Monday, 15 December 2014

Arulmigu Sri Arunacahaleswarar Temple - The Temples on the Girivalam Route, Thiruvannamalai, Thiruvannamalai District, Tamil Nadu.

 15, December 2014
It was a long wish to do Girivalam in the daytime to enjoy the beauty of the hill and visit some of the caves where Sri Ramana Maharishi had done meditation. This came true on 13th December 2014. The details and experiences of the temple and Sri Ramana Maharishi’s cave visit were written in separate posts. After reaching Thiruvannamalai kept my backpack in the cloakroom and tried to get the blessing of  Lord Arulmigu Arunachaleswarar before Girivalam. Since the crowd was too large, planned to do the Girivalam first. Started from the temple at 12.30 Hrs and returned back to the temple by 17.30 Hrs. It took 5 Hrs to do the Girivalam. As per the saints and Siddhars, we should walk like pregnant ladies.  Sri Ramana Maharishi took more days to make one round and stayed on the Girivalam route during the night.

The Girivalam of Thiruvannamalai Sri Arunachaleswarar is in the form of a hill that is unique. There are many herbs on the hill, and the breeze that blows over them is good for our bodies. Hence it is advised to go around the hills with a bare body.  Also early morning 05.00 AM  or evening 05.00 PM are said to be the ideal times for circumambulation of the hill and the same is called as  GIRIVALAM. Also, it is believed that Siddhars and great souls go around the hill, they may not be visible to the human eyes.  It is advised to circumambulate on the left side of the road without making any noise, except chanting “ OM Namasivaya “. It is also believed that when we do the Girivalam siddhars blesses us.  One thing is sure without Sri Arnachaleswarar’s grace we cannot do the Girivalam. I am proud that I am also one of the blessed souls to do this girivalam with bare feet ( It is believed that the stones on the path are Shiva Lingas and there are a lot of Shiva Lingas on the earth ).

On the Girivalam route apart from Ashta Dik Shiva Lingas there are Pancha bootha Nandhis are installed. It is believed that the Darshan of Sri Arunachaleswara Hill through the horns of Nandi is good for us. The Hill changes its shape throughout the girivalam route. When I did the Girivalam I was not able to see the clear view of the hills due to smoke coming out of the Deepam, rain, and black rain clouds.

     Sri Arunachaleswarar Temple view from Sri Skandashram
The details and experience of my Girivalam are as follows.



After praying Lord Sri Arunachaleswara from the east Rajagopuram started my Girivalam towards Indira Lingam. The sannadhi is in the bazaar, between shops. Some people say we have to start Girivalam from Brahma Lingam and through South Rajagopuram proceed to Indira Lingam and finish at Sri Bootha Narayana Perumal sannidhi. And some people say we should start from Rettai Pillayar and finish at the same place.

 Entrance to the sannadhi from the main road 
Indira Lingam Sannadhi 

From Indira Lingam reached the junction of South Rajagopuram Road and took the right side path at the signal on Chengam Road. The view of the Hill from South Rajagopuram is called Eka Munikal Koombu Muka Darshan.

After crossing Simha Theertham and  Karpaga Vinayagar Temple, comes the Agni lingam on the right side of the main road. There is an arch that guides us to the sannadhi. The sannadhi is in between the houses. The sannadhi is very small without gopuram or arches.

Agni Lingam Sannadhi
The view of the hills is not clear due to smoke coming out of the Deepam, rain, and black rain clouds. On the right of main road Indira Theertham with Indira mandapam. The view of the hill is called Thejo Mukha Linga Darshan.

Then comes Sri Seshadri and Sri  Ramana Maharishi ashrams. From Sri Ramana Maharishi’s Ashram, the hill darshan is called Eru Pancha Mukha Darshan. Near Ramanashram, there is an ashram and from there the hill darshan is called Dida Muka Darshan.

 Sri Seshadri Swamigal Ashram
 Sri Ramana Maharishi Ashram 
Vada Mukha Darshan

When we proceed further There is a mandapam built on a rock and darshan from there is called Bringi Muni Mayana Darshan. The next one is the Prithvi nandhi and this is the first of Pancha Bootha nandhi. The Darshan through the horns of Nandhi is called Prithvi Bangaaru Muka Darshan.

One of the theertham without water and maintenance

This is the 3rd of the Ashta Dik Lingams.

Yema Lingam
Yama lingam Sannadhi

Appu nandi deity is in a small mandapam. This is the second of Panchabootha Nandi. The darshan through the horns of this Rishabam is called Mitra Chaaru Darshan. This darshan gives us strength to retrieve the lost money, property, etc,.

Maha nandi Mandapam
An old kal / stone  mandapam 
Iyaswareswarar Temple 

One of the theertha pond with a stucco Rishabam
Vinayagar Temple in front of Sudhai nandhi 

This is the 4th of the Ashta Dik Lingams.

Niruthi Lingam Sannadhi
Niruthi Lingam Sannadhi 

Then comes Sri Seshadri and Sri  Ramana Maharishi ashrams. From Sri Ramana Maharishi’s Ashram, the hill darshan is called Eru Pancha Mukha Darshan. Near Ramanashram, there is an ashram and from there the hill darshan is called Dida Muka Darshan.

