This temple is the 116th Thevara
Paadal Petra Shiva Sthalam and the 62nd Sthalam on the north side
of river Kaveri of Chozha Nadu. The temple is on the north bank of the river
Kollidam. During the 6th to 7th Century, this place
was called Pachilachiramam, later Thiruchiraman, which was corrupted to
the present name of Thiruvasi.
In Periyapuranam Sekkizhar records that, after
worshiping Lord Shiva of Thirumanthurai, Thirugnanasambandar came to this
temple. Thirugnanasambandar did a miracle in this temple also, where he cured
the Local King Kolli Mazhavan’s daughter, who was suffering from the disease Muyalagan, through the Thevara hymns.
அணிகிளர் தாரவன் சொன்னமாற்றம் அருளொடும்கேட்டு அந்நிலையில் நின்றேபணிவளர் செஞ்சடைப் பாச்சின் மேயபரம்பொருள் ஆயினாரைப் பணிந்து
மணிவளர் கண்டரோ மங்கையைவாடமயல் செய்வதோ இவர் மாண்பது என்றுதணிவுஇல் பிணிதவிர்க்கும் பதிகத்தண்டமிழ்பாடினார் சண்பை நாதர்
Thirugnanasambandar, Sundarar, Ayadigal Kadavarkon, and Vallalar have sung hymns in praise of Lord Shiva of this
temple. Sundarar asked Lord Shiva of this temple to give him gold.
Also in the hymn he mentions that he will not be happy if he gives or will not be
sad and angry on Lord Shiva if don’t give.
துணிவளர் திங்களர் துளங்கி விளங்கச் சுடர்ச்சுடை சுற்றி முடித்துப்பணிவளர் கொள்கையர் பாரிடம் சூழ ஆரிடமும் பலி தேர்வர்அணிவளர் கோலம் எலாம் செய்து பாச்சில் ஆச்சிரா மத்துஉறை கின்றமணிவளர் கண்டரோ மங்கையை வாட மயல் செல்வ தோஇவர் மாண்பே. .......... திருஞானசம்பந்தர்உற்றபோது அல்லல் உறுதியை உணரேன் உள்ளமே அமையும்என்று இருந்தேன் செற்றவர் புரமூன்று எரிஎழச் செற்ற செஞ்சடை நஞ்சடை கண்டர்அற்றவர்க்கு அருள்செய் பாச்சிலாச் சிராமத்து அடிகள் தாம் யாதுசொன் னாலும்பெற்றபோது உகந்து பெறாவிடில் இகழில் இவரலாது இல்லையோ பிரானார்......... சுந்தரர்இட்ட குடிநீர் இருநாழி ஓர் உழக்காச்சட்ட ஒருமுட்டை நெய்தான் கலந்- தட்டஅருவாச்சா ரென்றங் கழாமுன்னம் பாச்சிற்றிருவாச்சி ராமமே சேர்.......... ஐயடிகள் காடவர்கோன் -“எஞ்ஞான்றும்ஏச்சிராமங் கலத்டோடின்பந் தரும்பாச்சிலாச்சிராமஞ்சேர் அருள்நிலையே........... திரு அருட்பாMoolavar : Sri Matrurai Nathar, Sri
Sameevaneswarar ( Vanni Trees), Sri Bimmapureeswarar.Consort : Sri Balambigai, Sri
Bala Soundari.Sthala Vruksham : Vanni Tree.
Some of the important features of this temple are...
The temple faces east with two 5-tier
Rajagopuras. Balipeedam, Dwajasthambam, and Rishabam are immediately after the
Rajagopuram. In koshtam Vinayagar, Dakshinamurthy, Arthanareeswarar, Brahma, and
Durgai. Arthanareeswarar is in place of Lingothbavar.
In the praharam, Ambal sannathi is on the left side
entrance. In addition to this, in prakaram Selva Vinayakar, Sahasra
Linga, Navagrahas, 63var, Chandikeswarar, Saptamatrikas, Bhairavar,
Moola Vinayagar, Suryan, Chandran, and Gajalakshmi. In Navagrahas, Suryan
is with his consorts Usha and Pratyusha, in sitting posture. All other planets
are facing Suryan.
