Monday, 1 July 2024

Sri Rajagopalaswami Temple, அருள்மிகு ஸ்ரீ தேவி, பூதேவி சமேத ராஜகோபால சுவாமி திருக்கோயில், மன்னார்கோயில் / Mannarkoil, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu.

This place Mannarkoil is in between Gadananadhi and Thamirabarani River. Mannarkoil was called Vedapuri during ancient times, Rajendra Vinnagaram during the Chozha period, and presently called Mannarkoil. This temple is also called as Kulasekara Alwar Temple.

Moolavar   : Sri Vedanarayana Perumal
Utsavar     : Sri Rajagopalaswami
Thayars     : Sri Vedavalli & Bhuvanavalli

Some of the salient features of this temple are….
The temple faces east with a 5-tier Rajagopuram. Paintings to Dasavatar, the agamas taught by Maha Vishnu and Brahma are in the mukha mandapam walls. A 4 pillar mandapam is before the Balipeedam. Balipeedam, Dwajasthambam and Garudan are after the Rajagopuram, under the mandapam. Moolavar Sri Narayanar is in three postures,  on three levels, Standing, Sitting, and reclining postures. All three levels, Moolavars, and their Consorts are made of stucco, painted with herbal extracts. Bhrigu Maharishi and Markandeya Maharishi are also in the sanctum sanctorum. Utsavar Sri Rajagopala Swamy is with Sridevi, Bhudevi, and Sri Kotha ( Andal ), and Garudan is in front of Moolavar.

In praharam, Bhuvanavalli Thayar, Vedavalli Thayar, Manavala Mamunigal sannidhi, Visvaksenar, Ramanujar, Dasavatara sannidhi, Yoga Narasimhar, Kulasekara Alwar, Paramapada vasal ( Paramapada vasal doors are with beautifully carved wooden sculptures/reliefs), Thiruvaimozhi mandapam and vahana mandapam.   

Dasavatara sannidhi
Dasavatara sannidhi
Dasavatara sannidhi

The temple consists of sanctum sanctorum, antarala, ardha mandapam, maha mandapam, mukha mandapam. There is a 4 pillar mandapam under the mukha mandapam before Dwajasthambam. The Mukha mandapam pillars have the images of the Nayaka kings / Donors. The temple is with an Ashtanga Vimanam in which Moolavar is in three postures. The sanctum sanctorum is on a adhistanam with jagathy, Vrudha kumudam and prativari. The Bhitti starts with vedikai. The pilasters are brahmakantha pilasters. The Prastaram consists of valapi, kapotam with nasikudus and viyyalavari. The first Tala and second talas are salakara style built with bricks. Moolavar is in sitting posture with Sridevi and Bhudevi. In the second level, Moolavar is in a reclining posture. Stucco images of Maha Vishnu, Narasimhar, Brahma, and Dakshinamrthy are on the tala and Greeava koshtams. The first level and 2nd level interiors are constructed with wood.

The gandapada miniature bas reliefs are from the episodes of the epic Ramayan. The Paramapada vasal wooden doors have bas reliefs of Epic Ramayan and Maha Vishnu’s various forms like Narasimhar, Lakshmi Narayana, Lakshmi Narasimha, Ramar with Sita and Lakshmana.

Nayaka kings/Donors' sculptures are on the respective mandapam pillars.

About 38 inscriptions were recorded from this temple, which include Chozhas, Chozha Pandyas, Latter Pandyas, The regional King Kalakkad Thiruvadi, and Vijayanagara Nayakas. As per the inscriptions Moolavar is called Vedanarayanan and Utsavar is called Gopalaswamy. Out of the 38 inscriptions, Rajendra Chozha-I, Jadavaraman Sundara chozha Pandyan-I, Jadavarman Kulasekara Pandayan-I and Maravarman Sundara Pandyan –I’s inscriptions are important. The earliest inscription belongs to Jadavarman Sundara Chozha Pandyan’s 4th reign year ( 1024 CE ).

During Chozha and Chozha Pandyas period, “Rajaraja Pandya nattu Mudikonda Chozha Vinnagar” and Perumal was called as Rajendra Chozha Vinnagarathu Nintraruliya Paramaswamigal”. Also called as Rajaraja Chaturvedimangalam. The temple was called as Rajendra Vinnagar, and Perumal was called as Rajendra chozha Vinnagara Deva, Rajendra Vinnagara Alwar, Gopalaswamy, Alagiya mannanar and Mannarsvami(n).

As per the Rajendra Chozha’s 24th reign year inscription this temple was built by the Chera King Rajasimhan, who was ruling under Rajendra Chozha-I.

