Sunday, 28 March 2021

Sri Siddeswara Temple / Arthanareeswara Temple, Maddur, Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka.

The visit to this temple at Madduru was a part of our Chozha period temples Visit on the ancient trade route from Chamarajanagar to Kollegal (Gangapadi), in Karnataka State. This place was called Perumaruthur and was corrupted to the present name of Maddur. This place was also called Upendrapuram.

Moolavar: Sri Siddeswara/Arthanareeswara.

Some of the Salient features of this temple are.....
The temple is facing east with a Rishaba mandapa. There are two Rishabas under the mandapa. The entrance to the sanctum is from the south side with a porch. There are no other idols except Moolavar.

The temple consists of Sanctum Sanctorum, antarala and ardha mandapa. The temple was reconstructed in recent years may be 19th to 20th Century. The superstructure above the pada bandha adhisthana was reconstructed and the same resembled a house and the windows are also like house windows.

The old Koshta salas are kept on the walls. The Rishaba mandapa was supported by 4 pillars with carvings of dancing girls, a Man on an elephant, etc. The pillars are supported by Tharanga pothiyal. The south side entrance porch pillars also have the relief of Gandaberunda and some other reliefs The artha mandapa is supported by vrutha Pillars with Vettu pothigai. The base is square with nagabandam.

As per the Inscription This place was called Maddur alias Upendrapura in Padi nad. Lord Shiva was called as Moolasthanamudayar. The original temple was constructed by the Traders during the Chozha Period.

This incomplete record refers to a merchant, Mayilappudaiyar – Vadugan Tiruviramesvar Udaiyar. A Certain headman (Kilan) of the Village Mangalam who raised this nandi-mandapam was also mentioned. (probably from Thondai Nadu, a part of Chennai).  

This records the death of Makka-mayiletti in a cattle raid. He was the son of Vira-mayiletti and grandson of Pillaipattattil. Described as the naduvirukkai officer of Anudappu-mudali Vidipparan-Marapon of Perumarudur alias Sri Savanamadevi-Chaturvedi Mangalam.

This incomplete inscription records a gift for a perpetual lamp to god Isvara-appa  of...

A 963 CE inscription records in faulty Sanskrit mixed up with Kannada, the grant of the village Maddur whose boundaries are enumerated, to Devasvami by Krishnaraja. The gift was made on the banks of the Tungabhadra. The done was a resident of Jennana and belonged to Kausika Gotra.

This incomplete record refers to a merchant, Mayilappudaiyar – Vadugan Tiruviramesvar Udaiyar. A Certain headman (Kilan) of the Village Mangalam who raised this nandi-mandapam was also mentioned. (probably from Thondai Nadu, a part of Chennai). 

Since orukala pooja is conducted the closing and opening times are unpredictable.  

This place Maddur is on the bus route from Chamarajanagar to Kollegal. 26.5 KM from Chamarajanagar, 12.0 Km from Kollegal, 66 KM from Mysore, and 156 KM from Bangalore.

LOCATION OF THE TEMPLE: CLICK HERE (GPS Co-ordination   12.0775286,77.0672594).

The symbol of Hoysalas- Gandaberunda

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