In Sabha Mandapam, Sri Nataraja is dancing on a snake
instead of Muyalagan, hence called “Sarpa Nadanamurthy“. ( Muyalagan – is a disease called epilepsy / valippu ). In Utsava murtis, the
image of Sundarar is in a singing posture with thalam in his
ARCHITECTUREThe temple consists of sanctum sanctorum, antarala,
artha mandapam and a mukka mandapam. The sanctum is on a raised upana. A 2 tier
vesara Vimana is over the sanctum.
It is believed that the original temple existed
before the 7th Century. Later renovated by Hoysalas, Chozhas, and
Pandyas. This place was called “Pachil Kootrathu Achiramam during the period and
the same changed as Pachilachiramam. As per the inscriptions, this place was
under Pachil Kootram and later Thiruchiraman, which was corrupted to the
present name of Thiruvasi. Lord Shiva was called Rajasriya
Valanattu Pachilthiruvasriramudaya Mahadevar.
Rajaraja Chozha-I’s 11th reign year
inscription records the endowment of burning Sandhi lamp and Naivedyam to
RajaVidangar by Avanamudayan Kandan Uththaman. For the same, he obtained a small
portion of lands from VaNNakkar, Kusavar, Thachar / Carpenter /Kammalar, and Navithar /
Barbar, out of the land, 142 kalane thooni pathakku paddy earned was given to this Rajavidangar for
Rajaraja-I's 11th reign year ( 996 CE ) 297 line inscription, records that The royal servant maid of Periyavelathu Nakkan Karpagavalli, who lived like a daughter of Lord Shiva of this temple, has given the gift of 201 Kalanju gold from her savings and lands which yields 16 kalam paddy per year. It was arranged that the 201 Kalanju has to be shared by the 28 artists and servants of This temple and Pachil Amaleeswaram ( Thiruvasi is also called Thirupachilachiramam, whether the Pachil Amaleeswaram is the same or not is known ). In turn, they have to pay 1 Kalam paddy as an interest to be supplied to the treasury. With this 217 ( 201 + 16 ) Kalam Paddy, Nakkan Karpagavalli established 5 endowments. Through these endowments, 1. Naivedyam for early morning pooja was arranged for moolavar and Utsavars established in the name of Rajaraja Vidangar. 2. Arrangements were made Every year Karthigai month Karthigai nakshatra day ( Nakkan Karpagavalli's birth star day ), abhishekam for Moolavar and Utsavars will be brought to Thiruvolakka Mandapam with poojas and Appam naivedyam. The required Paddy was calculated and given. 3. One portion of the paddy was given for celebrating the Thaipoosam day with naivedyam to Lord Shiva and feeding to 50 Shiva Yogis and 50 Thavasis. 5. One portion of the paddy was given for the maintenance of the Maha mandapam maintenance, where annual functions are held. The inscription also records the salary distributed to the person who worked for the functions and celebrations. The 5 persons names of the Amaleeswarar temples who got benefits for the above endowment. This inscription was recently discovered and announced by Dr. Ma Rajamanickanar with Pof Nalini and Prof Akila.
Rajaraja Chozha-I’s 13th reign year inscription records the endowment of burning two
perpetual lamps by Udayar Rajaraja devar Peruntharathu Innattu Kalar Kootrathu
Chembiyam Brahmarayar to Mazha Nadu
Rajasriya Valanattu Pachi Kootrathu MipilaRRu Brahmadeya Thudaiyur Sabha to Lord Pachilthiruvaasriramudaya Mahadevar.
For which 30 kalanju was gifted and land through which bought with periphery
limits are given,
Kulothunga Chozha’s 27th reign year
inscription records the endowment of
Thirumanjanam / sacred bath and Naivedyam, for the same some gifts were made.