The Pandya king Māravarman alias Tribhuvana chakravartin Sundara Pandyadeva’s 14th regnal year, ( Sasanam 814, ARE No 397 of 1916 ) inscription on the west wall of the Kulasekhara Álvar shrine in the Gōpālasvami temple, records that, The King 'who was pleased to distribute the Chōla country' registering an agreement given by the Srivaishnavas of the Rajendra Vinnagar temple of Rajaraja chaturvēdımangalam to Alvar Sri Parankusa mamuni, one of the Brahmavsdvāns of the place, stating that they would obey him in as much as he had been appointed to look after the service in the shrine of Alvar Kulasekhara perumal set up and endowed by Vasudevan Kēśavan alias Sendalankaradasar of Mullaippalli ın Malaimandalam.

Rajendra Chozha’s 9th reign year inscription ( Sasanam 815, AR No 400 of 1916 ), on the north and west walls of the same shrine, records that Sendalankaradasar of Mullaippalli in Malaimandalam who set up the shrine of Kulasēkhara perumal declared the village Vindanūr ın Kurumarat nādu as a tiruvidaryāttam and settled its boundary disputes ( ) on the strength of an old document which was now rewritten The village had been formerly surveyed under royal orders in the 9th year of Rajendra chōla dēva and had been registered on the first tier of the temple as the tiruvidaiyāttam of Rājēndraśōla Vinnagar Emberuman in Rājarāja chaturvēdı mangalam in Madhurantaka valanādu, a sub-division of Rājarāja Pandi nadu.

Pandya king Maravarman alias Tribhuvana Chakravartin Sundara Pandyadeva’s 4th + 1st reign year inscription ( Sasanam 816, AR No 998 of 1916 ), on the north wall of the same shrine, records the gift of the village of Velāñjõlai to the shrine of Kulasēkhara perumal by the kara navans of the tantra headed by the chief military officers in the imperial service ( Sengöl vēlaikkarar ) of Parikkiragam Dēvēndra vallabha of Urimaiyalagiyan ın Vadavari nādu. The record also grants the privilege of using the excess water of the tank Melakkulam by channels to other tanks.

The Pandya king Māravarman alias Tribhuvana chakravartin Sundara Pandyadeva’s 4th + 1st reign year inscription ( Sasanam 817, No 399 of 1916), on the north and west bases of the same shrine, records the villagers of Puliyūr alias Nripa chūdāmūni nallür in Tenvari nādu having assembled together as ūr granted the flow [ of excess water of their tank, to other tanks ].

The Pandya king Jatavarman alias Tribhuvana Chakravartin Kulasekharadeva’s 13th + 6th reign year inscription ( Sasanam 818, AR No 402 of 1916 ), on the east wall of the same shrine,  records, that the Sri Vaishnavas of Rajendra Vinnagar in Rajarāja chaturvēdimangalam granted to Sendalankaradasar a pidipadu under the following circumstances. The latter having got the release of certain lands in Vindanür alias Avani mārtāndapuram, the ownership of which was disputed by the residents of Puliyür in Tenvari nadu and of Srivallabha chaturvēdımangalan in Kurumarai nadu, in the boundary dispute already referred to in No 815 above, the nagarattār  of Vindanür granted the kārānmar of these lands to Sendalankaradasar of the Kulasēkhara perumal shrine [ The king on the occasion of his presence at the Nalayiravan tirumandapam to hear the Tiruppāvas, remitted all the taxes on these lands including kadamai and antarāyām ]. Probably there are gaps in the text.

The Pandya king Maravarman alias Tribhuvana chakravartin Sundara Pandyadeva's 22nd reign year inscription ( Sasanam 819, AR No. 401 of 1916 ), on the east wall of the same shrine, the  King who having taken the Chōla country was pleased to perform the virābhishēka at Mudikondaśōlapuram registering the sale of garden belonging to two widows without sons, of Rajaraja chaturvēdimangalam for 123 ānai achchu to the shrine of Kulasēkhara perumāl by their representatives ( mudukan ), [one a son-in-law and other the father. It is stated that before doing this, the widows appealed to their jñātes for help, but failing to get it, other jñātes permitted them to dispose of the lands as they liked ]. The Epigraphical report gives the regnal year as 20, the fortnight vahula paksha, and the nakshatra as Uttara Phalguni ( Uttıram ).

