Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Sri Adinath Digamber Jain Temple / ஸ்ரீ ஆதிநாத் தீர்த்தங்கரர் ஜீனாலயம் and Mahaveer Digamber Jain Temples / ஸ்ரீ மஹாவீர தீர்த்தாங்கரர் ஜீனாலயம், Thirakoil, Tiruvannamalai District, Tamil Nadu.

The Visit to this Thirakoil Jain Temple complex was a part of Shiva Temples and Samanar Temples in Tiruvannamalai District Visit on 08th October 2023. The Thirakoil Hill is a small hill in Tiruvannamalai district about 2.5 km from Desur. A Boulder with bas-relief images of Adhinathar, Mahaveerar, Parshvanathar, and Chandranathar, on the four sides of a boulder standing at the entrance of the hill.  The 1008 Adi Bhagwan Temple is on the base of the Hill and Mai Siddha Perumpalli alias 1008 Mahaveerar Temple is on the top of the hill. In addition to the temples, there are two natural caves where Jain munis stayed.  


Moolavar: Sri Adinatha Tirthankara

Some of the salient special features of this temple are….
This temple is on the foothills, facing North with two balipeedas. Acharya Sri Poojapadars pada is on the right side after the entrance. Rishaba Nathar’s stucco image is on the top of the mukha mandapam. Dwaraplakas are at the entrance of ardha mandapam. In all three Kostas Rishabanathar’s image is in standing posture. 

A Tirthankara’s image is on a boulder on the back side of the Temple. The Tirthankara is standing in Kayothsarka posture. A Prabhai is shown on his back. The Tirthankara has with elongated earlobe. An ornamental arch is shown on the backside. A mukkudai is missing in this image. Another Tirthankara’s image is also in the praharam under a mandapam. The image is in highly eroded condition.   

The sanctum sanctorum is on an upanam and an eka tala Vesara Vimanam is on the sanctum sanctorum. Tirthankar's images are in the greeva koshtam. The Mandapas are supported with vrutha pillars and Pallava-style Vettu pothyal.

In addition to the structural temples there are two natural caves on this hill and a Jinagiri Palli existed in the Thirakoil.

This place Thirakoil was called “Sri Thandapuram”, which was in Venkundra Kottam, Ponnur Nadu.

As per Rajaraja Chozha-I’s 22nd reign year inscription, the name of Thandapuram was changed to “Sri Rajakesaripuram”.  During his period another “Gangasoora Perumpalli” was also functioning along with “Mai Siddha Perumpalli”. Lands are gifted as a Palli santham.

The Ganga Soorappalli might have been established during Rajaraja-I’s period and that may be functioning in the present structural temple.  The Present Adhi Bhagwan Jinalaya was the Gangasoora Palli.

The Temple’s mukha mandapam was built by Arunmozhi Devapurathu Adaiyaran  Atkondan during 13th Century.     

One of the inscriptions records the gift of 200 sheep/goats by Chozha Thenkarai Panaiyur Nattu Nelveli Udaiyan Eran, Nandi alias Narathonga Pallavaraiyan. From that 2 Nazhi ghee and 10 nazhi oil are to be supplied to this Maisiddha Perumpalli. The Narathonga Pallavaraiyan was a Nilakizhar, the donor of this endowment after the Narasimha Pallava-II, period.

Parantaka Chozha’s 12th reign year inscription ( 919 CE ), records the endowment of supplying water to “Kanaka Veera Siddhadikal”, who was staying in the Jain palli by Kanapperuman Videl Vidugu Sembothiladan.
Another 11th-century Inscription records an endowment by Sri Gangaraiyan’s wife Ganganaichani. The ompadai kilavi warns that those who obstruct this endowment will get the sin of the distance of 700 katham between Gangai to Kumari.   

This Mahaveer Temple / Jinalaya is on the top of the Hill. Steps to the hill are neatly cut and handrails are provided for safe trekking to the Temple.

Moolavar: Sri Mahaveer Tirthankara

Some of the salient features of this temple are….
The temple is facing East. Mahaveer Tirthankara is in the sanctum sanctorum and is in a sitting posture. Originally, The Tirthakara idol was made of stucco and the same was replaced with a stone idol in the 2015 renovation. The Stucco image was installed on the back side of the sanctum sanctorum, kostam / niche.  The other images in the kostas are Aranathar and Kunthu Nathar

Present Moolavar
The Old Moolavar - A stucco image 
Aranathar and Kunthu Nathar
The temple consists of only with sanctum sanctorum. The original temple was built with bricks. The original temple was constructed with Sanctum sanctorum, antarala, and mandapam. The temple measures 23 feet X 13 feet. The Walls are constructed  with bricks of size 10” L x 6.5” B x 2” H. The wall thickness was 2’ 6”. 

This temple belongs to the 06th century CE. This temple was constructed for the Jain Saints/munis to worship and do meditation. Hence called Mai-Siddha Perumpalli.

This Mai-siddha Perumpalli was functioning during the  Chozha King Parantaka’s 3rd reign year ( 909 CE ). This was functioning before Chizha King Rajara-I’s period.

Since the original temple was in dilapidated condition, the present temple with Vimana was constructed. The temple measures 13’ x 13’. The Steps are cut from the base with handrails.

A New Stone Idol in place of the old stucco image of the Mahavira was installed and maha kumbhabhishekam was conducted on 08th March 2015. 