The Pandya’s 5th reign year inscription (
The inscription found near the 2nd Rajagopuram entrance right side –
the name portion was found damaged ), records that the Coconut farm grove was
damaged by the Muslim invaders. Some Taxes were levied to recreate the coconut
farm grove and Naivedyam to Lord Shiva of this temple.
The Hoysala King Veera Someswaran ( 1253 CE - who
ruled keeping Samayapuram as capital ), period inscription mentions the temple
received 10000 Kalam paddy was received.
Kulothunga Period inscription records the endowment
of burning perpetual lamps for which donations were made to this temple.
Maha Kumbhabhishekam was conducted on 14th June 2017.LEGENDS
As per the legend This place Thiruvasi belonging to Pandu Mazha Nadu and Kolli Mazhavan ruled as King. His
daughter was suffering from the disease Muyalagan ( epilepsy ). When the King
couldn’t Cure her disease with medicine, he brought his daughter. Knowing that Thirugnanasambandar is on the way to this temple after
worshiping Thirumanthurai. Thirugnanasambandar circumambulated the temple and
asked the King what is this ?. The King explained that his daughter was
suffering from the disease muyalakan. The King fell down on his feet and prayed
to help his daughter.
கன்னி இளங்கொடி உணர்வு கழிந்துநிலன் சேர்ந்ததனைக் கண்டு நோக்கிஎன்இது என்று அருள்செய்ய மழவன்தான் எதிர் இறைஞ்சி அடியேன் பெற்றபொன்இவளை முயலகனாம் பொருஇல் அரும் பிணி பொருந்தப் புனிதர் கோயில்முன்அனையக் கொணர்வித்தேன் இதுபுகுந்த படிஎன்று மொழிந்து நின்றான்....... சேக்கிழார் பெரிய புராணம்Thirugnanasambandar has sung a hymns on Lord Shiva.
மணிவளர் கண்டரோ மங்கையை வாடமயல் செல்வ தோஇவர் மாண்பே....... திருஞானசம்பந்தர். Lord Shiva transformed the
Muyalagan decease in to Serpent and danced on it as “Sarpa Nataraja”, also
relieved the King’s daughter from the decease.
Sundarar after worshiping Lord Shiva of
Thiruvanaikoil came to this place. He praised Lord Shiva for seeking gold for
annadhanam to the Devotees. Lord Shiva kept mum. Angered Sundarar
sang the hymns loudly mentioning whether Lord Shiva was here or Not. Pleased by
the hymn, Lord Shiva gave him a bag of Gold. Sundarar suspected and started
checking its purity. While he was examining two persons came and confirmed
their purity after scratching and disappeared. Sundarar has sung again, in that
he mentions that he didn’t mean to insult him or suspect the purity of the
Gold, which was given by Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva appeared before him and said
that the assessors were himself and Maha Vishnu. Hence Lord Shiva is
called “Matru Urai Nathar”
During ancient times this place was in the midst of the Vanni tree Forest, called Samee vanam. Since Brahma worshiped Lord
Shiva of this temple, hence praised as Sri Brahmapureeswarar.
Ambal Balambika’s hands are in kadaka hastham, which
is unique. It is believed that consuming Ambal’s abhishekam milk for
3 consecutive Sundays by the children who are born with Balarishta
dosha will be relieved. Devotees pray Ambal of this temple for Child boon.
Apart from regular poojas, special poojas are
conducted on 11 days brahmotsavam in the month Vaikasi ( May –
June ), Thirukarthigai in the month Karthigai ( Nov – Dec ), Arudra
darshan in the month Margazhi ( Dec – Jan ), Thai Poosam in the month Thai (
Jan – Feb ), Maha Shivaratri in the month Masi ( Feb – March ) and monthly
The temple will be kept open between 08.00 hrs to
12.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs to 20.00 hrs.
The mobile number is +91 94436 92138.
The Gurukkal Vijayakumar may be contacted on his
mobile at +91 98656 64870 for further details.
From Tiruchirapalli Town bus routes Nos 60 & 40
pass through this village. From the bus stop, one has to walk to the temple
on the dusty road.
