Monday, 28 October 2024

Sri Naganathaswamy Temple/ஸ்ரீ நாகநாத சுவாமி கோயில், Manambadi, Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu.

The Visit to this Sri Naganathaswamy Temple at Manambadi was a part of Rajendra Chozha War Trophy Trail, a Heritage walk organised by the Kumbakonam Vattara Varalatru Aayvu Sangam -  கும்பகோணம் வட்டார வரலாற்று ஆய்வு சங்கம் on 28th and 29th September 2024. The temple is in dilapidated condition. The stones above the adhistanam are scattered around the temple.

Moolavar: Sri Naganathaswamy

Some of the salient features of this temple are….
The temple is facing east, only with adhistanam. The Shiva Lingam, Balipeedam, and Koshta images are shifted to the Shed. The Koshta images are Vinayagar, Natarajar, Dakshinamurthy, Rishabanthigar, Lingothbavar,  Brahma, Durgai, Ganga Visarjanar, Pichadanar, and Maha Vishnu.

The Parivara deities Chandikeswarar, Chandran, Suriyan, Bairavar, 

The dilapidated temple consists of Sanctum Sanctorum, antarala and ardha mandapam. The adhistanam is only exists now. The Sanctum Sanctorum is ona pada bandha adhistanam with jagathy, three vrudha kumudam and pattikai. The bhitti starts with vedikai. The Koshtas are padra Koshtas.

The temple facing east comprises a Sanctum Sanctorum, ardha mandapam (quasi-pavilion), and mukha mandapam (facade pavilion). The devakostas (niches) of the temple contained images of Pichadanar, Nataraja, Vinayaka, and Dakshinamurthy. Lingodbhava, Brahma, Durga, and Gangadharamurthy. The makara torana over the northeastern niche contains the image of an elephant offering puja to Shiva. The Shiva Lingam is shaded by a tall tree and the same is identified to be the jamun tree (naval maram). On the rear side of the Shiva Lingam is shown a female image who is identified as river Kaviri.

முதலாம் இராஜேந்திரசோழன் காலத்தில் கட்டப்பட்ட இக்கோயில் திருக்கைலாயம் எனும் நாகநாத சுவாமி கோயிலாகும். இங்கு முதலாம் இராஜேந்திரசோழனின் ஆறு கல்வெட்டுக்கள் மற்றும் முதலாம் குலோத்துங்கனின் மூன்று கல்வெட்டுக்களும் இடம்பெற்றுள்ளது. முதலாம் இராஜேந்திர சோழனின் ( பொயு 1012 முதல் 1044 வரை ), கல்வெட்டொன்றில் இவ்வூர் இழஞ்சிக்குடி வீரநாராயணபுரம் என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டது. எனவே இக்கோயில் சுமார் 1000 ஆண்டுகள் பழமையான கோயில் எனலாம். இங்கு இக்கோயிலின் தென்புறம் கோஷ்டத்தில் உள்ள நடராஜரை இராஜேந்திரசோழன் வணங்குவது போன்று காணப்படுகின்றது

இக்கோயில் கருவறை, அர்த்தமண்டபம். முன்மண்டபம் என்ற அமைப்பில் கிழக்கு நோக்கி கட்டப்படு உள்ளது. தேவகோஷ்டங்களில் பிச்சாடனார், நடராசர், விநாயகர், தட்சிணாமூர்த்தி, லிங்கோத்பவர். பிரம்மா, துர்க்கை, கங்காதரமூர்த்தி அகிய சிற்பங்கள் உள்ளன. இதில் வடகிழக்கு மூலையில் உள்ள கோஷ்டத்தில் மேலுள்ள மகரத்தோரண அலங்காரத்தின் மையத்தில் யானை ஒன்று சிவலிங்கத்தை பூஜிப்பது போல உள்ளது. சிவலிங்கத்தின் பின்னால் ஒரு நீண்ட மரம் ஒன்று உள்ளது. இதுவே நாவல்மரமாக குறிப்பிடப்படுகிறது. இதன் பின்பகுதியில் மரத்தை ஓட்டி நின்ற நிலையில் பெண் உருவம் ஒன்றும் உள்ளது. தமிழ்நாடு அரசு தொல்லியல் துறை இந்த பெண் சிற்பத்தினை இதுவரை கிடைத்த காவிரி சிற்பத்தோடு ஒப்பிடப்படுகிறது.

