Monday, 31 July 2023

Sri Sempon Arangar Temple / Sri Per Arulaalan Perumal Temple / Thiruchemponsei திருச்செம்பொன்செய் / Agraharam, Thirunangur, Mayiladuthurai District, Tamil Nadu.

The Visit to this Sri Sempon Arangar temple, also called Per Arulalaperumal Temple at Thiruchemponsei, a part of Thirunangur, was a part of Shiva and Maha Vishnu Temples around Sirkazhi. Visit on 1st & 2nd July 2023. This Sri Sempon Arangar Temple is one of the 11 temples of Thirunangur, under the Administrative control of – Thirunangur Ezhu Koil Adheenam- திருநாங்கூர் ஏழு கோயில் ஆதீனம்Mangalasasanam was done by Thirumangai Alwar. In that, Thirumangai Alwar mentions this temple as Thiru Semponsei Temple.  

திருச்சொம்பொன் செய்கோயில்
பேரணிந்து உலகத்தவர் தொழுதேத்தும் பேரருளாளன் எம்பிரானை
வாரணி முலையாள் மலர்மகளோடு. மண்மகளும் உடன் நிற்ப
சீரணி மாட நாங்கை நன்னடுவுள் செம்பொன்செய் கோயிலின் உள்ளே
காரணி மேகம் நின்றது ஒப்பானைக் கண்டு கொண்டு உய்ந்தொழிந்தேனே.
.. திருமங்கை ஆழ்வார் பெரிய திருமொழி 4-3-1

Moolavar  : Sri Semponsei Arangar / Per Arulalan
Thayar     : Sri Allimamalaral

Some of the salient features of this temple are….
The temple faces east with a Rajagopuram base with Thiruman, shankha, and Chakra. Balipeedam, Dwajasthambam and Grudan sannidhi are in front of rajagopuram base. Moolavar Per Arulaalan is in a standing posture with Sridevi and Bhudevi.  Alwars are in the maha mandapam. Thayar Allimamalaral is in a separate temple facing east.

The temple consists of a sanctum sanctorum, an antarala, an ardha mandapam, and a maha mandapam. The sanctum sanctorum is on a raised upanam like the mada temple. An inner circumambulation path is around the sanctum sanctorum, which is always kept closed. An Eka tala vesara Vimanam is on the sanctum sanctorum. The Vimanam is called as Kanaka Vimanam. Maha Vishnu’s various avatars are in the greeva koshtam.

The original temple belongs to the 07th to 08th century and may have been reconstructed during the Chozha period / Vijayanagara period, and the vavvalnethi mandapams were constructed during the Maratha period. 

Through Muralidhara Swamigal’s effort, Maha Samprokshanam was conducted after thirupani on 23rd November 2017, with the contributions from Kulandaivel Mudaliar of The Chennai silks,

The temple is being managed by the Thirunangur 7 temples Adheenam.

As per the legend, the 11 temples of Thirunangur are closely associated with each other. After Datchayini jumped into Dakshan’s Yaga Kunda. Shiva took the body of Datchayini and danced furiously. Each time the jada mudi touches the ground, 11 forms of Shiva appear. The Celestial deities were afraid that if Shiva’s dance continued, the entire creation would cease. So they requested  Maha Vishnu to stop Shiva’s dance. On seeing Maha Vishnu, Shiva became normal and requested Maha Vishnu to appear in 11 different forms at this place, Thirunangur.  Maha Vishnu is also called “Thamaraikannudiyabiran - the one with lotus eyes”.

This is the only temple that Maha Vishnu helped to construct. Maha Vishnu is called by different names, like Chempon Arangar, Per Arulalan, Herambar, etc.  Since Maha Vishnu is in Paramapadam, worshipped as Arulalan and Per Arulalan when he is with us.

Kasiban of Kanchipuram lost all wealth and was in an economically poor state. Came to this temple, worshipped per Arulalan, reciting the Om Nama Narayana mantra 32 thousand times in 3 days. Satisfied with his bhakti, Maha Vishnu, as Per Arulalan, gave him all the wealth.

As per the legend, Rama, on the way to Ayodhya after the war in which Ravana was killed, came to this place. He stayed in Ithruda Nethra Maharishi’s ashram. The Maharishi advised Ramar to do a penance staying inside a Golden Cow to get rid of Brahmahathi dosha. Rama made a big cow of Gold and did penance for 4 days. On the 5th day, Rama gave the cow as a gift to an Andhanar. The Andhanar sold the Golden Cow and built this temple. Hence, the temple is called “Semponsei temple”.

