The visit to this Huchchimalli
Gudi at Aihole was a part of “The Hampi, Badami, Pattadakal, Mahakuta and Aihole
temples Heritage visit” organized by வரலாறு விரும்பிகள் சங்கம் Varalaru Virumbigal Sangam – VVS and எண்திசை வரலாற்று மரபு நடைக்குழு, between 24th December to 28th December
2022. I sincerely thank the
organizers Mrs. Radha, Mrs. Nithya Senthil Kumar, and Mr. Senthil Kumar.
Aihole, is located in Hungund taluk of Bagalkot
district in northern Karnataka. Situated
on the bank of the river Malaprabha, Aihole was the cultural capital during the
period of the Western Chalukya dynasty of Badami (543-757 CE) founded by
Pulakeshi-I (543-566 CE) with Vätäpi - Bādāmi as the capital latter led by
Pulakeshi- II (610-642 CE) and latter the succeeded by Rashtrakuta’s of Malkhed
(757-950 CE) and the Chalukya’s of Kalyana (950-1250 CE). The town had trading
and administrative importance with a guild known as Ayyavole Ainuruvar, (a
guild of 500 elders) mentioned in numerous ancient inscriptions.
The name Ayyavolal is derived from Aryavolal
or Aryapura ( the valley of the elders ). In the local language, it is known as
Aivalli /Aiholli.
As per the legend, Parashurama, after killing
the Kshatriya-s, is said to have washed his axe in the Malaprabha river. The
waters of the river turned red due to blood, causing the people to exclaim, "Ai
Holi" ( Ai, the river ...!!! ). Hence the name Aiholi, which has been corrupted to the
present name of Aihole.
This Aihole Temple
complex consists of about 6 temples, constructed during early Chalukyas since the mid-fifth Century, within the fortification alone in groups and there are more
than 50 temples that can be seen outside. And this is one of them. This Huchchimalli Temple is before Ravanaphaddi Rock Cut Cave Shrine and some of the details are..….
1. Durga Temple
5. Chakra Gudi
6. Badiger Gudi
This temple and the cave are a little away from
the Aihole group of temples. This Huchchimalli temple is just before the
Ravanaphadi Cave Shrine.
ஹுச்சிமல்லி கோயில்…
இக்கோயில் ராவனபாடி குடைவரை கோயிலுக்கு முன்பு அமைந்து உள்ளது. 11 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டைச்
சார்ந்ததாகக் கருதப்படும் இக்கோயில், உயர்ந்த அதிட்டானத்தின் மீது, கருவறை, ரங்க மண்டம்,
முக மண்டபம் என்ற அமைப்பில் கட்டப்பட்டு உள்ளது. கருவறை மீது, வட இந்திய கட்டிடக்கலையின்
அமைப்பில் ஒன்றான ரேகா-நாகர விமானம், அமலக்கா மற்றும் ஸ்தூபியுடன் காணப்படுகின்றது. கதவின் சட்டக்காலில்,
சிவா, மஹாவிஷ்ணு, கந்தர்வர்கள், மயிலின் மீது கார்த்திகேயன், சூரியன், பிரம்மா ஆகியோரின்
சிற்பங்கள் காணப்படுகின்றது. கோயிலின் எதிரே உள்ள குளத்தின் கைப்பிடி சுவற்றில் அஷ்டதிக்
பாலகர்கள், மஹிசாசுரமர்தினி, பிரம்மா, மஹாவிஷ்ணு, கஜலக்ஷ்மி போன்றோரின் சிற்பங்கள்
Huchchimalli Gudi or Temple…. The
Huchchimalli gudi, a Shivalaya, stands on an elevated platform/adhitanam and has a Mukha mandapa a Ranga mandapa, and
Garbhagruha. This temple is remembered for its wonderful
sculptured sculptures. The door frame has four divisions with wonderful and unique
sculptured images of Shiva and Vishnu and floating celestial nymphs
(Gandharva's). The niches in the Sabhana mandapa door frame have the same design as
the one at the garbha griha. The garbha griha has a Rekha-nagara shikhara and on
its sides has images of Surya and Brahma on two sides. There is a small temple
in front of Huchchimalli temple of which only Mukha mandapa remains and it has
a row of nice Poorna kumbha sculptures in a row. To the north of the monument
of the 11th century and its
Gabhagruha has a phansana (stepped) shikhara.
A Beautiful Karthikeya’s bas-relief is on the
ceiling of mukha mandapam. The temple
has a tank and its walls too are full of fine sculptures of Ashtadikpalas, Mahishamardini, Brahma, Vishnu, Gajalakshmi, Kartikeya, stories of
Panchatantara and Kiratarjuna, etc.
1. A Handbook on the World Heritage Series Badami, published by the Archaeological Survey of India.
2. A Handbook on Hampi, Badami, Pattadakal & Aihole issued by VVS in Tamil.
3. Temple architecture and Art of Early Chalukyas Badami, Pattadakal, Mahakuta, Aihole by George Michell.
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