The boulder has the bas reliefs of Sri Adinatha, Sri Chandraprabha, Sri Parshvanatha, and Sri Mahavira on all four sides. These sculptures belong to 8th Century Pallava King Nandivarman’s ( 732 – 795 CE ) period. ASI had erected a grill enclosure around this boulder.   

1. Adinathar also known as Rishabanathar's first Tirthakara image is on the South side of the boulder. Adhinatha is in padmasana sitting posture on a lion throne. A thindu is shown on his back. A Prabhai and Mukkudai are shown above his head. Two chamaratharis / whisk bearers are on both sides of Tirthankara. 

2. Mahaveerar, the 24th  Tirthankara is on the North side of the boulder. Mahaveerar is in padmasana sitting posture on a lion throne. A Thindu is shown on his back. A Prabhai and Mukkudai are shown above his head. Two chamaratharis whisk beares are on both sides of Tirthankara.  There is a niche provided for lighting oil lamps.

3. Parshvanath… On the west side of the boulder is the Parshvanatha 23rd  Tirthankara standing on a lotus flower with a five-hooded serpent canopy above his head. This Parshvanath bas relief group signifies the life story of Parshvanatha Tirthankara. Parshvanatha is in kayotsarga standing posture. Dharanendran protects Parshvanatha, in the form of 5 hooded snakes over his head from the torture of kamada. Padmavathi holds the Vajra Umbrella above Dharanendra’s head. On the left relief signifies that, Parshvanath as Maruboothi was killed by his brother by dropping a boulder on his head. Below left is the Kamadan in anjali hastam, after the failure of all his attempts to Kill Parshvanatha.   

பார்ஸ்வநாதரின் சிற்பத்தொகுப்பு அவருடைய  முந்தைய பிறவியின் வரலாற்றை மிகவும் நேர்த்தியாக செதுக்கப்பட்டு உள்ளது. பார்ஸ்வநாதர் காயோத்சர்கமாக நின்ற நிலையில் காணப்படுகின்றார். தரனேந்திரன் சர்பமாக பார்ஸ்வநாதரின் தலைமீது கமடனின் துன்புறுத்தல்களில் இருந்து காக்க குடை பிடிக்கஅதற்கும் மேலே பத்மாவதி தரனேந்திரனைக்காக்க வஜ்ரகுடை பிடித்துக்கொண்டு இருக்கின்றனர். இடதுபுறம் மேலே, பார்ஸ்வநாதர், முற்பிறவியில் மறுபூதியாக பிறந்து தன் அண்ணன் கமடனால் ( பாறாங்கல்லை தலை மீது போட்டு ) கொல்லப்பட்டதின் நிகழ்வை நினைவு கூறும்விதமாக செதுக்கப்பட்டு உள்ளது. கீழே இடது புறத்தில் பார்ஸ்வநாதரின் காலருகே, கமடன் தன் எல்லா முயற்சிகளும் தோல்வியில் முடிந்த நிலையில், சரணடைந்து வணங்கும் நிலையில் காட்டப்பட்டுள்ளது.  

4. Chandranathar also known as Chandraprabhar bas relief sculpture is on the east side of the boulder. Chandranathar is seated in padmasana posture on a lion throne. Prabhai and mukkudai are at the top of his head. The Chamaradharis/whisk bearers are on both sides of the Tirthankara. Celestial angles are near the Mukkudai. The Makara arch with jumping lions/Yazhi with pillars and thindu are shown on the back of Tirthankara.

The inscriptions at Jinagiri Palli records this place as Mai Siddhappalli ( .........மை சித்தப் பள்ளி). Since the first nine characters of the Tamil word group couldn’t be deciphered, the inscription reads it as Mai Siddhappalli ( .........மை சித்தப் பள்ளி ) and this name was identified by the scholars to records this temple. The word 'Palli' (பள்ளி) has a strong association with Jainism and the teaching places are called 'Palli'.

The Chozha King Parakesarivarman’s inscription (ARE  277 of 1916 ) seen nearer to Adhinathar sculpture (on Jinagiri rock) records the gift of sheep made by Eranandhi for burning perpetual lamp in Thandapuram Jinapalli ( தண்டாபுரம் ஜீனப்பள்ளி ). The ancient name of this Jain temple was Thandapuram Jinapalli.

The Chozha king Rajaraja-I's (1007 CE) inscription, near Parsvanathar bas relief (on Jinagiri boulder) (ARE 277 of 1916) records the name of this hill temple as 'Gangasoora Perumpalli' (கங்கசூர பெரும்பள்ளி) located in Rajakesaripuram (இராசகேசரிபுரம்) - the other name of Thirakoil. Another Kangaraiyan Palli (கங்கரையன் பள்ளி) also mentioned in the inscription, which also existed along with the Gangasoora Palli.

Another Chozha King Parakesarivarman inscription (ARE  279 of 1916)  nearer to Adhinathar bas-relief records the gift of paddy to this temple by Kanakavirasithadikal.

There is one more inscription (ARE 278 of 1916) not readable fully - (on the western side of the Jinagiri boulder ) that records the gift of gold for burning perpetual lamps.

Ref :
2. Inscription tablets installed at the temple.
3. Annual Report on South Indian Epigraphy. Year 1916. 

The base of the Thirakoil is about 2.7 KM from Desur and can be reached through autos, which are available at Desur.
The place Thirakoil is about 13 km from Thellar, 17 km from Vandavasi, 31 km from Cheyyar, 42 km from Tindivanam, and 58 km from Kanchipuram.
Nearest Railway station is Tindivanam. 



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