Saturday, 10 August 2024

Sri Kamakshi Sametha Sri Kodandarameswara Swamy Temple, Bokkasampalem, శ్రీ కామాక్షి సమేత శ్రీకోదండరామేశ్వర స్వామీ ఆలయం బొక్కసంపాళెం.. Sepulcher Temple of Adita Chozha / ஆதித்த சோழன் பள்ளிப்படை, Bokkasham Palem, Thondamanadu, Srikalahasti, Andhra Pradesh.

This Sri Kodandarameswara Swamy Temple at Bokkashampalem, Thondamanadu, near Kalahasti in Andhra Pradesh, is a “sepulcher temple of Adita Chozha-I”, built by his son Parantaka Chola- I. The Visit to this Sri Kothandarameswara Swamy Temple was a part of the Shiva & Maha Vishnu Temple and Hero Stones Visit”, at Thondamanadu near Srikalahasti on 07th July 2024.  

Moolavar   : Sri Kothandarameswara Swamy
Consort     : Sri Kamakshi

Some of the salient features of this temple are….
The temple faces east with a 3-tier Rajagopuram. Balipeedam, Rishabam, and dwajasthamabm are immediately after the rajagopuram. Moolavar is a little big on a square avudayar. In koshtam, Vinayagar, Dakshinamurthy, Maha Vishnu, Brahma and Durgai.

In praharam two Shiva Lingas, Chandikeswarar, Navagrahas  and Ambal Kamakshi. Ambal Kamakshi is in a separate temple facing east on the north side of the main temple.  A rishabam and a simha vahanam are in front of the Ambal Temple. Ambal is in standing posture with abhaya varada hastam.

Dakshinamurthy ( different hairstyle like rishis )

The temple was built about 2 feet above the ground level. The temple consists of sanctum sanctorum, antarala, and a mukha mandapam. The sanctum sanctorum is on a pada bandha adhistanam with upanam, jagathy, three patta kumudam, and pattikai. The Koshtas are padra koshtas, in sala style. The prativari and silambu kumudam is below the koshtas. The yazhi pranala, below the Brahma, is with simha faces on both sides. The Prastaram consists of only the kapotam with nasi kudus. The temple was constructed with stone from Upanam to Prastaram and the superstructure above prastaram was built with bricks. One tala, Vesara brick Vimanam is above prastaram. Shiva, Dakshinamurthy, Maha Vishnu and Brahma are in the greeva koshtams.

Pranala- Ko Mukha

Pranala- Ko Mukha

The temple is a Pallipadai / Sepulcher temple, built on the remains of Aditya Chozha-I, by his son Parantaka Chozha. When Aditya Chozha-I came to Thondamanadu to collect the taxes, he died in 907 CE due to illness. Hence Aditya Chozha (871 – 907  CE), was called as “Thondamanur Thunjiya Udayar – தொண்டைமானுற்றூர் துஞ்சிய உடையார்”. The Chozha king Kô-nôn-inmai-kondân’s 14th reign year inscription ( SII Volume 3, No 142 ), on the north wall of the central shrine of Sri Manikandeswarar Temple of Thirumalperu, the record is of much historical interest. It refers first, a grant of revenue in paddy and in gold, made in the 21st and 22nd years of a Chôla king entitled Tondaimânârrûr- tunjinadeva, to the temple at Tirumalpêru. Hence Shiva of this temple is called Adityeswarar. The details of the inscription are as follows.

21 வதானவரஹதெசமாகத் தொண்டைமா-
                    னாற்றூர்த்துஞ்சின உடை].
22 யாற்க்கு இருபத்தொன்றாவது குடுத்து 
                    இரு(ப]த்திரண்டா வது பிடா)-

Rai Bahadur V. Venkayya has fully discussed the contents of this inscription and their historical bearing in the Madras Epigraphical Report for 1907, p. 71 f. He points out that Tondaimânârrûr-tuñjiņadêva, who preceded Parakėsarivarman the conqueror of Madirai and Îlam, could be no other than the latter's ( Parantaka Chozha ) father Aditya-I., and that the title which means 'who died at Tondaimânârrûr' must indicate that Aditya-I., who was the actual conqueror of Tondai and the hero who deprived the Ganga Pallavas of the last vestiges of their authority, died in the Tondai country in the village Tondaimânârrur ( ie., the modern Tondamanad near Kalahasti ).

Aditya Chozha-I and his Contributions to Chozha Dynasty.
Aditya Chola-I is regarded as a Thirupurambiyam battle hero. Thirupurambiyam is on the Thanjavur - Kumbakonam route in Tamil Nadu. The battle was held between the Pallava king Aparajita Varman and Pandia king Varaguna Pandian aka Varagunavarman-II, in the year  885 CE. The two sons of the Pallava king Nandivarman-III, his eldest son Nripatungavarman and another son Aparajita Varman - developed enmity after the demise of their father in 869 CE. The Pandias supported Nripatungavarman and the Pallavas supported Aparajita Varman. Aparajita Varman also received support from Ganga king Prithvipathi-I and Aditya Chola-I.

The Pandyas were defeated and the Ganga king Prithvipathi was killed in this battle. Varaguna Pandian renounced his throne and turned into an ascetic. Cholas reaped maximum benefit out of Thirupurambiyam's victory and the grateful Aparajita Varman not only agreed to retain the territories won by Aditya Chozha but also assigned the new regions around Thanjavur held by Mutharaiyars to Cholas as the token of appreciation.

