Saturday, 20 July 2024

Sri Bhakthavatsala Perumal Temple / ஶ்ரீ பக்தவத்சல பெருமாள் கோயில், Cheranmahadevi, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu.

This Sri Bhakthavatsaa Perumal temple on the banks of the Holy river Thamirabarani, near Ammai Nathar Temple at Cheranmahadevim Tirunelveli District, is with Medieval Chozhas, Pandyas, and Vijayanagara Nayakas contributions.

Moolavar   : Sri Bhakthavatsala Perumal

Some of the salient features of this temple are….
The temple faces east with an entrance from the west side. Balipeedam, Garudan (in standing posture) are in front of / under mukha mandapam. Moolavar Bhaktavatsala Perumal is in a standing posture without Sridevi and Bhudevi. Moolavar is about 7 feet tall with 4 hands. The upper hands are holding shankha and Chakra and the lower hands are in abhaya and kadi hastam. Utsavars are in front of moolavar.

In praharam Bhudevi, Nagars (outside), Yoga Narasimhar, and Garudan ( in a standing posture).  

Yoga Narasimhar

  Narasimhar  Damaged ) in one of the koshtam

The complex consists of two Temples of which the main temple is dedicated to Sri Bhaktavatsala Perumal and the small temple is dedicated to Balakrishnar. The main temple is with two praharas. Some of the pillars are with squatting lions / yazhi on the lotus peedam at the base. The main temple consists of Sanctum sanctorum, antarala, ardha mandapam, maha mandapam and an open mukha mandapam. The temple is on a kapota bandha upanam and the adhistanam is of complex in nature. The pilasters are acquisitively carved. The Bhitti is not plainly projected on Kostas with a different style of adhistanam. 

The pranala, a yazhi comes out of the mouth of a yazhi fixed on the sanctum sanctorum wall.

On the wall a bas-relief ( damaged ) of Maha Vishnu as Narasimhar in a sitting posture with adiseshan as an umbrella over his head. The Vimanam above prastaram is built with bricks and consists of two talas, greevam and Sigaram. The Sigaram is of dravida style. Stucco images of Maha Vishnu’s various forms/avatars are on the greevam.     

The pillars are with sculptures of various Deities, Donors, ladies, etc.

As per the Display board, the temple may have been constructed during the Medieval Chozha or Pandyas period. Later the temple was reconstructed during Vijayanagara Nayaka’s period. As per the Chozha period inscriptions, this place was called Seravan Madevi chaturvēdimangalam a brahmadéya Village in Mullinădu and Mulli Nattu Brahmadeya alias Nigarili Chaturvedi Mangalam. Maha Vishnu was called as Sri bhaktapriyattu ninraruliya Paramasvami.

The Pandya King Srivallabha may be attributed to Jațăvarman Śrivallabha’s 2nd reign year inscription (SII, Volume –XIV No 199, AR No 539 of 1911) records a gift of sheep by Śrivallabhan Raman of Mulli nādu for burning a lamp in the temple of god Emberuman who was pleased to be stationed at Bhaktapriyam.

Srivallabha dēva’s 6th reign year, and can palaeographically be attributed to the king of that name who flourished in the 12th century CE, inscription (SII Volume XIV - No. 212, A R. No. 536 of 1911), damaged in the middle records, a gift of six anai achchu is registered but the name of the donor is lost.

Jațāvarman Srivallabha’s 19+1st reign year (though there are no specific indications of this identity) inscription (SII- Volume XIV No. 244, A.R. No. 532 of 1911), records the gift of money by a certain Atkondavilli, Attiyūrālvän, and Uyyakkondan of Attiyür for burning lamps in the temple of Sribhaktapriyattu ninraruliya Paramasvamin at Seravan  Madevi Chaturvēdimangalam a brahmadéya in Mulli nădu.

The temple is under the control of the Archaeological Survey of India ( ASI ).

1. South Indian Inscriptions, Volume - XIV.

It is believed that the Devotees take baths to wash their sins in the Sapta rivers. In turn, the Sapta rivers come to Thamirabarani to get rid of their sins and cleanse themselves, which are accumulated from the devotees. 

The Devotees, take a bath in Thamirabarani and worship Bhaktavatsala Perumal to get rid of pithru dosha. 

Apart from regular poojas, special poojas are conducted on Vaikunta Ekadasi and all important Vaishnava auspicious days.

The temple will be kept open between 08.00 hrs to 12.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs to 20.30 hrs.

Vijayaraghavan Bhattachariyar’s mobile number +919842934955 may be contacted for annadhanam and pooja details.

The temple is about 2 km away from the Cheranmahadevi bus terminus, 19 km from Tirunelveli, 21 km from Ambasamudram, and 82 km from Nagercoil
Nearest Railway station is Cheranmahadevi.



Some of the photos are taken from the website. Thanks to the unknown photographers. 

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