The temple was constructed during the time of Rajendra Chola-I. It is also known as Thirukailayam. The 6 inscriptions belong to Rajendra Chola-I, reign, and 3 inscriptions belong to Kulothunga Chola-I’s period. One of the inscriptions of Rajendra Chozha-I, ( 1012- 1014 CE ), records this place as Ilanjikudi Vira Narayanapuram. The portrait sculpture of Rajendra Chola-I with his queen located on the southern side of the mukha mandapa is represented in the act of worshipping Nataraja enshrined in the niche (deva kosta), on the plan. 

Kulothunga Chozha-I’s 18th reign year inscription ( ARE on the north wall of the central Shrine commences with the introduction of his meikeerthi Pugalmadu Vilanga, etc. Registers a grant of land in Nagappadi as authorities to küttütluk kani by the Nagarattar and the temple Vikkiramādittan Tirnmudukunran alias Virudarajah bayankara-Acharyan, for enacting the Tamulakkattu on five occasions during the Chittirai festival in the temple of Kailasamudaiya-Mahadeva at Viranārāyanapuram in Milalai nādu.

Kulothunga Chozha –I’s 8th reign year inscription ( ARE 91 / 1932 ), on the north wall of the central Shrine, Commences with the introduction of Virame Tunaiyagavum, etc. Records gift of some land by the Nagarattar of Viranārāyanapuram, for the expenses of the Tiruvidi festival of the god in the month of Chittirai.

Two fragmentary inscriptions ( ARE 92/ 1932 ) on the north wall of the central shrine each containing a portion of the introduction of Rajendra Chola I commencing with the words Tirumanni valara', etc.

Rajakesarivarman Thiribhuvana Chakravarthikal Kulothunga Chozha Deva’s 36th reign year damaged inscription ( ARE 93 / 1932) of the North and west Walls of the central Shrine, Commences with the introduction Pugalsülnda Punari ….   Registers a gift of land by purchase making it tax-free by payment of a consolidated amount to the assembly of Viranārāyanapuram in Milalai-nādu, by a merchant of the village, for offerings etc., during the seven days of the Chittirai festival.

Parakesarivarman Thiribhuvana Chakravarthikal Kulothunga Chozhadeva’s ( year lost ) inscription (ARE 94/1932) on the west wall of the central shrine, Commences with the introduction Pugalmādu vilanga, etc.. of Kulõttunga-I. Records an agreement given by the Sivabrahmanas and the Sthanattar of the temple to measure 111 kalam of paddy annually as interest on 444 kalam endowed by the merchant mentioned in No. 93 above in addition to the gift of the same land for the festival. Provision was also made for the enactment of akuttu and for feeding the devotees in the Baktagalbakta-matha.

Parakesarivarman Thiribhuvana Chakravarthikal Kulothunga Chozhadeva’s 36th reign year inscription (ARE 95/1932) on the west and south walls of the central shrine, Registers the order (sammada-niyōga) issued by the Nagarattar of Viranārāyanapuram to the devakanmis and the Müheśvaras of the temple of Śri-Kailäsa Mudaiyar, permitting the latter to supply daily during the seven days of the festival mentioned above. 2000 lilies from the tank called 'Nambinangai”. Mentions the Maheśvara Mānambadi-Pichtcher,

Rajakesarivarman  Chakravartigal Kulothunga Chozhadeva’s 23rd reign year inscription ( ARE 96 / 1932) on the South wall of the Central shrine, begins with the introduction of Pusalsülnda Punari, etc. Ends of lines built in. Registers the agreement given by the Sivabrahmanas of the temple of Kailasamudaiya-Mahādēva to feed the Apûrvi Maheśvaras (pilgrims) in the temple with the interest on the paddy received by them from a merchant of Gangaikonda-Cbõlapuram.

Rajakesarivarman Rajendra Chozha’s 5th reign year inscription ( ARE 97/1932), on the South wall of the central Shrine,  Commences with the introduction of Tirumanni valara etc. Damaged at the end. Records the agreement made by the Śivabrāhmanns of the temple of Śri-Kailasamudaiyar in Ilaichchikudi alias Viranārāyanapuram situated in Milalai-nādu, a division of Vadagarai Rajendrasimha-valarādu, to burn three perpetual lamps for the money received by them from Maraikkādan Patanjali Bhatāra of Nängür, who was doing the Devaranayakam of Rajendra-Choladeva, i.e. the king.