Apart from regular poojas conducted, as per Pancharathra agama, special poojas are conducted on, Maha Vishnu’s birth star Aippasi Swati Brahmotsavam, Thirumangai Alwar’s Mangalasasana Utsavam (New moon Day in the month of Thai- Thirumangai Alwar Utsavar will be brought from Thiruvali – Thirunagari) and Garuda seva in the Tamil month Thai (Jan – February).

During Garuda Seva, all the 11 temple’s Utsavars on Garuda vahanam and Thirumangai Alwar with his consort Kumudavalli Nachiyar, on Hamsa Vahanam are taken to Sri Narayana Perumal’s temple, also called as Manimaada Koil and respective temple’s pasurams will be recited. After the Garuda Seva, Thirumangai Alwar, with his wife Kumudavalli Nachiar, will be taken to all the 1l Divya Desam temples of Thirunangur. The 11 Diva Desams are 1. Sri Narayana Perumal (Manimaadakkoil), 2. Sri Kudamaadu Koothar (Arimeya Vinnagaram), 3. Sri Semponarangar (Semponsei Koil), 4. Sri Pallikonda Perumaal (Thiruttetriambalam), 5. Sri Annan Perumal (Thiruvellakkulam), 6. Sri Purushothama Perumaal (Vanpurusothamam), 7. Sri Varadarajan (Thirumanikoodam), 8. Sri Vaikuntha Nathar (Vaikuntha Vinnagaram),  9. Sri Madhava Perumaal (Thirudevanaar thogai), 10. Sri Partha Sarathy (Thiruparthan Palli), and 11. Sri Gopalan (Thirukavalampaadi).

The temple will be kept open between 07.00 hrs to 10.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs to 20.00 hrs.

The landline number  +91 4364 236172 may be contacted for further details.

The temple is about 3 km from the Chennai – Nagapattinam Highway, 10 km from Sirkazhi,  26 km from Mayiladuthurai, 31 km from Chidambaram, and 247 km from Chennai.
The nearest Railway Station is Sirkazhi.



Sunday, 30 July 2023

Sri Varadaraja Perumal Temple /Thiru Manikkoodam /Sri Varadaraja Perumal Temple / ஶ்ரீ வரதராஜ பெருமாள் கோயில் திருநாங்கூர் / Thirunangur, Mayiladuthurai District, Tamil Nadu.

The Visit to this Sri Varadaraja Perumal Temple at Thirunangur was a part of the Shiva and Maha Vishnu Temples around Sirkazhi Visit on 1st & 2nd July 2023. This Sri Varadaraja Perumal Temple is one of the 11 temples of Thirunangur, under the Administrative control of – Thirunangur Ezhu Koil adheenam- திருநாங்கூர் ஏழு கோயில் ஆதீனம். Mangalasasanam was done by Thirumangai Alwar. In that, Thirumangai Alwar mentions the temple as Thirumani Koodam.  

கருமகள் இலங்கையாட்டி பிலங்கொள் வாய் திறந்து தன் மேல்
வருமவள் செவியும் மூக்கும் வாளினால் தடிந்த எந்தை
பெருமகள் பேதை மங்கை தன்னொடும் பிரிவிலாத
திருமகள் மருவும் நாங்கூர்த் திருமணிக்கூடத்தானே.
…… திருமங்கை ஆழ்வார் பெரியதிருமொழி 4-5-5

Moolavar  : Sri Varadaraja Perumal
Thayar     : Sri Thirumamakal Nachiyar.

Some of the salient features of this temple are….
The temple faces east, with an entrance arch. The thiruman with chankha and Chakra are on the top of the arch. Balipeedam with Garudan sannidhi is immediately after the entrance arch. Moolavar is in standing posture with Sridevi and Bhudevi.  

The temple consists of a sanctum sanctorum, an antarala, ardha mandapam, and a maha mandapam. The sanctum sanctorum is on a raised upanam. A two tala vesara Vimanam is on the sanctum sanctorum. There is no provision for the koshtas, and hence, there are no images. A two tier vesara Vimanam is on the sanctum sanctorum. The Vimanam is called as Kanaka Vimanam and Prasanna Vimanam. There are no images on the tala koshtas, and Maha Vishnu’s avatar images are in the greeva koshtams.

Mandapas were built during the latter period, and they are of Vavvalnethi style.

The temple may belong to the 07th to 08th Century and later received contributions from Chozhas, Vijayanagaras, and Marathas. The temple is being managed by the Thirunangur 7 temples Adheenam.

Maha Samprokshanam was conducted after thirupani on 24th August 2001.

