Sunday, 6 January 2019

Hero Stone / Veeragallu / வீரகற்கள் / Rekla Race Pattan Kal / எருது வண்டி ஓட்டிப்பட்டான் கல். – A PART OF KONGU NADUKARKAL

9th December 2018.
This rekla race is an art and a heroic action of riding a bullock cart. These races are conducted in Tamil Nadu  (Theni, Gudalur Pollachi, Madurai regions etc,. ) and Karnataka. The rekla races are conducted in connection with harvest festivals.  In Karnataka this type of race is called “kaarakaa” and the same is now called “Kambala”.  In the olden days the race Kambala is conducted in fields with a plow, from one end to the other end. Later this turned out to be a cart race. The bullock cart will be simple with two wheels and a seat for the Hero/driver, pulled by two bullocks. The bullocks will be tested before admitting for the race.  The bullocks only determine the win and loss. The races are banned for some period and now they are allowed to conduct.

The hero who wins the race will get gift money or articles like vessels and some races gold coins too. Unfortunately in some races, the hero may die accidentally. A Memory stone will be erected for that hero. Most of the hero stone books do not cover this type of Hero Stones. During our Heritage visits to Thalavadi and South Karnataka regions, we came across these rekla race  hero stones. Some of them are written in this post.

CHIKKA HALLI SCHOOL: This Rekla race Pattan kal is the collection of Chikka Halli School. Found highly eroded. The hero is in a standing position and holding the rope of the bullocks in his left hand and stick in his right hand.

NARASAMANGALA: This hero stone is found along with the hero stones near Narasamangala. The images are shown straight. Wheels are shown as small compared to the cart.

KALIYUR: This is a three-tier Hero Stone in which the hero is riding the cart. The bullock's horns and the trees on the side of the road are easily visible. In the second tier the hero is taken to heaven by the Devakanniyars and in the third stage the hero worships Lord Shiva.

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