The inscriptions as per Sasanam 820,  AR No 403 of 1916, on the east base of the same shrine, record an order of the chief god Gopalasvami of the temple, granting the kadamai of Nādālvan kulam for meeting the expenses of offerings, etc, on the day of Ardra in the month of Makara when he went in procession and stood in front of the shrine of Kulasekhara. The gift was made to Sendalankaradasar, at the suggestion of Tiruvaranga Nārāyaņan.

As per the Sasanam 821, the inscription on the north wall of the central shrine in the temple of Raja Gōpālasvamin, otherwise known as Mannarsvamin, records a much damaged and copied corruptly. Probably two inscriptions are mixed up. The first seems to be a record of a Pandya king with the title Jatāvarman.

The second one seems to be of the 3rd regnal year of the Chola king Adhirajendradeva. It Mentions Rajarāja Chaturvēdımangalam, a brahmadēya in Rajaraja pandinādu alias Mudikondasõla valanādu and the vaikhānasas, conducting worship in the temple. The record seems to register some gift of money and paddy for worshipping the god for the health of the king ( tirumēninanrāga ).

The Chōla viceroy, Jatāvarman alias Sundara Chola Pandyadeva’s 4th reign year inscription ( Sasanam 822, AR No 107 of 1905), on the same wall, records the gift of some land to the temple of Rajendra Vınnagara Alvar in Rajarāja chaturvēdımangalam, a brahmadēya in Rājarāja pandya nadu alias Mudikondaśōla valanādu.

The inscription ( Sasanam 823, AR No 388 of 1916 ), on the north wall of the mandapa in front of the central shrine in the temple, an undated inscription records ordering that Anandavalli [ was to be appointed ) third Kuds in the temple of Alagiya mannanar of Rajaraja chaturvēdimangalam, a brahmadēyam in Mulli nādu, in place of Valli Manikkamālai and her set who formerly occupied the third kudi [but were now transferred to the fourth].

A much damaged 1599 CE, inscription ( Sasanam 824, No 383 of 1916), on the south wall of the same mandapa records the appointment of a certain Sankara nayınar as the dharmakarta and accountant of the temple by the god and his servants assembled together in the Kulasēkhara mandapa underneath the canopy called Udayamartāndan pandal.

The inscriptions recorded in sasanam 825, 826, 827 and 828 are much damaged fragment inscriptions. 
As per the Sasanam 829, this is a highly damaged inscription. Seems to register the gift of some land to the temple of Rajendra chōla Vinnagara dēva in Rajaraja chaturvēdı mangalam of Mullinādu, a subdivision of Mudikondasōla valanādu. Mentions the Chera king Rajasingavarman. Probably this is the same as AR No. 144 of 1905 on the south wall of the central shrine in the temple If so it belongs to the reign of the Chōla Pandya viceroy, Jațavarman alias Sundara Chola Pandya.

As per the Sasanam 830, this is a fragmentary inscription records the Chola king Udaiyar Sri Rajendra choladeva and his son the Chola Pandya viceroy Sundara Chola Pandya,  Seems to make some provision for burning a perpetual lamp in the temple.

The Chola king Parakēsarivarman alias [ Udaiyar ] Rajendra Choladeva’s 24th reign year inscription ( Sasanam 831 ), records that  'who captured Pūrvadēśam, Gangai and Kadāram' mentioning the 16th year of his son and viceroy Udaiyar Sundara [ Chola ] Pandyadeva. Only the date portion, and even that with many gaps, is available The day of the year also seems to have been mentioned, but it is mutilated.

This is probably the same as AR No 112 of 1905 on the south wall of the central shrine in the temple, registering a gift of land From the Epigraphical report it is learned that the 24th year of Rajendra Chōla-I corresponded to the 15th year of his son and viceroy Sundara Chōla Pandya But our text gives the regnal year of the latter as the sixteenth.

The Pandyan king Jatavarman alias Tribhuvana chakravartin Kula sekharadeva’s 13th + 1st reign year inscription ( Sasanam 832 ) records that, the brahmadēya village of Mulli nadu. The remaining portion of the record is not available.

The Pandya king Tribhuvana chakravartin Śri Kulasekhara Perumal’s 15th + 1st reign year inscription ( Sasanam 833 ), begins with the meykkīrtti, "Pūtala Madandai". The king is evidently Jatāvarman Kulas'ēkharadēva.

As per the Sasanam 834, 835, 836, 837 and 838 are highly damaged.

The 1587 CE inscription ( Sasanam 839, AR No 395 of 1916), on the inner gõpura, right of entrance, records  the  appointment of two dancing girls for the twelfth kottu in the temple. The Epigraphical report gives the date as Kollam 763 and adds Arpasi 1 tāds, Dhanishtha, corresponding to CE.1587, October 1.