Thiruvasi is on the route to Musiri on the
north riverside.
The temple is 5 KM from Uttamarkovil, 9 Km from
Thiruvanaikoil, 20 KM from Tiruchirappalli, 68 KM from Thanjavur, and 323 KM
from Chennai.The
Nearest Railway station UttamarKovil / Junction is
second Visit to this temple was a part of the “Trichy Heritage Walk” organised by
“Yaaooyakay – யாஊயாகே- Group”, to the Historical Chozha
period temples, in and around Trichy aka Tiruchirappalli, scheduled on 20th
& 21st March 2021. Even after the damages done by the Muslim
invaders, they still stand majestically with 1000 and odd years of history,
Heritage, and cultural values. Even though they were contributed by the Pallava,
Chozha, Pandya, Vijayanagara Kings, and the present Nattukottai Nagarathars,
they are less popular. Uploaded some of the Photographs taken during the
second visit.
This temple is the 116th Thevara
Paadal Petra Shiva Sthalam and the 62nd Sthalam on the north side
of river Kaveri of Chozha Nadu. The temple is on the north bank of the river
Kollidam. During the 6th to 7th Century, this place
was called Pachilachiramam, later Thiruchiraman, which was corrupted to
the present name of Thiruvasi.
In Periyapuranam Sekkizhar records that, after
worshiping Lord Shiva of Thirumanthurai, Thirugnanasambandar came to this
temple. Thirugnanasambandar did a miracle in this temple also, where he cured
the Local King Kolli Mazhavan’s daughter, who was suffering from the disease Muyalagan, through the Thevara hymns.
அணிகிளர் தாரவன் சொன்ன
மாற்றம் அருளொடும்கேட்டு அந்நிலையில் நின்றே
பணிவளர் செஞ்சடைப் பாச்சின் மேய
பரம்பொருள் ஆயினாரைப் பணிந்து
மணிவளர் கண்டரோ மங்கையை
வாடமயல் செய்வதோ இவர் மாண்பது என்று
தணிவுஇல் பிணிதவிர்க்கும் பதிகத்தண்டமிழ்
பாடினார் சண்பை நாதர்
Thirugnanasambandar, Sundarar, Ayadigal Kadavarkon, and Vallalar have sung hymns in praise of Lord Shiva of this
temple. Sundarar asked Lord Shiva of this temple to give him gold.
Also in the hymn he mentions that he will not be happy if he gives or will not be
sad and angry on Lord Shiva if don’t give.
துணிவளர் திங்களர் துளங்கி விளங்கச் சுடர்ச்சுடை சுற்றி முடித்துப்
பணிவளர் கொள்கையர் பாரிடம் சூழ ஆரிடமும் பலி தேர்வர்
அணிவளர் கோலம் எலாம் செய்து பாச்சில் ஆச்சிரா மத்துஉறை கின்ற
மணிவளர் கண்டரோ மங்கையை வாட மயல் செல்வ தோஇவர் மாண்பே.
.......... திருஞானசம்பந்தர்
உற்றபோது அல்லல் உறுதியை உணரேன் உள்ளமே அமையும்என்று இருந்தேன்
செற்றவர் புரமூன்று எரிஎழச் செற்ற செஞ்சடை நஞ்சடை கண்டர்
அற்றவர்க்கு அருள்செய் பாச்சிலாச் சிராமத்து அடிகள் தாம் யாதுசொன் னாலும்
பெற்றபோது உகந்து பெறாவிடில் இகழில் இவரலாது இல்லையோ பிரானார்.
........ சுந்தரர்
இட்ட குடிநீர் இருநாழி ஓர் உழக்காச்
சட்ட ஒருமுட்டை நெய்தான் கலந்- தட்ட
அருவாச்சா ரென்றங் கழாமுன்னம் பாச்சிற்
றிருவாச்சி ராமமே சேர்
.......... ஐயடிகள் காடவர்கோன்
ஏச்சிராமங் கலத்டோடின்பந் தரும்பாச்சி
லாச்சிராமஞ்சேர் அருள்நிலையே
........... திரு அருட்பா
Moolavar : Sri Matrurai Nathar, Sri
( Vanni Trees), Sri Bimmapureeswarar.
