Friday, 8 October 2021

Kotravai / Durgai worship at Sri Hanumantheeswarar Temple, Anakkavur / Anakkavoor / Anakavur, Sengadu and Palanjur, Thiruvannamalai District, Tamil Nadu.

The visit to these Kotravai sculptures at Anakkavur, Sengadu, and Palanjur was a part of the Heritage Visit to the Temples, Thavvai, Kotravai, Durgai, Hero Stone sculptures around Cheyyar in Thiruvannamalai District on 22nd August 2021. Thanks to Logesh for his guidance, and Babu Mano and Manoj, for taking me to this place. 

Kotravai at Anakkavur, Sri Hanumantheeswarar Temple.

There are two kotravai sculptures installed in this temple. The Kotravai near the Nandi sannidhi belongs to the latter period.

The Kotravai is standing on a buffalo’s head She is shown with 8 hands holding Changu, Chakra, Sword, Arrow /Chithramezhi ..?, Shield, and Bow. While she holds a bowl and feeds to a Parrot in her lower right hand and what she is holding in the left hand is not known. She wears ornaments on her elongated earlobes and around her neck. An ambura thooli / arrow holder is shown behind her right shoulder. Her vahana antilope or Vari aadu is shown on her back. Two men are shown at her feet. The Man on her right leg is shown as offering his head (Navakandam) and the left side man is offering something - maybe a flower to Kotravai.  This kotravai is believed to belong to the 10th  to 12th Century Chozha period.


The Old Kotravai is kept on the back side of the temple. The Kotravai is standing with the left leg in firm condition and the right leg folded behind the left leg. She is shown with 8 hands with Conch, Chakra, Sword, bow, etc. The lower right hand is in abhaya hastam and the left hand is in kadi hastam. A Trident is shown behind her left shoulder. She wears ornaments on her elongated earlobe, around her neck, and yagnopaveetha. Dress frills and knots are shown beautifully. Since the bottom portion is highly eroded, the details of men in Navakandam and offerings are not known. As per the experts, this kotravai may belong to the 9th to 10th Century Pallava period.


Kotravai, Sengadu.
This Kotravai is installed on the east side of an Amman Temple with a color wash.

Kotravai is standing on a buffalo’s head, whose ears are beautifully chiseled. Kotravai is with eight hands holding Sangu / conch, Chakra, Sword, arrow, bow, and Shield. The right lower hand is in abhaya hastam and the left hand is in ooru hastam. She wears ornaments on her ears and around her neck. The saree frill knot is shown on her right hip. Considering the Maguda, experts believe that this Kotravai belongs to the 9th to 10th Century Pallava period.


ஸ்ரீ துர்க்கை அம்மன் ஆலயம் / Kotravai,  பழஞ்சூர் / Pavunjur.
This Kotravai is called locally Durgai and is installed under a tree of the temple. The Kotravai is standing on the buffalo’s head. She wears ornaments on her elongated earlobes and around her neck. She is with 8 hands and holds various weapons like Changu, Chakra, Sword,  Shield, Bow, arrow, and Chitramezhi (..?). A deer/antelope is shown on her right side. On both sides of her leg, Two men are shown. One man is shown with Navakandam posture (Cutting his head) and the other man is in anjali hastam.



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