As per the legend, the 11 temples of Thirunangur are closely associated with each other. After Datchayini jumped into Dakshan’s Yaga Kunda. Shiva took the body of Datchayini and danced furiously. Each time the Jada mudi touches the ground, 11 forms of Shiva appear. The Celestial deities were afraid that if Shiva’s dance continued, the entire creation would cease. So they requested Maha Vishnu to stop Shiva’s dance. On seeing Maha Vishnu, Shiva became normal and requested Maha Vishnu to appear in 11 different forms at this place, Thirunangur.  Maha Vishnu is also called “Thamaraikannudiyabiran - the one with lotus eyes”.

Chandra, to get rid of the curse given to him by Daksha, excavated a tank, bathed, and worshipped Varadarajar of this temple. Hence, the Pushkarani is called Chandra Pushkarani.

Apart from regular poojas conducted, as per Pancharathra Agama, special poojas are conducted on Thirumangai Alwar’s Mangalasasana Utsavam (Newmoon Day in the month of Thai-Thirumangai Alwar Utsavar will be brought from Thiruvali – Thirunagari) and Garuda Seva in the Tamil month of Thai.

During Garuda Seva, all the 11 temple’s Utsavars on Garuda vahanam and Thirumangai Alwar with his consort Kumudavalli Nachiyar, on Hamsa Vahanam are taken to Sri Narayana Perumal’s temple also called as Manimaada Koil and respective temple’s pasurams are recited. After the Garuda Seva, Thirumangai Alwar, with his wife Kumudavalli Nachiar, will be taken to all the 1l Divya Desam temples of Thirunangur. The 11 Diva Desams are 1. Sri Narayana Perumal (Manimaadakkoil), 2. Sri Kudamaadu koothar (Arimeya Vinnagaram), 3. Sri Semponarangar (Semponsei Koil), 4. Sri Pallikonda Perumaal (Thiruttetriambalam), 5. Sri Annan Perumaal (Thiruvellakkulam), 6. Sri Purushothama Perumaal (Vanpurudothamam),  7. Sri Varadarajan (Thirumanikoodam), 8. Sri Vaikuntha Nathar (Vaikuntha Vinnagaram),  9. Sri Madhava Perumaal (Thirudevanaar thogai), 10.Sri Partha Sarathy (Thiruparthan Palli), and 11. Sri Gopalan (Thirukavalampaadi).

The temple will be kept open between 06.00 hrs to 11.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs to 20.00 hrs.

The mobile number +91 96554 65756 may be contacted for further details.

The temple is about 3 km from the Chennai – Nagapattinam Highway, 10 km from Sirkazhi,  26 km from Mayiladuthurai, 31 km from Chidambaram, and 247 km from Chennai.
The nearest Railway Station of Sirkazhi.



Saturday, 29 July 2023

Sri Narayana Perumal Temple / Sri Badrinarayana Perumal Temple / Thiru Manimada Kovil / Thiru Narayana Perumal Manimadakkovil, Thirunangur, Mayiladuthurai District, Tamil Nadu.

The Visit to this Sri Narayana Perumal Temple, also called Thiru Manimada Kovil at Thirunangur, was a part of the Shiva and Maha Vishnu Temples around Sirkazhi Visit on 1st & 2nd July 2023. This Sri Narayana Perumal Temple is being maintained by its own Theerthakarars. Mangalasasanam was done by Thirumangai Alwar. In that, Thirumangai Alwar mentions the temple as Thirumani mada Koil.

திருமணிமாடக்கோயில் ( நாராயணப்பெருமாள் சன்னதி )-

துளையார் கருமென்குழல் ஆய்ச்சியர்தம்
        துகில் வாரியும் சிற்றில் சிதைத்தும் முற்றா
இளையார் விளையாட்டொடு காதல் வெள்ளம்
        விளைவித்த அம்மானிடம். வேல்நெடுங்கண்
முளைவாள் எயிற்று மடவார் பயிற்று
        மொழிகேட்டு இருந்து முதிராத இன்சொல்
வளைவாய கிள்ளை மறைபாடுநாங்கூர்
        மணிமாடக்கோயில் வணங்கு என் மன்னனே!
….. திருமங்கை ஆழ்வார் பெரியதிருமொழி 3-8-8

Moolavar  : Sri Narayana Perumal / Badri Narayana Perumal
Utsavar    : Sri Alatharkariyan
Thayar     : Sri Pundarikavalli

Some of the salient features of this temple are….
The temple faces east with a 5-tier Rajagopuram. A Temple tank is in front of the temple. Balipeedam, Dwajasthambam, and Garudan sannidhi are immediately after the Rajagopuram. Stucco images of Narayana Perumal with Sridevi, Bhudevi, and Alwars are on the top of the mukha mandapam. Alwar Asariyan Thirukoshtiyur Nambigal sannidhi is on the right side of the mukha mandapam. Moolavar in the sanctum is in a sitting posture with Sridevi and Bhudevi. Utsavars are in front of moolavar.  Thayar sannidhi is in the praharam.