Consort : Sri Balambigai, Sri
Bala Soundari.
Sthala Vruksham : Vanni Tree.
Some of the important features of this temple are...
The temple faces east with two 5-tier Rajagopuras. Balipeedam, Dwajasthambam, and Rishabam are immediately after the Rajagopuram. In koshtam Vinayagar, Dakshinamurthy, Arthanareeswarar, Brahma, and Durgai. Arthanareeswarar is in place of Lingothbavar.
The temple faces east with two 5-tier Rajagopuras. Balipeedam, Dwajasthambam, and Rishabam are immediately after the Rajagopuram. In koshtam Vinayagar, Dakshinamurthy, Arthanareeswarar, Brahma, and Durgai. Arthanareeswarar is in place of Lingothbavar.
In the praharam, Ambal sannathi is on the left side
entrance. In addition to this, in prakaram Selva Vinayakar, Sahasra
Linga, Navagrahas, 63var, Chandikeswarar, Saptamatrikas, Bhairavar,
Moola Vinayagar, Suryan, Chandran, and Gajalakshmi. In Navagrahas, Suryan
is with his consorts Usha and Pratyusha, in sitting posture. All other planets
are facing Suryan.
In Sabha Mandapam, Sri Nataraja is dancing on a snake
instead of Muyalagan, hence called “Sarpa Nadanamurthy“. ( Muyalagan – is a disease called epilepsy / valippu ). In Utsava murtis, the
image of Sundarar is in a singing posture with thalam in his
The temple consists of sanctum sanctorum, antarala,
artha mandapam and a mukka mandapam. The sanctum is on a raised upana. A 2 tier
vesara Vimana is over the sanctum.
It is believed that the original temple existed before the 7th Century. Later renovated by Hoysalas, Chozhas, and Pandyas. This place was called “Pachil Kootrathu Achiramam during the period and the same changed as Pachilachiramam. As per the inscriptions, this place was under Pachil Kootram and later Thiruchiraman, which was corrupted to the present name of Thiruvasi. Lord Shiva was called Rajasriya Valanattu Pachilthiruvasriramudaya Mahadevar.
It is believed that the original temple existed before the 7th Century. Later renovated by Hoysalas, Chozhas, and Pandyas. This place was called “Pachil Kootrathu Achiramam during the period and the same changed as Pachilachiramam. As per the inscriptions, this place was under Pachil Kootram and later Thiruchiraman, which was corrupted to the present name of Thiruvasi. Lord Shiva was called Rajasriya Valanattu Pachilthiruvasriramudaya Mahadevar.
Rajaraja Chozha-I’s 11th reign year
inscription records the endowment of burning Sandhi lamp and Naivedyam to
RajaVidangar by Avanamudayan Kandan Uththaman. For the same, he obtained a small
portion of lands from VaNNakkar, Kusavar, Thachar / Carpenter /Kammalar, and Navithar /
Barbar, out of the land, 142 kalane thooni pathakku paddy earned was given to this Rajavidangar for
Rajaraja-I's 11th reign year ( 996 CE ) 297 line inscription, records that The royal servant maid of Periyavelathu Nakkan Karpagavalli, who lived like a daughter of Lord Shiva of this temple, has given the gift of 201 Kalanju gold from her savings and lands which yields 16 kalam paddy per year. It was arranged that the 201 Kalanju has to be shared by the 28 artists and servants of This temple and Pachil Amaleeswaram ( Thiruvasi is also called Thirupachilachiramam, whether the Pachil Amaleeswaram is the same or not is known ). In turn, they have to pay 1 Kalam paddy as an interest to be supplied to the treasury. With this 217 ( 201 + 16 ) Kalam Paddy, Nakkan Karpagavalli established 5 endowments. Through these endowments, 1. Naivedyam for early morning pooja was arranged for moolavar and Utsavars established in the name of Rajaraja Vidangar. 2. Arrangements were made Every year Karthigai month Karthigai nakshatra day ( Nakkan Karpagavalli's birth star day ), abhishekam for Moolavar and Utsavars will be brought to Thiruvolakka Mandapam with poojas and Appam naivedyam. The required Paddy was calculated and given. 3. One portion of the paddy was given for celebrating the Thaipoosam day with naivedyam to Lord Shiva and feeding to 50 Shiva Yogis and 50 Thavasis. 5. One portion of the paddy was given for the maintenance of the Maha mandapam maintenance, where annual functions are held. The inscription also records the salary distributed to the person who worked for the functions and celebrations. The 5 persons names of the Amaleeswarar temples who got benefits for the above endowment. This inscription was recently discovered and announced by Dr. Ma Rajamanickanar with Pof Nalini and Prof Akila.
