Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Kallalagar Temple / Arulmigu Kallalagar Temple / கள்ளழகர் கோயில், Alagar Kovil, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.

This Kallalagar Temple is one of the 108 Divya Desam of Sri Maha Vishnu in Pandiya Nadu and the 93rd Divya Desam. 6 Alwars have sung one hundred twenty-eight (127.. 126..?)  pasurams in praise of Thirumal of this temple. Periyalwar-34, Sri Andal–11, Sri Thirumangai Alwar–22, Sri Nammalwar-46, Bhoothathalvar-3, and Peyalwar-1. This is an updated post to the earlier Combined Poost along with Koodala Azhagar Temple. 


சுற்றி நின்று ஆயர் தழைகள் இடச்  சுருள்பங்கி நேத்திரத்தால் அணிந்து
பற்றி நின்று ஆயர் கடைத்தலையே  பாடவும் ஆடக் கண்டேன்  அன்றிப் பின்
மற்று ஒருவர்க்கு என்னைப் பேசலொட்டேன்  மாலிருஞ்சோலை எம் மாயற்கு அல்லால் 
கொற்றவனுக்கு இவள் ஆம் என்று எண்ணிக்  கொடுமின்கள் கொடீராகிற் கோழம்பமே. 3-4-5
….…. பெரியாழ்வார்
நாறு நறும் பொழில் மாலிருஞ்சோலை நம்பிக்கு நான்
நூறு தடாவில் வெண்ணெய் வாய் நேர்ந்து பராவி வைத்தேன்
நூறு தடா நிறைந்த அக்கார வடிசில் சொன்னேன்
ஏறு திருவுடையான் இன்று வந்து இவை கொள்ளும் கொலோ–9-6-
…………. ஸ்ரீ ஆண்டாள்
திருமாலிருஞ்சோலையானே ஆகிச் செழுமூவுலகும் தன்
ஒரு மா வயிற்றினுள்ளே வைத்து ஊழி ஊழி தலை அளிக்கும்
திருமால் என்னை ஆளுமால் சிவனும் பிரமனும் காணாது
அருமால் எய்தி அடி பரவ அருளை ஈந்த அம்மானே

Moolavar  : Sri Paramaswamy
Utsavar    : Sri Kallalagar, Sri Sundararaja Perumal
Thayar     : Sri Sundaravalli, Kalyana Sundaravalli, Sridevi

Some of the important features of this temple are…
The Rajagopuram is at the front with Anjaneyar and 18 (steps) padi Karuppanna Swamy. There is no entrance through the Rajagopuram. In front of the shrine, there is a big mandapam, and Udyavar Sannadhi is on the left. Dwajasthambam with balipeedam is on the way to the main sanctum. Big Dwarapalakas are at the entrance of maha mandapam. Moolavar is in a standing posture holding Changu/Conch, Chakra, Gatha, Bow, and Sword.

In the outer praharam Sannidhi for Chakkarathalwar, Palliyarai, Yoga Narasimhar, Sri Bhoomi urchavar, Lakshmi Narasimhar, Lakshmi Narayanar, Andal, Garudalwar, Rangamannar, Parthasarathy, Naga Devathai, Andal (Sitting posture only in this temple), Viswaroopa Krishnan, Thirumalai Andaar, Rukmani, Venugopalan, Sathyabama, Yaga salai, Mahavishnu’s 7 avathara from Machcha to Kalki and Krishnan Sannadhi. There are many mandapams in front of Rajagopuram and inside the temple complex. All are constructed with stone.
Sridevi, Bhudevi, Srinivasa Perumal, and Yoga Narasimhar are in the inner praharam. Cheppu Dwarapalakas are at the entrance of the sanctum.

The main temple consists of Sanctum Sanctorum, artha mandapam and Maha mandapam.  In Sanctum, Sri Sundaraja Perumal is with Sridevi and Bhudevi. The sanctum is of an elongated round type with stucco images at the bottom level. The praharam wall also has stucco images. The Sanctum Sanctorum is on a prati bandha adhistanam with jagathy, vrudha kumudam, and yazhivari.

The vimanam is covered with a gold plate. The Vimanam is called Sri Somasundara Vimanam since the vimanam is in the elongated round form. As per the architectural style and based on thalasoothra, the scholars classified this Vimanam as Ayutha Vesara Vimanam.  Nammalwar mentions this Vimanam as Nangal Kundram.

PC: Facebook

As per the inscriptions, this place Alagarkoil was called “Thirumaliruncholai”, “Thirumalirun Kundram”, “Irunkundram”, “Solaimalai,” and “Thiruvarai” and was a religious center from Sangam age. Perumal of this temple was called Paramaswamy and was praised in Nalayira Divya Prabandham by “Bhuthathalawar”, “Nammalwar”, “Thirumangai Alwar”, “Periyalwar,” and “Andal”.  The inscriptions recorded from these temples belong to Rajaraja-I, Pandya Kings Maravarman Sundara Pandyan-I, Jatavarman Sundara Pandya-I, Hoysalas, and Vijayanagaras. Most of the inscriptions are in damaged condition and available as fragments during recording. As per Santhalingam, the sanctum sanctorum was dismantled and reconstructed by Vanathirayars; a Kurunila King ruled this area. 