Later, in the year 903 CE, the 32nd year of his reign, Aditya Chola-I, became very powerful and didn't want to continue as a regional King under Pallavas. In a battle, he defeated the Pallava king Aparajita Varman, and captured the Pallava kingdom. It is believed that he killed Aparajita Varman who was mounted on an elephant in the battle. The conquest of the Tondaimandalam earned Aditya Chozha-I. One of the Chozha’s inscription records Adita Chozha-I as, "Tondainadu pavina Rajakesarivarman - தொண்டைநாடு பாவின இராசகேசரிவர்மன்ie. Rajakesarivarman, who overran Tondainadu. The name Tondaimandalam region was later renamed Jeyangonda Cholamandalam.

As per the inscription, this place was called as – “Jayangonda Chozha mandalathu Thiruvenkata kottathu ARRur Nattu ThondamanaRRur  - ஜெயங்கொண்ட சோழ மண்டலத்து திருவேங்கடக் கோட்டத்து ஆற்றூர் நாட்டு தொண்டமானாற்றூர்”. The Shiva is being called as Kothandarameswara Swamy Temple alias Aditeswarathu Alwar, since Aditya Chozha-I, was also called as Kothandaraman (As per Kanyakumari Inscriptions).

Parantaka  Chola-I’s, 34th  reign (94l CE)  inscription (No 529, AR 230 of 1903) inscribed all around the tripatta kumudam of the central shrine, records a gift of 105 Kazhanju gold as a deposit (by the Thipokki Urar) (one Kazhanju is approximately equivalent to 5 grams) and 4000 kadis of paddy as deposit by ….. Vanithan alias PooNdumnal. The inscription records further about the utilization of interest accrued from the gift (deposits) i.e, agreed to measure 1000 kadi of paddy every year as an interest (palisai – பலிசை) as well as to provide food and other requirements for the seven-day celebrations that concluded on Sadhayam star constellation in the Tamil month Purattasi (September – October). Sadhayam was the natal star constellation of Aditya Chola-I. 

The inscription also records for the big naivedyam – பெருந்திருவமிர்து- (4 kadi paddy for vegetable, curd, and Ghee, Buttermilk 15 Kadi paddy, Pulipazha vadai 7 kadi paddy) for Thirukalathi Alwar during the 7 days festival ( at one place it is mentioned as Indra Vizha, whether this festival is dedicated to Indra, or not is not know and to be verified ). The service personnel, who include servers of banana leaves (7 kadi Paddy),  the person who brings drinking water (நீராட்டுவான்) 10 Kadi paddy, to the pot maker 30 kadi paddy, Garland maker 7 Kadi Paddy, firewood supplier 7 Kadi paddy, are supplied from 1000 Kadi paddy as wages.

During the seven-day celebrations, one thousand devotees of different sects and classes were to be fed. Of the one thousand devotees, 500 devotees must be from different religious sects and classes "பக்தர்களான பல சமயத்து அய்ந்நூற்றவர்." From the remaining 500, there must be 300 brahmins and 200 devotees must be saints, ascetics (தபஸ்விகள்), including hermits of  Mahavratam sect (மகாவிரதிகள்), from six different Saivite sects (Saivam, Pasupatham, Kalamukham, Mahavratam, Vamam and Bhairavam) of the Hindu religion "தபஸ்விகளில் மகாவிரதிகள் உட்பட ஆறுசமயத்து தபஸ்விகள் இருநூற்றவர்"

The charity of feeding the devotees was to be maintained by the Vageeswara Panditha Bhattarar ( Vameeswara ) of the Pallipadai temple and by the Sabha ( assembly prominent Brahmin landholders in Chola local administration system) and devotees of Thondaiman PeraRRur village.

There was a Chola-sponsored Vedic school and measures of paddy wages were provided for its maintenance purposes. This Pallipadai temple/ Sepulcher Temple was also attached to the theatrical hall for dramatic dance. During the celebrations, folk dance dramas (koothus) were organized. Drama artists (Koothadis –கூத்தாடுபவர்), musicians (பாடுபவர்கள்) and the carpenter (who attends the maintenance works) are also paid in terms of Gold as wages. Three Committees (The temples’ Mahavarathis, Kaveripakkathu Thirupandreesvarathu Prathividanga Kana Perumakkal, and Pa.. Nageswara Kankanis) are made responsible for monitoring the above activities.

South Indian Inscriptions Volume 8  

Pallipadai - Sepulchre -பள்ளிப்படை

The temple is under the administrative control of Srikalahasti, Sri Kalahastheeswarar Devasthanam.

It is believed that Rama worshipped Shiva in this temple and hence Shiva is called Kothandarameswara Swamy.

Apart from regular poojas special poojas are conducted on Pradosham, Maha Shivaratri days.

The temple will be kept open between 07.00 hrs to 12.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs to 20.00 hrs.

This Adita Chozha’s Pallipadai Temple/Sepulcher Temple at Bokkasampalem is about a km from Thondamanadu, 400 Meters from Renikunta – Papanaidupet- Srikalahasti road, 5 km from Srikalahasti – Tirupati Road, 10 km from Srikalahasti Shiva temple, and 38 km from Tirupati.
The nearest Railway Station is Srikalahasti.
Share autos and Autos are available from Srikalahasti.



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