Rajaraja Chozha-I’s 13th reign year inscription records the endowment of burning two
perpetual lamps by Udayar Rajaraja devar Peruntharathu Innattu Kalar Kootrathu
Chembiyam Brahmarayar to Mazha Nadu
Rajasriya Valanattu Pachi Kootrathu MipilaRRu Brahmadeya Thudaiyur Sabha to Lord Pachilthiruvaasriramudaya Mahadevar.
For which 30 kalanju was gifted and land through which bought with periphery
limits are given,
Kulothunga Chozha’s 27th reign year
inscription records the endowment of
Thirumanjanam / sacred bath and Naivedyam, for the same some gifts were made.
The Pandya’s 5th reign year inscription (
The inscription found near the 2nd Rajagopuram entrance right side –
the name portion was found damaged ), records that the Coconut farm grove was
damaged by the Muslim invaders. Some Taxes were levied to recreate the coconut
farm grove and Naivedyam to Lord Shiva of this temple.
The Hoysala King Veera Someswaran ( 1253 CE - who
ruled keeping Samayapuram as capital ), period inscription mentions the temple
received 10000 Kalam paddy was received.
Kulothunga Period inscription records the endowment
of burning perpetual lamps for which donations were made to this temple.
Maha Kumbhabhishekam was conducted on 14th June 2017.
As per the legend This place Thiruvasi belonging to Pandu Mazha Nadu and Kolli Mazhavan ruled as King. His daughter was suffering from the disease Muyalagan ( epilepsy ). When the King couldn’t Cure her disease with medicine, he brought his daughter. Knowing that Thirugnanasambandar is on the way to this temple after worshiping Thirumanthurai. Thirugnanasambandar circumambulated the temple and asked the King what is this ?. The King explained that his daughter was suffering from the disease muyalakan. The King fell down on his feet and prayed to help his daughter.
As per the legend This place Thiruvasi belonging to Pandu Mazha Nadu and Kolli Mazhavan ruled as King. His daughter was suffering from the disease Muyalagan ( epilepsy ). When the King couldn’t Cure her disease with medicine, he brought his daughter. Knowing that Thirugnanasambandar is on the way to this temple after worshiping Thirumanthurai. Thirugnanasambandar circumambulated the temple and asked the King what is this ?. The King explained that his daughter was suffering from the disease muyalakan. The King fell down on his feet and prayed to help his daughter.
கன்னி இளங்கொடி உணர்வு கழிந்துநிலன் சேர்ந்ததனைக் கண்டு நோக்கி
என்இது என்று அருள்செய்ய மழவன்தான் எதிர் இறைஞ்சி அடியேன் பெற்ற
பொன்இவளை முயலகனாம் பொருஇல் அரும் பிணி பொருந்தப் புனிதர் கோயில்
முன்அனையக் கொணர்வித்தேன் இதுபுகுந்த படிஎன்று மொழிந்து நின்றான்
....... சேக்கிழார் பெரிய புராணம்
Thirugnanasambandar has sung a hymns on Lord Shiva.மணிவளர் கண்டரோ மங்கையை வாட
மயல் செல்வ தோஇவர் மாண்பே
....... திருஞானசம்பந்தர்.