A 13th Century Pandya period inscription records that the Thondaiman Gopuram was constructed by Kalingarayan’s son Thondaiman, in his name, and the Gopuram is still called by the same name.

The 13th-century Pandya period inscription records that the Alangara mandapam was built by Ponpatriyudaiyan Monnaipiran Virathamudiththa Perumal alias Munaiyatharayan of Mizhalai KooRRathu NaduvirkooRRu Village called Pullurkudi.

A 13th-century Muniyadharayan period inscription records the construction of a mandapam in his name, called Muniyadharayan Mandapam.

A Mandapam called Sundara Pandya Kuradu was constructed by Maravarman Sundara Pandyan-I (1216- 1238 CE).

Sundarapandian's (1222CE ) reign inscription records the endowment of burning 8 Perpetual lamps by his wife Thiruvudayal. For the same, a land measuring 10 called Vilakkupuram, which was in Alanattu Raja Choolamani Chaturvedi Mangalam

The inscription on the south base of the Sundara Pandyan mandapam records that a Village Vilathur and its hamlets Ilongoneri In Solapandya Valanadu  for meeting out the expenses of sacred bath and offerings etc, of the Alagar and his consort seated in the Sundara Pandyan Mandapam, every month, on the day of Uthiram the natal star of the King’s elder Brother ( Annalvi ). The Mandapam was constructed in the latter state.

The inscriptions engraved on the pillars record the contribution made by the individuals for setting up the pillars. Kuttan Attiyur alias Sundara Pandya Vilupparayan a Vellala residing at ThirumalirunCholai Venkurugur Nagaran Bhattan are the names of some donors that we can trace from these inscriptions.

An inscription of this temple records the provisions made for the recitation of the “Kothai Pattu” (Pasurams of Andal), before the deity. Another inscription records the remission of taxes at the instance of Ayyan Malavarayan, on the lands granted as devadana in Vanavan Madevi Chaturvedi Mangalam situated in Venbunadu for the offerings and other expenses of the god on the day of Sathayam in the month of Mina (Panguni) the natal Star of the Annalvi (Elder brother) Sokkandar.

Konerimai Kondan’s 20+3 year inscription records the endowment of offering to a sandhi in the name of the donor by  Thadanganni Chitrurudayan alias Choran Uyya NonRRaduvan alias Gurukulatharayan, for the same land was gifted. The inscription was inscribed by a sculptor called Kathangoyilasiriyan.    

A 15th-century Thirumaliruncholai Ninra Mavali Vanathirayar, a small king/ Chitrarasan inscription, records that the entrance with a step to Thondaiman Gopuram was built by him.

The Vanathiraya’s (1464 CE) reign inscription records that the main sanctum Sanctorum was reconstructed from Adhistanam to the finial.

A Hoysala King Veera Someswaran Period inscription records that a one kala sandhi pooja called “Veerasomeswaran sandhi” was established in the king’s name.

Vijayanagara King Krishnadevaraya’s 1513 CE inscription is in the North Rajagopuram. Based on this, the Rajagopuram might have been constructed during the Vijayanagara period.

The 16th Century Viswanatha Nayaka’s period inscription records the gift of a Village Amanji in Kunrathur Seermai, including the people who lived in this Village as Thiruvidaiyattam to this temple.

The Vijayanagara King Krishnadevaraya had come to this temple and stayed there for 3 days.

The Third prakara wall and Thirumalai Nayakar Mandapam were constructed during the reign of the popular king “Thirumalai Nayakar”. The mandapam looks like a theatre, and all religious Ceremonies are conducted in this mandapam. The temple vimanam was gold-plated by the Pandya King Sundarapandian during the 13th century CE, and later, Thirumalai Nayak added features to this temple.

Madurai Nayaka’s period (1605 CE) inscription records the endowment of Thiruvaradhanai at Thiruvenkadamudayar installed at the Village Appan Tirupati, on the way from Alagar Kovil to Madurai by Appayyangar’s son Rangaiyangar. For the same, the merchants of 63 Desam agreed to collect and pay in the Azhagar temple Pandaram. The Taxes were levied depending on the materials sold. (Azhagar Kovil Kalvettukkal – 299 /2003). The Same person Appayyangar’s son Rangaiyangar’s other inscription records the endowment of offering Coconut, Tender Coconut, Banana, and mango as Naivedyam to Kallazhagar for the same the thoppus gifted as Thiruvidaiyattam at Thenur Setchi, Narinchi, Vandiyur, and Silaiman Villages.