After crossing Simha Theertahm and  Karpaga Vinayagar Temple, comes the Agni lingam on the right side of the main road. There is an arch that guides us to the sannadhi. The sannadhi is in between the houses. The sannadhi is very small without gopuram or arches.

Next is the Siva Raja Singa Theertham. On the banks is a Rishabam as a deity. After this, the route becomes shrubbery on the right side and obstructs the view of the hill. This shrubbery is called Kaama Kadu, ie the forest of desire.

The Theyu nandhi is the third of the Pancha Bootha Nandhi. The darshan through the horns of the Rishabam is called Chathur Mukha Darshan.  Lord Brahma attains the proficiency of the Vedas after having this darshan.

On the left comes the Gayatri Darshan. We may get the grace of Mother Gayathri, Lakshmi, and Saraswati by worship. Next is the Sakthi Siva Darshan. This darshan gives solace to King Nala and his wife Dhamayanthi to reunite with their kids.

 Vallalar sannadhi

Partial Arunachaleswara vision with shrubbery ( Kaama Kadu )
 Palani Andavar Thirukoil 
 Sri Rajarajeswari Thirukoil
  abandoned theertha kulam
Sri  Adimudi Siddhar Jeeva Samadhi
Inside view of Sri Adi mudi Siddhar jeeva samadhi


 Suriya Lingam 
Inside mandapam sannidhi 
This is the 5th of the eight Ashta Dik Lingams on the Girivalam route.

 Varuna Lingam sannadhi
Varuna Lingam 

Next on the left Sri Unnamulai mandapam & Unnamulai Amman with Theertham pond. Mother Unnamulai Amman had done many years of severe penance at this place. The darshan from this mandapam is called the Somaskand Darshan.

Sri Unnamulai Amman sannadhi

The darshan from here is called Siva Yoga Muka  Darshan. Thirumoolar also had the darshan from here.

The 5 tier Rajagopuram

Manickavasagar Mandapam and his temple are near Adi Arunachaleswarar. The Thiruvasaga Pathigam Thiruvempavai was sung from this place.

 Manickavasagar Sannadhi 
 Manickavasagar sannadhi 
Sri Arunachala  darshan 
This is the 6th of eight Ashta Dik Lingams. The darshan from here is called Kanda Neeru Muka Darshan. This will cure the problems related to Vayu.

Vayu Lingam Sannadhi ( see the entrance opposite  to moolavar - so small )

Next is a small nandhi. The darshan through the horns of the Rishabam is known as Janma sabalya Muka Darshan. This offers salvation from the curses received in many births.

Abhaya Mandapam. The darshan from here is called Dasamukha Darshan. Ravanan got rid of the problems due to the sins through this darshan.

Nama Shivaya Ashram

Chandra Lingam Sannadhi

Sri la Sri  Lobha Matha Agasthiar Ashram. This was established by GurunMangala Gandharva Venkatraman, the 1001st teacher in the Agasthiyar divine teacher lineage. The darshan from here is called the Siva and Sakthi Aikiya Shivaroopa Darshan. In this Siva and Sakthi are in perfect alignment. This darshan helps marriage to unmarried persons.

Sri La Sri Loba Matha Agasthiyar Ashram 

Then comes the Adhikara Nandi shrine.

This is the 7th of eight Ashta Dik Lingams. Mother Lakshmi worshiped herself here.

Sri Kubera lingam

This shrine will remove the karmas of millions of births. People used to come through the narrow gap. It is believed that this will remove the fear of death. Also, it signifies how we came to this world through our mother's womb. This is very much similar to the Yama dwar in Kailash Parikrama route starting point.

Idukku Pillayar Sannidhi

Then comes the Pancha Mukha darshan. This darshan will bless devotees to enhance their career development.

Pancha Mukha Darshan  (smoke/cloud-covered two peaks at the Centre hill is from Deepam )

Then comes the darshan of Kona Linga Muka darshan while we are passing the cemetery. The soul does not want anything except Lord Shiva will have this darshan.

Kona Linga Muka Darshan  before the cemetery 

This is the 8th of eight of Ashta Dik Lingams.

Esanya lingam
Esanya lingam sannadhi

Next is the Mother Durga Temple. The darshan from here on the full moon day is called Arunachala Maya Kuzhi Vadu Linga Muka Darshan. This will remove the maya that arises due to desire.

Then comes the Pavazha Kundru Darshan in Arunachala or Palani Murugan Darshan.

Arunachala Pashupati Darshan, Rettai Pillayar, and Sri Bhootha Narayan Temple are on the way to East Rajagopuram, which is the end point of our Girivalam. Bootha Narayana Perumal and Rettai Pillayar temples are very near. 
 Rettai Pillayar Sannadhi 

To See the Girivalam RouteCLICK HERE



  1. Namaskaram and thanks for such a detailed description of everything. I know nothing about these things. Thanks again for posting this. Hope one day I will be blessed to visit this sacred place and spend some days there.


  2. nice to see astha lingams with good descriptions . Adimudi siddar jeeva Samadhi also make me happy.

  3. great work helps so many devotees..there will be always blessings of arunachala upon you
