Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Sri Ennai Petra Thayar Samedha Sri Bhakthavatsala Perumal Temple at Thiruninravur - Uzhavaram with Chennai Sevas, Thiruvallur District Tamil Nadu.

 1st September 2015.
This trip to Thiruninravur was planned about 2 weeks before to join Uzhavaram by Chennai Sevas on 30th August 2015. Started my journey to Thiruninravur in the early morning, around 05.45 Hrs from Guindy Chennai. When the people are busy with Sunday sleeping, youngsters playing cricket in the open layouts, Photo walkers and weekend clickers are busy clicking the beautiful early morning moments. I also joined Chennai Sevas for Uzhavaram at Thiruninravur Sri Ennai Petra Thayar samedha sri Bhaktavatsala Perumal temple. Though I started earlier, I could reach Thiruninravur only around 08.30 Hrs. The Sevas timings were between 08.30 Hrs to 13.30 Hrs. Since Hridayaleeswarar Shiva temple and Eri Katha Ramar temple will be closed after 12.00 Hrs, had the darshan before joining with Sevas.

Moolavar Vimanam- closer view 

I was late by 1 hour ( remembering attending the classes during school days). I did not feel tired and hungry till they called us for Tea ( Since I had started early morning, I had not had breakfast). The weather was too hot, and we could not do service on the terrace and granite outer praharam floor.  I was completely exhausted by 12.30 hrs and had taken a rest till Sevas called for the Kootu Prarthanai and important announcements.  Had the lunch of sambar and curd rice served by Sevas.  After saying goodbye, I started my return journey Home and reached around 17.00 hours. It was a wonderful experience with Chennai Sevas. I extend my thanks to Chennai Sevas for allowing me to join them for the Uzhavaram.


This temple is about 3 km from Thiruninravur Railway station. This Perumal temple and Eri Katha Ramar Temples are very near to each other.  

Front view through Rajagopuram

This is 58th of 108 Divya desam, and mangalasasanam was done by Thirumangai Alwar. 

பூண்டவத்தம் பிறர்க்கடைந்து தொண்டுபட்டுப்
பொய்ந்_லை மெய்ந்_லென் றென்றுமோதி
மாண்டு, அவத்தம் போகாதே வம்மினெந்தை
என்வணங்கப் படுவானை, கணங்களேத்தும்
நீண்டவத்தைக் கருமுகிலை எம்மான்தன்னை
நின்றவூர் நித்திலத்தைத் தொத்தார்சோலை,
காண்டவத்தைக் கனலெரிவாய்ப் பெய்வித்தானைக்
கண்டதுநான் கடல்மல்லைத் தலசயனத்தே. 
..... திருமங்கை ஆழ்வார் ( 1089 )

ஏற்றி னையிம யத்துளெம் மீசனை
இம்மை யைமறு மைக்கு மருந்தினை,
ஆற்ற லை அண்டத் தப்புறத் துய்த்திடும்
ஐய னைக்கையி லாழியொன் றேந்திய
கூற்றி னை, குரு மாமணிக் குன்றினை
நின்ற வூர்நின்ற நித்திலத் தொத்தினை,
காற்றி னைப்புன லைச்சென்று நாடிக்
கண்ண மங்கையுள் கண்டுகொண் டேனே 
..... திருமங்கை ஆழ்வார் (1642 )

Moolavar : Sri Bhaktavatsala Perumal
Thayar    : Sri Ennai Petra Thayar.

Some of the important features of this temple are….
The 4-pillar mandapam is in front, and there is also a 4-pillar mandapam in the outer praharam. The temple faces east with a 5-tier Rajagopuram. Dwajasthambam and balipedam are at the entrance of the temple.

In the outer praharam sannadhi for Thayar, Manavala Mamunigal, Koorathalwar, Thirumangai alwar sannadhi, Chakkarathalwar, Adhi sheshan, Sri Andal, Senai Mudalvar, and Urchavar mandapam.

In sanctum Sri Bhaktavatsala Perumal with Sridevi and Bhudevi. There is a Andal Nachiyar’s urchavam  in front of moolavar.

It was told that Thayar Mahalakshmi had done penance at this place, and Samudra Rajan and Kuberan called Ennai Petra Thayar to join with Perumal. Hence, this place is called Thiruninravur, and Thayar is called Ennai Petra Thayar.

The main sanctum has artha mandapam and maha mandapam (  here also there is a 4 pillar mandapam). In the artha mandapam there is a sannadhi for Yoga Narasimhar.

Moolavar Vimanam

It is believed that the temple is 1000 to 2000 years old, and there is no inscriptional evidence found to prove its antiquity. 

The temple is kept open for darshan between 07.00 Hrs and 12.00 hours (it will be extended another 30 minutes on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays) and 16.30 Hrs to 21.00 Hrs.

The Temple phone numbers are 044 26390434 and 9840192735.

The temple is about 3 km from Thiruninravur Railway Station, which is on the way from Chennai Central to Tiruvallur- Arakkonam.
Town buses are available from the Railway station south side, 54A to Poonamallee and M54 to T Nagar (Rs 3.00 is charged for a 3 km distance)
Share autos are available from Thiruninravur railway station (Rs 7 was charged).


 4 Pillar mandapam
The 5 tier Rajagopuram
Dwajasthambam and balipeedam
4 Pillar mandapam in the outer praharam
Thayar sannadhi with shed in front
Andal sannadhi
Outer praharam
 Manavala mamunikal sannadhi
 Pillars in Rajagopuram 

 Ladies kolattam relief

Ladies, Kummi plays the relief
 Relief on the floor of Rajagopuram 
Relief on the Ceiling of Rajagopuram 
To be continued.....

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