1. தென்னிந்திய கோயில் சாசனங்கள் பகுதி - II.
2. South Indian inscriptions Volume  XLI and XIV
3. நெல்லை கட்டபொம்மன் மாவட்டம் கையேடு, Published by Tamil Nadu     Archaeological Department.

Chozha's inscriptions

Kulasekara Alwar,..... one of the 12 Alwars, was born at Thiruanjaikalam of Chera Nadu in a Royal family. Later he conquered Pandya Country and ruled. At one stage he renounced his royal position and undertook pilgrimage to Vishnu Temples and finally came to Vedapuri. He was attracted by Sri Vedanarayanan’s beauty and served at this temple till he attained mukti. He had written 105 verses of Perumal Thirumozhi of Nalayira Divya prabandham on Thirukannapuram, Thiruvazhi, Thiruchitrakoodam and Thiruvathakode. He was called as Kulasekara Perumal, Kollikavalan, Koodal Nayagan, and Kozhikon. The idols of Rama, Sita, Lakshmana and Krishnar, worshipped by Sri Kulasekara Alwar is still in the sanctum sanctorum. He was praised by Ramanujar, Manakkal Nambi and Manavala Mamunigal.

This temple is in front of Ekadasi mandapam. This temple was constructed by Jadavarman Kulasekara Pandyan in 1209 CE. The inscriptions praises Kulasekara Alwar as “Chendalangara mamuni”. One of the Sundra Chozha Pandya’s inscription records 12 streets are existed in the Village ( Chery ).

ராமாநுஜர் அருளிய தனியன் 
இன்னமுதமூட்டுகேன் இங்கே வா பைங்கிளியே !
தென்னரங்கம் பாடவல்ல சீர்ப்பெருமாள் - பொன்னின்
சிலைசேர் நுதலியர்வேள் சேரலர்கோன் எங்கள்
குலசேகரன் என்றே கூறு.

மணக்கால் நம்பி அருளிய தனியன்
ஆரம்கெடப் பரன் அன்பர் கொள்ளாரென்று அவர்களுக்கே வாரம்கொடு குடப்பாம்பில் கையிட்டவன் - மாற்றலரை வீரங்கெடுத்த செங்கோல் கொல்லிகாவலன் வில்லவர்கோன்
சேரன் குலசேகரன் முடிவேந்தர் சிகாமணியே.

மணவாளமாமுனிகள் அருளிய உபதேசரத்தினமாலை பாடல்
மாசிப்புனர்பூசம் காண்மின் இன்று மண்ணுலகீர்
தேசு இத்திவசத்துக்கு ஏது என்னில் - பேசுகின்றேன் கொல்லிநகர்க்கோன் குலசேகரன் பிறப்பால்
நல்லவர்கள் கொண்டாடும் நாள்.

Manavala Mamunigal… one of the 12 Alwars, was born in1370 CE, at Alwar Thirunagari and was named Azhagiya Manavalan. He was called Azhagiya Manavala Nayanar, Periya Jeeyar, Yatheenthrapravanar, Sri Ramanujar Ponnadi, etc,. He learned Bashyam from Kanchi Thirumalachariyar, Thava and Grantham from Koorakulothamadasa. He had written 9 Viyakyanas, which includes some in Nalayira Divayaprabandham. He had 8 disciples called ashtadickajangal. The first disciple is Vanamamali Jeeyar. He was praised as..

உபதேசரத்தினமாலையில் மாமுனிகள் பற்றிய பாடல்
மன்னுயிர்காள் இங்கே மணவாளமாமுனிவன்
பொன்னடியாம் செங்கமலப்போதுகளை - உன்னிச்
சிரத்தாலே தீண்டில் அமானவனும் நம்மை
கரத்தாலே தீண்டல் கடன்

Students pray Vedanarayan to excel in studies, Devotees pray for Child boon, etc,.

Apart from regular poojas, special poojas are conducted on Vaikunta Ekadasi, 10 days annual festival in the month Feb – March and April – May.

The temple will be kept open between 07.00 hrs to 10.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs to 19.00 hrs.

The landline number +914364252874 may be contacted for further details.

Mannarkoil is 4 km from Ambasamudram, 9.5 km from Papanasam, 33 km from Tenkasi, and 35 km from Tirunelveli.
Nearest railway station is Papanasam.


 Paramapada vasal door
Narasimha on the Paramapada vasal door
 Narasimha on the Paramapada vasal door
 Narasimha on the Paramapada vasal door
Narasimha on the Pillar
 Donors or Nayaka King
 Donors or Nayaka King

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