Rajakesarivarman Rajendra Chozha’s 4th reign year inscription ( ARE 98/1932), on the South wall of the central Shrine, Registers a grant of land, free of taxes, by the Nagarattār of Ilachchikkudi alias Viranārāyanapuram for forming a flower-garden called after the king, for the temple.

Annual Report on South Indian Epigraphy, Year Ending 31st March 1932. 

The temple is under the control of the Tamil Nadu Archaeological Department. It was said that the temple would be reconstructed, in the future once the fund is allotted by the Tamil Nadu Government. 

Oru Kala Pooja is conducted to the Shiva Lingam kept in the Shed.

Since the oru kala Pooja is conducted, the opening and closing times are unpredictable.


This Sri Naganathaswamy dilapidated temple at Manambadi is on the Kumbakonam to Chennai Road.
The temple is about 2.3 KM from Cholapuram, 6.2 KM from Thirupanandal, 15 KM from Kumbakonam, and 35 KM from Mayiladuthurai.
The nearest Railway Station is Kumbakonam.



Sunday, 27 October 2024

Thiruvelliyangudi Kola Villi Ramar Temple / திருவெள்ளியங்குடி கோலவில்லி ராமர் கோயில்/Divya Desam 17 - Sukhra Sthalam, Thiruvallangudi, Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu.

The Visit to this Thiruvelliyangudi Kola Villi Ramar Temple was a part of the Rajendra Chozha War Trophy Trail, a Heritage walk organized by the Kumbakonam Vattara Varalatru Aayvu Sangam -  கும்பகோணம் வட்டார வரலாற்று ஆய்வு சங்கம் on 28th and 29th September 2024. This is the 17th Divya Desam of 108 Divya Desam and a Sukra sthalam. 

This place was called as a Bhargava Kshetra during ancient times. This is the 17th Divya Desam of the 108 Divya Desams and mangalasasanam was done by Thirumangai Azhwar.

ஆய்ச்சியர் அழைப்ப வெண்ணெய் உண்டு ஒருகால்
        ஆல் இலை வளர்த்த எம் பெருமான்
பேய்ச்சியை முலை உண்டு இணை மருது இறுத்து
        பெருநிலம் அளந்தவன் கோயில்
காய்த்த நீள் கழுகும் கதலியும் தெங்கும்
        எங்கும் ஆம் பொழில்களின் நடுவே.
வாய்த்த நீர் பாயும் மண்ணியின் தென்பால்
        திருவெள்ளியங்குடி அதுவே.

ஆநிரை மேய்த்து அன்று அலைகடல் அடைத்திட்டு
        அரக்கர் தம் சிரங்களை உருட்டி.
கார் நிறை மேகம் இலந்தது ஓர் உருவக்
        கண்ணனார் கருதிய கோயில்
பூநிரைச் செருந்தி புன்னை முத்து அரும்பி
        போதும்பிடை வரி வண்டுமிண்டி
தேன் இரைத்து உண்டு அங்கு இன்இசை முரலும்
        திருவெள்ளியங்குடி அதுவே `
….. திருமொழி 4ஆம் பத்து, 10 ஆவது திருமொழி

Moolavar   : Sri Kolavilli Ramar
Utsavar     : Sri Shringara Sundaran
Consort     : Sri Maragadhavalli thayar

Some of the salient features of this temple are….
The temple faces east with a 3-tier Rajagopuram. Balipeedam, Dwajasthambam, and Chaturbhuja Garudan are after the Rajagopuram and in front of Mandapam. Dwarapalakas are at the entrance of the sanctum sanctorum. Moolavar is in Sayana Kolam, keeping the head on the South Side, and Brahma is on Lotus from Moolavar’s Naval. Moolavar is without Shankha and chakra. (The legend behind this is given below.) Sridevi and Bhudevi are near the feet. Utsavar Sri Ramar is with his Consorts and Andal. There are no images in the Koshtam.

Inner praharam Narasimhar, Viswaksenar, and Alwars. In the outer praharam Thayar and Andal.    

