Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Sathya Vijaya Nagaram Aranmanai / S. V. Nagaram Palace, Arani, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu.

A continuation post to Arani visit… 
18th March 2017.
Sathya Vijaya Nagaram otherwise known as S V Nagaram was established by the  Jagir Venkatanatha Rao Sahib in 1825CE, an ardent follower of Madhwa Sampradaya. Veda ji Bhaskar Pant a Maharashtra Brahmin, was associated with Shahaji, the father of Shivaji. The Pant also accompanied Shahji during his expedition to south India. Shahji gifted this Aranai to this Vedaji Bhaskar Pant in 1640 AD, who was then, called Zamindar / Jagir. The Jagirdars were in Power till 1948 AD.  Jagir Venkatanatha Rao, Sahib, the decedent of the Pant Constructed a Mutt & Moola Brindavana for Sri Satya Vijaya Theertharu in this place and named after him. Located on the banks of the Kamandala-naga River. The palace or the Aranmanai was constructed adjacent to the Moola Brindavana. The Jagirdar, as per the instruction of the pontiff established this S V Nagara for the upliftment of poor  Brahmins from Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu.

The palace / Aranmanai was constructed in 1825 CE ( assumed since the correct date was not available ) and expanded in 1876 CE ( a stone tablet was installed on an entrance wall ), with Ground + 2 floors now in ruins. The style of construction is called “Stuart Architecture”.  The Queen’s palace and the fountain are renovated and being used by the Tamil Nadu Government. The Tamil Nadu Govt.  The Veterinary Hospital and  Regional Institute for Rural Development functioned in this Palace.

The complex consists of a Main Palace and a Palace for the queen or  Jagirdar's wife. The main palace was constructed with bricks and over which lime mortar  (A mixture of lime and sand  ) plastering was done. Polishing was done after plastering. Still, we can see and feel the smoothness of the wall in the un-pealed portions.  Woods are used for support for the ceilings. The pillars are constructed with specially made semi-circular bricks and round granite stones are used to increase strength to hold the load. The stucco work on the Pillars, above doors, ways, and windows both inside and outside are excellent with figures like lions, human faces, etc., and paintings are done on the ceilings and walls.

In the Queen’s Palace entrance door glass has an etching of the Jagirdar emblem (an image of a fort and a hand with a sword). The Latin word ‘PER DEUM-ET FERRUM OBTINUI” is written and the meaning is “We got all these through GOD and our sword”. Similar images can be seen in the Sadras Fort and Pulicat Dutch cemeteries.

The above Palace was constructed on 300 acres of land. The Jagirdars lived lavishly. They used to go to horse races conducted at, Chennai, Ooty, and Bangalore. They bought imported cars from various countries and had all brands of cars starting with  A to Z. They had 182 cars in one period and at least 8 to 10 cars might have been parked in the palace.


 This portion was damaged due to a fire 

 The construction of a pillar with specially made semi-circular brick and a granite round stone to increase the strength of the pillar

The stucco images of pillar top – pothyal

 Water fountain 
 The Queen’s Palace ( Now the Govt Office is functioning after renovation )
The Latin word ‘PER DEUM-ET FERRUM OBTINUI” is written and the meaning is “We got all these through GOD and our sword”. 

Durbar Hall
A fragment of the pillar with relief  on the back side of the Palace

For More Photographs: CLICK HERE 
…….To be continued SHOOTING BOX.