An inscription belongs to Madurai Nayakas  (1608 CE), records the endowment of Naivedyam of full Coconut, tender coconut, Mango on Chithirai Thiruvizha day by Appayangar’s son  irangai…. Ayyan. For the same farms  (ThoppukaL), at Thenur, Setchi, Narinji, Vadiyur Villages are gifted to this temple as thiruvidaiyattam.  (Thanks to Vicky kannan)
மதுரை நாயக்கர் காலத்தைச் (பொ.ஆ.1608)சேர்ந்தது.‌ அதில், 'சித்திரை திருவிழாவில் அழகர்‌ திருவமுது செய்கிறபோது முழு தேங்காய்‌, இளநீர்‌, வாழைப்பழம்‌, மாங்காய்‌ ஆகியவற்றை அளிப்பதற்காகத்‌ திருவிடையாட்டமாகத்‌ தேனூர்‌, செட்சி, நரிஞ்சி, வண்டியூர்‌, சிலைமான்‌ முதலிய ஊர்களில்‌ உண்டாக்கப்பட்ட தோப்புகள்‌ அளிக்கப்பட்டன. இதனை அளித்தவர்‌ அப்பையங்கார்‌ மகன்‌ இரங்கை . . . அய்யன்‌ ஆவார்‌' எனப்பதிவு செய்கின்றது.

Another later period Pandya’s inscription records the endowment of celebration of Thiru Aadi Thirunal, Aippasi Thirunal, and Chithiraithirunal, by Kappalur alias Ulagalantha Chozhanallurudayan Siru Munaiththarayar. For the same 2.25 veli lands are separated from the Village lands and renamed as சுந்தரத்தோளுடையான்விளாகம்‌" and gifted to Thirumalirunjolai Nindraruliya Paramaswami of this temple as Irayili. The lands are at Thirukanaper, also called Kalayarkoil.
பிற்கால பாண்டியர்கள் காலகல்வெட்டு, "திருமாலிருஞ்சோலை நின்றருளிய பரமஸ்வாமிகளுக்கு நடைபெறும்‌ திருவாடித்‌ திருநாள்‌, ஐப்பசித்‌ திருநாள்‌, சித்திரைத்‌ திருநாள்‌ முதலானவற்றிற்கு மடப்புற இறையிலியாக இடப்பட்ட 2 1/4 வேலி நிலம்‌ பற்றிய செய்தியினைத்‌ தெரிவிக்கிறது. இந்நிலத்தை வழங்கியவர் கப்பலூரான உலகளந்த சோழநல்லூருடையான் சிறு முனையதரையர் என்பவர். இந்நிலம்‌ உள்ள பகுதியினை பழைய ஊரிலிருந்து பிரித்து புதிய பெயரான “சுந்தரத்‌ தோளுடையான்‌ விளாகம்‌" எனப்‌ பெயரிடப்பட்டது எனக் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. இந்த இறையிலி நிலம் திருக்கானப்பேர் இராஜராஜநல்லூரில் இருந்ததாக தெரிகிறது. திருக்கானப்பேர் இராஜராஜநல்லூர் என்பது தற்போதைய காளையார் கோவில் ஆகும். 

The mandapam behind the Rakkayi Amman's temple was built by Krishnadevarayar, whose image is in the mandapam 

Azhagar Kovil Kalvettukkal

Once the Hill was controlled by the Jains. Tamizhi scripts are available in the caves of the hill. The story of Shiva’s Rishabam/Idabam and the cow sent by Jain monks relates to Alagar Hill and Nandi Hill.

Kallars (Thieves) worship Perumal of this temple before going to robbery, and half of the share will be given to Perumal. Hence, Kallazhagar has become the Ishta Devda for Kallars.

As per the legend, Manduga Maharishi did a penance on Perumal on the banks of the river Vaigai for his darshan. One day, a young and beautiful boy riding on a horse came to the river to drink water. Manduga Maharishi asked him Who are you…?. The Young boy replied that he was Sundara Tholinan, the leader of the Kallars, who came from Vrupaksalam Hill alias Cholaimalai. The Young boy asked the Mandugar who he was and what he was doing standing in the river, half in the water and half outside. Mandugar replied that he was Mandugar (Frog), doing penance to have the darshan of Maha Vishnu. Further, asked You came on the horse like Prince, and I know who you are..?. Please give me your Divya Roopa darshan like in the temple. Perumal gave the Kallazhagar darshan wearing ornaments, Pattu, Peethambaram, and Srivadsam on the chest to Manduga Maharishi.

Apart from regular poojas, special poojas are conducted on Chithirai Thiruvizha. Azhagar will go to Madurai to attend Meenakshi Sundareswarar's marriage. From the Vaigai River, he will return. During that Thiruvizha, Ethir Seva at Tallakulam, Vandiyur Temple, Dashavatar Seva, etc, will be conducted.  The Temple car festival will be conducted on Aadi month pournami. Vaikunta Ekadasi, Krishna Jayanthi, Deepavali, and Pongal are also celebrated in a grand manner.


The temple is kept open between 06.00 Hrs to 12.30 Hrs and 15.30 Hrs to 20.00 Hrs

Telephone number: 0452 – 2470375  or 0452 2470228 may be contacted for further details.

Town Bus Route No 44 is available from the Madurai Periyar Bus stand. There are buses from other bus stands also.
Nearest Railway Station is Madurai


Some of the Pictures and inscriptions were taken from websites and books 
--- Om Shivaya Nama ---


  1. Though I had been there so many times, through this article I came to know much information.
