Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Sri Kailasanathar Temple/ ஸ்ரீ கைலாசநாதர் கோயில், Kailasapuram, Anandapuram / Ananthapuram, Thiruvannamalai District, Tamil Nadu.

The Visit to this Sri Kailasanathar temple at Kailasapuram, a part of Ananthapuram, was a part of Gajaprishta Vimana Temples of Thondai Nadu Visit on 4th June 2023. This Place is on the way from Vellore - Kannamangalam to Padavedu. Thanks to Mr Sugumar Arul, for taking me to this temple. This temple is on a small hill.

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Moolavar  : Sri Kailsanathar

Some of the salient features of this temple are...
The temple faces east. The temple tank is a naturally formed pond/tank between rocks. The Gajaprishta Vimana temple was built on a small hill. The temple wall and adhistanam stones are strewn around the temple. The Temple is under palalayam and the poojas are done at the Ilangoil, where the moolavar and Rishabam are made of wood. A Shiva and Parvati's image was on the back side wall of the sanctum sanctorum. Shiva’s hands are found broken.  

The temple is under reconstruction, a replica of the original temple,  and expecting Kubhabhishekam.

New Shiva and Parvati's images are ready to be installed on the back of Moolavar
 Koshta Images

The original temple..... The original temple was built with sanctum sanctorum and ardha mandapam, built in Gajaprishta Vimanam style. The sanctum sanctorum is on a square base / upanam and the sanctum sanctorum was built on a pada bandha adhistanam with jagathi, three patta kumudam, and pattikai. The bhitti starts with vedika. The pilasters are Brahma kantha pilasters. Kumbha panjaras are found between the Koshtas. The prastaram consists of valapi, kapotam and Vyyalavari. The original temple above the prastaram and some portions of the walls have collapsed. A damaged Shiva ( Hands ) and Parvati images are found on the back side of the Shiva Lingam. The dismantled stones, which include jagathi, three patta Kumudam, pilasters, Vyyalavari, and pranala / komukha are strewn around the temple.

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The reconstructed temple... The old temple was completely dismantled after numbering the stones. While doing reconstruction none of the old stones are used. New stones are used and a reconstructed replica of the original temple is Gajaprishta Vimana temple. The back side koshta protrudes outside from adhistanam to the first tala. Kumbha panjaras with Kumbha latha are between Koshtas. A two tala Gajaprishta Vimanam is on the adhistanam. The present prastaram does not have the vyyalavari. The Vimanam above the prastaram was constructed with brick and cement. No images are found in the Tala and Greeva Koshtams.  From Upanam to prastaram was built with stone.  

New koshta murtis, Shiva, and Parvati images are kept ready for installation. 

Adhisthanam elephant bas reliefs carving 

This temple was identified and an article was published in Avanam 7, 1996, by Pa The. Balaji, Chennai. The inscription belongs to 11th Century Chozha’s and Sambuvarayars are on adhistanam and pilasters. During our visit, we could identify the Sambhuvarayar Period inscription in the heap of old temple stones. 

One of the inscriptions records the endowment of burning a lamp and the donation made to this temple.

A Soola kal with moon and Rishabam with Kuththu Vilakku on one side and a Trishul is found on the other side.  This soolakal is installed in a field near the temple. The inscription records the gift of land to the temple. The temple mentioned may be the Sri Kailasanathar Temple.

A Soolakal near the temple ( records the gift of land to Shiva temple ) 

This place Kailasapuram is next to Anandapuram / Ananthapuram on the Kannamangalam to Padavedu Road,
The temple is 5.7 KM from Padavedu, 12 KM from Kannamangalam, 24 KM from Arani, 36 KM from Vellore Bus Stand, 32 KM from Polur, 70 KM Tiruvannamalai and 157 KM from Chennai.
The nearest railway station is Sedarambattu.


Palalayam temple
Pranala / Ko mukha
The dismantled un-utilized original temple stones
The dismantled un-utilized original temple stones
The dismantled un-utilized original temple stones
The dismantled un-utilized original temple stones
The dismantled un-utilized original temple stones
The dismantled un-utilized original temple stones

Avanan 7, Article Photo

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