The temple consists of Sanctum sanctorum, antarala, ardha mandapam, a maha mandapam and a mukha mandapam. The sanctum sanctorum is on a raised level as the mada temple; hence, the temple is called “Manimada Koil”.  The original mandapas are of vavvalnethi mandapas. An Ekatala aytha vesara Vimanam is on the sanctum sanctorum. Stucco images of Maha Vishnu with Sridevi and Bhudevi are in the greeva koshtam.

Manimada Kovil

It is believed that this mada temple was built by Ko Chengat Chozhan. The original temple may belong to the 7th or 8th century. Later received contributions were received from Chozhas and Viajayanagaras / Marathas.  The temple is being managed by its own Theerthakarars / Thirukkozhtiyur Nambigal Vamsaththaar and did the Thiruppani Kainkaryam of 5-tier Rajagopuram and 11 Garuda sevai mandapam.

Both Moolavar and Thayar sannidhi Vimanams thirupani were done by N C Sridhar, Thirumangai Alwar Seva Trust, and Maha Samprokshanam was conducted on 05th February 2004.

As per the legend, the 11 temples of Thirunangur are closely associated with each other. After Datchayini jumped into Dakshan’s Yaga Kunda. Shiva took the body of Datchayini and danced furiously. Each time the Jada mudi touches the ground, 11 forms of Shiva appear. The Celestial deities were afraid that if Shiva’s dance continued, the entire creation would cease. So they requested Maha Vishnu to stop Shiva’s dance. On seeing Maha Vishnu, Shiva became normal and requested Maha Vishnu to appear in 11 different forms at this place, Thirunangur.  Maha Vishnu is also called “Thamaraikannudiyabiran - the one with lotus eyes”.

The sun's rays fall on moolavar through the Rajagopuram tala dwaras. It is believed that the Sun God worships Narayanan of this temple every day.

As per the epic Mahabharata, the snake King Parikshit ruled this place called Nagapuri, which has been corrupted to the present name of Nangur.

Narayana Perumal taught the Thirumanthiaram at Badrikasramam (Badrinath). It is believed that the same Perumal is also here. Hence, this Place is considered as equivalent to Badrinath.   

The sun's rays fall on moolavar through the Rajagopuram tala dwaras.

Apart from regular poojas conducted, as per Pancharathra Agama, special poojas are conducted on Thirumangai Alwar’s Mangalasasana Utsavam ( New Moon Day in the month of Thai- Thirumangai Alwar Utsavar will be brought from Thiruvali – Thirunagari ) and Garuda seva.

During Garuda Seva in the Tamil month Thai, all the 11 temple’s Utsavars on Garuda vahanam and Thirumangai Alwar with his consort Kumudavalli Nachiyar, on Hamsa Vahanam are taken to this Sri Narayana Perumal’s Temple also called as Manimaada Koil and respective temple’s pasurams are recited. After the Garuda Seva, Thirumangai Alwar, with his wife Kumudavalli Nachiar, will be taken to the 11 Divya Desam temples of Thirunangur. The 11 Diva Desams are 1. Sri Narayana Perumal (Manimaadakkoil), 2. Sri Kudamaadu koothar (Arimeya Vinnagaram), 3. Sri Semponarangar (Semponsei Koil), 4. Sri Pallikonda Perumaal (Thiruttetriambalam), 5. Sri Annan Perumaal (Thiruvellakkulam), 6. Sri Purushothama Perumaal (Vanpurudothamam), 7. Sri Varadarajan (Thirumanikoodam), 8. Sri Vaikuntha Nathar (Vaikuntha Vinnagaram), 9. Sri Madhava Perumaal (Thirudevanaar thogai), 10.Sri Partha Sarathy (Thiruparthan Palli), and 11. Sri Gopalan (Thirukavalampaadi).

Garuda Seva will be done at this place / Mandapam

The temple will be kept open between 08.00 and 10. 00 hrs and 17.00 hrs to 19.00 hrs.

The mobile number of R. Narayanan Bhattar (Satish)  +91 4364 275689 or +91 94439 85843 / +91 87789 87034 may be contacted for further details.

The temple is about 3 km from the Chennai – Nagapattinam Highway, 10 km from Sirkazhi,  26 km from Mayiladuthurai, 31 km from Chidambaram, and 247 km from Chennai.
The nearest Railway Station is Sirkazhi.


Thayar Sannidhi
Thayar Sannidhi