The temple consists of sanctum sanctorum antarala, ardha mandapam, and maha mandapam. The Sanctum sanctorum is rectangular in shape to accommodate Moolavar’s Sayana posture. The Sanctum Sanctorum is on a lotus petals platform (upanam) and a simple pada bandha adhistanam with Jagathy, Threepatta kumudam, and Pattikai. The Bhitti starts with vedikai. The pilasters are of Vishnukantha plasters with kalasam, kudam, mandi palakai, and vettu pothyal. The prastaram consists of valapi and kapotam. The superstructure vimanam is of one tala with stucco images of Maha Vishnu’s various avatars/forms. The Vimanam is of Salakara style. The Vimanam is called Pushkalavarthaga Vimanam.

The temple was built with stone from Adhistanam to half of the Bhitti. And above that was built with bricks. The inner praharam and mandapas are Vavval nethi style, built during the Nayakas/Marathas.     

Even though it is believed that the temple existed in 4 Yugas, the original structure belongs to the 07th to 08th century and later received contributions from Chozhas, Pandyas, Vijayanagaras, Nayakas, and Marathas.

Perumal and Thayar Sannidhis ardha mandapam walls are laid with Granite stone in July 2010.

Jeernodharana Maha Samprokshanam was conducted on 14th September 1980, 08th July 2001, and 23rd June 2016.  

The Vijayanagara King Krishnadevaraya Maharaya’s period Saka 1439 (1517 CE), a damaged inscription (ARE 100/1932) on the north wall of the central shrine records the eastern conquests of the king and the Śiva and Vishnu temples in the Chola- Mandalam to which he made a gift of certain taxes (cf. A-R. for 1924-25, Part U, рuв. 32).

Annual Report on South Indian Inscriptions, year ending March 1932.

Garuda is in a standing posture holding Shankha and Chakra, which belong to Maha Vishnu. The legend goes like this…  Mayan, father of Mandothari’s father Mayan, was a great Sculptor for Demons, like Viswakarma for Devas.  Mayan wished to construct a place for Sri Rama. Brahma advised Mayan to do penance of Maha Vishnu at Thiruvelliyangudi. Satisfied with the penance of Mayan, Maha Vishnu gave darshan, but Mayan expressed his desire for Rama’s darshan. Admiring the wish of the Mayan, Maha Vishnu gave his Shankha and Chakra to Garuda and gave darshan as Kolavilli Rama to the Mayan, holding a bow and arrow. 

In Vamana Avatar, after the Yagna, Sukracharyar, the Guru of Mahabali, obstructs the donation of 3 steps of land to the small Brahmin Boy, since he knew that the Brahmin boy was none other than Maha Vishnu came as Vamana. But Mahabali denied it and told his guru that he would be happy if he got killed by Maha Vishnu. Sukrachariyar took the form of a beetle and blocked the nozzle of the kamandala. Knowing this, Maha Vishnu cleared the nozzle by inserting a grass, which hit the eyes of Sukrachariyar. After the episode, Sukrachariyar came to this temple and prayed to Maha Vishnu to get back his eyesight. Hence, this place Thiruvelliyangudi is considered as Sukra Dhosha parihara Sthalam, and also Rama is called Nethra Murthy. Also, devotees pray to get rid of eye-related ailments.

In another legend, when Rama was taking a rest, keeping the head on Sita’s lap, Jayandan, the son of Indra, took the form of a crow and misbehaved with Sita. In the process, the blood of Sita spilled on Rama due to being hit by Jayandan. Angere,d Rama used his fingers as a bow and shot the crow with a grass as an arrow. The grass chased Jayandan. Unable to escape, Jayandan surrendered to Sita and begged her to forgive him. Since Rama used his fingers as a bow, Rama is called Kolavilli Ramar ( Kola- posture and Vill is called a bow in Tamil).

Apart from regular poojas, special poojas, like Rama Navami, Gokulashtami, Navarathri, Thirukarthigai, and Vaikunda Ekadasi, are conducted in a grand manner.

The temple will be kept open between 08.00 hrs and 11.00 hrs and between 17.00 hrs and 19.00 hrs.

The landline number of Ramamurthy Bhattar is +914352943152, and the mobile numbers +919443396212 and +91 93457 94354 may be contacted for further details.

This Sri Kolavilli Ramar temple at Thiruvalliyangudi is about 4.5 km from Cholapuram Bus Stop, 5.8 km from Thirupanandal, 7 km from ThiruMangalagudi / Aduthurai, and 30 km from Mayiladuthurai.
The nearest railway station is Kumbakonam.



