Saturday, 18 September 2021

Hero Stone, Puli adithu Pattan kal ( புலி அடித்து பட்டான் கல் ) Two Numbers. Periya Ottapalayam, Tiruppur District, Tamil Nadu.

Usually A hero stone will be erected for a hero who Killed a Tiger or some other wild animals, in the process of saving the people or the cattle. But rarely memorial stones will be erected for a person who was killed by a Tiger without killing a tiger. We had seen one such memorial during one of our Heritage Visits to Podanur, a memorial with a Cross erected for a British Engine Driver who was killed by a Tiger.

Similarly these two hero stones, at Periya Otta(r)palayam are erected for the two persons who are killed by the Tiger, without killing the tiger, in the process the people or cattle without killing the tiger. Since both are erected in the same place both were attacked and may be killed by the same tiger. Hence these Hero stones are called “Puli adithu pattan kal”. In this, the Hero shown is worshiping posture. An inverted “V” shaped weapon is shown by the right side of the Heroes, like Trishul. The Heroes are wearing ornaments in their elongated earlobes, around the neck, hands, and legs. A big mustache is shown on their faces and Vijayanagara / Nayaks style tuft is shown on their heads. Poojas are conducted by the locals/decedents once a year during Aadi Month.



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