Sundarar after worshiping Lord Shiva of
Thiruvanaikoil came to this place. He praised Lord Shiva for seeking gold for
annadhanam to the Devotees. Lord Shiva kept mum. Angered Sundarar
sang the hymns loudly mentioning whether Lord Shiva was here or Not. Pleased by
the hymn, Lord Shiva gave him a bag of Gold. Sundarar suspected and started
checking its purity. While he was examining two persons came and confirmed
their purity after scratching and disappeared. Sundarar has sung again, in that
he mentions that he didn’t mean to insult him or suspect the purity of the
Gold, which was given by Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva appeared before him and said
that the assessors were himself and Maha Vishnu. Hence Lord Shiva is
called “Matru Urai Nathar”
During ancient times this place was in the midst of the Vanni tree Forest, called Samee vanam. Since Brahma worshiped Lord
Shiva of this temple, hence praised as Sri Brahmapureeswarar.
Ambal Balambika’s hands are in kadaka hastham, which
is unique. It is believed that consuming Ambal’s abhishekam milk for
3 consecutive Sundays by the children who are born with Balarishta
dosha will be relieved. Devotees pray Ambal of this temple for Child boon.
Apart from regular poojas, special poojas are conducted on 11 days brahmotsavam in the month Vaikasi ( May – June ), Thirukarthigai in the month Karthigai ( Nov – Dec ), Arudra darshan in the month Margazhi ( Dec – Jan ), Thai Poosam in the month Thai ( Jan – Feb ), Maha Shivaratri in the month Masi ( Feb – March ) and monthly pradoshams.
Apart from regular poojas, special poojas are conducted on 11 days brahmotsavam in the month Vaikasi ( May – June ), Thirukarthigai in the month Karthigai ( Nov – Dec ), Arudra darshan in the month Margazhi ( Dec – Jan ), Thai Poosam in the month Thai ( Jan – Feb ), Maha Shivaratri in the month Masi ( Feb – March ) and monthly pradoshams.
The temple will be kept open between 08.00 hrs to 12.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs to 20.00 hrs.
The temple will be kept open between 08.00 hrs to 12.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs to 20.00 hrs.
The mobile number is +91 94436 92138.
The Gurukkal Vijayakumar may be contacted on his mobile at +91 98656 64870 for further details.
The mobile number is +91 94436 92138.
The Gurukkal Vijayakumar may be contacted on his mobile at +91 98656 64870 for further details.
From Tiruchirapalli Town bus routes Nos 60 & 40 pass through this village. From the bus stop, one has to walk to the temple on the dusty road.
Thiruvasi is on the route to Musiri on the north riverside.
The temple is 5 KM from Uttamarkovil, 9 Km from Thiruvanaikoil, 20 KM from Tiruchirappalli, 68 KM from Thanjavur, and 323 KM from Chennai.The
Nearest Railway station UttamarKovil / Junction is Tiruchirappalli.
From Tiruchirapalli Town bus routes Nos 60 & 40 pass through this village. From the bus stop, one has to walk to the temple on the dusty road.
Thiruvasi is on the route to Musiri on the north riverside.
The temple is 5 KM from Uttamarkovil, 9 Km from Thiruvanaikoil, 20 KM from Tiruchirappalli, 68 KM from Thanjavur, and 323 KM from Chennai.The
Nearest Railway station UttamarKovil / Junction is Tiruchirappalli.
second Visit to this temple was a part of the “Trichy Heritage Walk” organised by
“Yaaooyakay – யாஊயாகே- Group”, to the Historical Chozha
period temples, in and around Trichy aka Tiruchirappalli, scheduled on 20th
& 21st March 2021. Even after the damages done by the Muslim
invaders, they still stand majestically with 1000 and odd years of history,
Heritage, and cultural values. Even though they were contributed by the Pallava,
Chozha, Pandya, Vijayanagara Kings, and the present Nattukottai Nagarathars,
they are less popular. Uploaded some of the Photographs taken during the
second visit.
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