Friday, 17 August 2018

St. Peter's Church / புனித பேதுரு பேராலயம் / தேவாலயம், Royapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,

11th August 2018.
The name Royappa puram was corrupted to the present name of Royapuram and was a part of Black Town, during British rule. St. Peter’s Church has more than two and a half  centuries-old history. The history goes, like this.

A group of Gurukula Vamsha Varunakula Mudalira’s 4 clans via Nallaveran Mudali, Mondi Mudali, Andi Mudali, and Acharappan Mudali migrated to Madras from Durgarayapatnam, Armagaon, when the fort was built in the year 1731. They were accommodated at Chepauk on 45 acres of land. They were engaged in shipping materials from Ships to shore through boats called Masula. Slowly they were converted to Christianity.

Consequent to the shifting of the Custom’s office and master Attendants office from St. George to this black town in the year 1779 by the East India Company, the Chepauk Mudaliars turned Christians were forced to shift in the Royapuram area. Marine board allotted land measuring 65 acres, at a distance of 300 yards from Harbour North gate. Payment was also made towards shifting the houses from Chepauk to the Royapuram area.  The old Chapel built by these boatmen, working for the East India Company is also responsible for constructing a Chapel in Royapuram. The construction work of the new Church in Gothic style was started in the year 1825 and completed in 1829. The key was handed over to the headmen by Chief Engineer Balfour. The group splits into two congregations  via. Irish and Goanese. The Goanese built a separate Church called St Antony’s Church and moved away. (It was told that Mother Teresa used to stay in this Church during her visits to Madras).

The Headmen, who come through hereditary  are so powerful and hold the power of appointing the priests on a suggestion from the Diocese. Due to this power conflict, the church was locked between 1925 to 1934 without any mass/ prayer. This was resolved through court and the hereditary succession of Headmen system was abolished and Trustees were selected through election.

Festivals like the 8-day festival of Christmas from 24th Dec to 2nd January, the feast of Royappa on 29th June, Chithirai, and the Matha Chariot procession between 29th August to 8th Sep are celebrated.



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