety reasons. . Please note that muyalakan is holding a knife similar to the Natarajar & Muyalakan available at Nallur, which is a rare one.  (  இந்த நடராசர் வாழப்பாடி சிவன் கோவிலை சேர்ந்தது. பாதுகாப்பு கருதி இங்கு வைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. முயலகன் கையில் கத்தி,   நல்லூர் நடராஜர் சிலையில் உள்ள முயலகன் போன்று உள்ளது ) .

 Dhandayuhapani under with his brother Ganesha under vanni tree

 Mr. Veeramani Veeraswamy explains at Golden Chariot 

 Inaugural  function - Book release 

Inaugural function

A section of my friends 

…. To be continued ( Sri Theerthagreeswarar Temple )