Saturday, 26 October 2024

Sri Kasi Viswanathar Temple/ Shri Kashi Viswanath Temple/ ஸ்ரீ காசி விஸ்வநாதர் கோயில், Chozhapuram, Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu.

The Visit to this Sri Kasi Viswanathar Temple at Cholapuram was a part of Rajendra Chozha War Trophy Trail, a Heritage walk organised by the Kumbakonam Vattara Varalatru Aayvu Sangam -  கும்பகோணம் வட்டார வரலாற்று ஆய்வு சங்கம் on 28th and 29th September 2024.

This Shri Kashi Viswanath Temple is one of the three Shiva temples built in a straight line (South to North), in Chozhapuram Village, which may be a little later than the other Sri Bairaveshwarar and Sri Kailasanathar Shiva Temples.   

Moolavar   : Sri Kasi Viswanathar
Consort     : Sri Visalakshi

Some of the salient features of this temple are….
The Temple faces east with Sanctum Sanctorum. Moolavar is on a round avudayar. Vinayagars, Chandikeswarar, Dakshinamurthy, Saptamatrikas, Damaged Dakshinamurthy, and Bairavar (damaged) are loose sculptures in the open mukha mandapam. Two Bhutaganas are in front of sanctum sanctorum. There are no images in the deva koshtams.

Murugan as a Gajavahanan and Maha Vishnu are in the Vimana Greeva koshtams.

 Part of Saptamatrikas or Jyeshta Devi..?

The temple consists of sanctum sanctorum, and open ardha mandapam. The sanctum sanctorum is on a bandha Adhistanam with pada Jagathy, Vrudha kumudam, and prativari. The Bhitti starts with vedikai. The Pilasters are Vishnu kantha kantha pilasters with square bases, kalasam, kudam, mandi, palakai, and taranga pothyal. The Koshtas are padra koshtas. Kumba panjaras are on the outside antarala wall.

The prastaram consists of valapi with bhuta ganas, kapotam with nasi kuds, and viyyalavari. The vimana over the prastaram is of eka tala vesara Vimanam built with bricks. Murugan on Elephant vahana is on the front side of the greeva koshtam.   

The temple belongs to the 10th to 11th century Chozha period. Kulothunga Chozha-I’s period inscriptions are found on the adhistanam. The temple is in damaged condition and reconstruction is in progress.

Rajakesarivarman Chakravatikal Kulothunga Chozha’s damaged and incomplete inscription on the west wall of the deserted temple on the north side of the main road, Ends of lines built in. Commences with the introduction of Pugulsülnda Punari etc. Seems to record the remission, by the Nagarattar of Viranarayanapuram, of taxes on certain lands purchased by some persons for the temple of Kulōttungachollavaram-Udaiyar 

Annual report on South Indian Epigraphy Year ending 31st March 1932. (ARE 99/ 1932)

In a Shiva Temple, in place of Shiva’s image, Murugan on an Elephant called Airavatam is on the front side of the Greeva koshtam. Murugan is with 4 hands. The upper hand is holding Vajrayudham and a rooster the lower right hand is in Abhaya Hastam and the left hand is in on the elephant.

As per the legend, the Elephant Iravatam was, gifted by Indra for Devasena’s marriage.  This iconography Murugan is called Gajavahanan or Gajaroodar, and the elephant is also called Pinimukha. It was a practice of the Elephant Vahana installed in front of Murugan temples before installing the peacock Vahana, which indicates the antiquity of the Temple.

Murugan on an Elephant

Oru kala pooja is conducted in the morning, no special poojas are conducted.  

Since oru kala Pooja is conducted, the opening and closing times are unpredictable.

The Mobile number +91 99946 94067 may be contacted for further details.

This Sri Kasi Viswanathar Temple is about 500 meters from the Solapuram main Road bus stop, on the north side of the Village Cholapuram. 
This place Cholapuram is on Kumbakonam to Chennai Road, 6.5 KM from Thirupanandal, 12.5 KM from Kumbakonam, and 35 KM from Mayiladuthurai.
The nearest Railway Station is Kumbakonam.


 Bhuta ganas

 Trees on Vimana
Maybe Chembian Madevi

 Temple under (re)construction
Temple under (re)construction
Temple under (re)construction
Temple under (re)construction
A loose sculpture under a neem tree, near the temple