Monday, 18 September 2017

Ayirai Malai / Ivar Malai / Gugaikoil Chinna Ivar Malai, The remains of Jainism in Kongu Mandalam, near Udumalpet, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu.

10th September 2017.
This Ayirai malai is about 1400 feet above mean sea level without vegetation. Now, the hill is called Ivar Malai. There is a pond with sweet water in the middle of the hill.  As per the legend, the Panchapandavar stayed here during their vanavasam, hence called Ivar Malai. The hill was praised by many poets in Sangam literature Pathitrupathu. Once, this place was busy with activities of the Jain monks and students.
The Ayirai Malai has the longest cave, 140 feet long and 15 feet high. It was said that there were many beds for the Jain monks. At the entrance of the cave top, there are 16 Jain Tirthankaras reliefs with Tamil vatteluttu inscriptions with names of the person who was responsible for making these reliefs. The inscriptions belong to the 09th and 10th centuries. Some of the Tirthankaras are Achanandhi, Indrasenar, Mallisena of Veerasangam and Avvanandhi. It is worth noting that there is a lady also. It was understood that a big educational institution was functioning here between the 08th and 10th centuries. Some of the students from Pandiya Nadu also took training at Ayirai Malai Jain’s institution.

The Tamil vatteluttu inscriptions also helped historians to arrive at the year of Varaguna Pandian's 8th year of rule as 870 CE and his starting of rule as 862 CE.

The beds used by the Jain monks were concreted in the name of renovation, and there is no bed now. The Iyaki (might be ) is being worshiped as Draupadi Amman, and new statues like Nagars, Hanuman, and Men & Women in worshiping postures were also installed. There must be some rock art on the ceiling of the cave, but the ceiling was completely covered with ash and soot from the fire used for cooking pongal for the Throwpathi Amman.

The Ayirai Malai is under the control of the Tamil Nadu Archaeological Department.


Varaguna Pandya's inscription - The Tamil vatteluttu inscriptions helped historians to arrive at the year of Varaguna Pandian's 8th year rule as 870 CE and his starting of rule as 862 CE.

 Jain's beds are completely concreted 

 Jain beds are completely concreted 

a  sweet water pond in the middle of the hill
recent additions - Hanuman
recent additions 
recent additions 
recent additions
Installed in recent years 
Installed in recent years ( a replica of the above at the base of the hill ) 

Installed during recent years

 View of the cave from a long distance

---OM SHIVAYA NAMA---     

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