& 25th August 2019.
two-day visit was mainly focused on Rock arts in the natural caves/shelters
around Kaveripattinam and Krishnagiri. During our visit, we visited 9
natural shelter hills, where red and white ocher are found. Unlike the
Kilvali, Alambadi, Settavarai, Nehanur Patti (Neganur Patti) near Villupuram on the banks of river Thenpennai, these shelters are natural caves
formed by the rocks and part of the hills. The presence of white and red ochre
rock art indicates that these shelters are used continuously and the red
ochre is considered more than 10 thousand years old. Some of the shelters are spacious and some are
very small. These shelters are facing an open area so that the movements of
animals, and other groups can be watched. A very important point is the shelter will
be close to water sources with easy access.
artists record the animals that they see, (like Horses, and Tiger),
birds, reptiles like snakes, and scorpions,
celebrations (rhythmic dancing),
hunting of animals, fighting between the groups, cultural activities, sun, Lamps
(Pandil lamps), patterns, symbols, designs, etc,. Since the caves/shelters
are used continuously, the rock art may belong to different periods.
shelter is almost on the plains. About 20 feet in length white ochre painting
is found. This rock art consists of rhythmic dancing of males and females in
two groups. Also, there are many square patterns are drawn. Experts believe that this may be cattle pounds. In another group, three pairs of men are
fighting with each other. Some damru-like symbols, the Sun with rays (eyes- Mouth), and some fertile symbols are also drawn. Some of the men's and women’s faces
are drawn sidewards.
Mr. Gandhirajan, an expert believes that these rock arts are special
since the images are realistic with abstract designs and decorative motifs.
sad part of this shelter with rock art is on the verge of extinction due to
granite quarrying. Since the shelter is on the plains and easily reachable,
miscreants had laid their hands in scribbling, drawing new art, their names, etc. Request visitors not to ruin the prehistoric rock arts and Govt/Archaeological Dept to protect the same.
A rhythmic dance by women
A rhythmic dance by men
A fighting rock art
shelter is almost on plains and narrow
in width. On the walls, white ochre rock paintings are found. The Rock art
contains a man with a tiger, a Snake with a hood (Cobra), A man riding on a horse, A
man with a stick, and some designs.
A Horse rider
A man with a sword and snake
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