Sunday, 20 February 2022

Manukula Mahadeva Eswarar Temple / Manukula Kesari Eswaram / Lord Siva Temple, Salukkai, Thiruvannamalai District, Tamil Nadu.

The visit to this Sri Manukula Mahadeva Eswarar Temple at Salukkai was a part of Shiva and Vishnu Temples, Sculptures like Kotravai, Jyeshta Devi, Buddha bas-reliefs at Kanchipuram, Purisai, Kilkolathur, Salukkai and Anumanthandalam on 2nd January 2022. I extend my sincere thanks to Mr. Babu ManoMr. Manoj  L ChakravarthyMrs. Ruthசுகுமார் அருள் and the members of தொண்டை மண்டல வரலாற்று ஆய்வு சங்கம் for taking me to all these Temples and Heritage sites.

Moolavar  : Sri Manukula Mahadeva Eswarar
Consort    : Sri Maragathavalli

Some of the salient features of this temple….
The temple faces east with an entrance arch. Stucco images of Vinayagar, and Lord Shiva with Parvati as Rishabaroodar and Murugan are on the  top of the entrance arch. Vinayagar, balipeedam and Rishabam are after the entrance arch. There is also another entrance (with Vinayagar and Murugan on both sides) on the south side just opposite Ambal sannidhi. Stucco dwarapalakas are at the entrance of the sanctum sanctorum. Ambal sannidhi is in the ardha mandapam. Moolavar is of swayambhu on a round avudayar. Rishabam, balipeedam, and Nalvar  are in the ardha mandapam. In koshtam Vinayagar, Dakshinamurthy, Maha Vishnu, Brahma and Durgai.

In praharam Vrahi, Varasiddhi Vinayagar, Pichadanar, Rishabam, Lingas, Chandikeswarar, Nagar, Valli Devasena Subramaniar, Bhairavar and Navagrahas.

The temple complex consists of Sanctum sanctorum, antarala, ardha mandapam and a mukha Mandapam / Sobana mandapam. The entrance to the ardha mandapam is  from east and South directions. The Adhisthana is on a raised upana. A pirathi bandha adhisthana is on the upana, with jagathy, vrutha Kumuda, kapotam, and Viyyalavari. A Pancharam is in the  Aharai or the saleelantharam (Between Salaipathi and Karna Pathi). The Pancharam is on a padma bandha adhisthana.  The Bhitti salaipathi and karna pathi are separated by Vishnu kantha pilasters with square base malai thongal, thamarai kattu, kalasam, kudam, thadi mandi (Lotus petals), palakai, veerakandam, and Vettu pothyals.

The prastaram is with utharam valapi, kapotam, and viyyalavari. Bhuta ganas are in the valabi. The first level Vimanam was built with stone, which includes thala vahana. The greevam and the Dravida sigaram with 8 faces were built with stucco. Maha nasis is in the cardinal direction. The salai and Greeva koshtas are with the images of Lord Shiva, Dakshinamurthy, Maha Vishnu, and Brahma.

The Temple was reconstructed during the Vijayanagara period. And their inscriptions are found in the adhistanam.

The original temple belongs to the 1069 CE Chozha period.  Chozhakeralan was the Second son of Rajendra Chozha –I. His original name was called as Manukulakesari (from the inscriptions Manukulakari is available with Chozha Keralan. Manukulakesari means .. the descendent of Manuneethi Chozha and Kesari – like a Simham ). In 1018 CE, he was appointed as ruler of Kerala, hence called Chozhakeralan. Chozha Keralan alias Jayamallan ( a title, since he conquered Chalukya King Jayasimhan, in the 1021 CE war ) died before 1033 CE, may be in a war after 1021 CE. As per Ila Thiyagarajan, The Jayamalleeswaram at Vashitapuram is a pallipadai temple of Chozha keralan.  Historians like V G Srinivasa Rao, V Rengachari and Kudanthai N Sethuraman, who was Chozha Keralan. As Per Ila Thyagarajan, the fragment inscription recorded from Vashistapuram and considering the period of Kalithindi war, Chozha Keralan was the Second Son of Rajendra Chozha-I and younger brother to Rajadhirajan – I.  

This place was called different names such as Salukkai alias Chozhakeralapuram, a business Town, Salukkai Kulakalapuram, and Manukulakesarinallur,  in memory of Chozhakeralan.  The Shiva temple was Manukulakesari Eswaram. This Shiva Temple was constructed during “Veerarajendran” also called “Chozha Lingeswaran”,  the third brother of Chozha Keralan, in memory of his brother. The name of Lord Shiva as “Manukesari eswaram was maintained till the  16th Century Vijayanagara period.

The Tribhuvana Chakravarti Rajendra Chozha Deva's 8th reign year inscription records that the Pondai Matrupuli of Venkundra Kottam consecrated the images of Chozha Kerala Vinnagaram Emperuman of the Western temple, Manukula mahadeva Iswaram Udaiyar of Sri Kailayam ( Temple ), Veerakeralap Perumpalli ( Uttara Devi ) and Ambala Nangai as a protection for the City ( Salukkai ) and Made Provision for the worship, offering, Lamps, and nandavanam / flower Garden in the first two temples mentioned above and also made Gift of land to all the temples assigning the Villages of Erumbur, Kurumbur Veeraperumbakkam, and Illuppai. The servants required for these temples were also given house sites. 

Vikrama Chozha's 4th reign year inscription records the endowment of burning a sandhi lamp, Naivedyam Milakamuthu, Neiyyamuthu, Thayiramuthu, Adaikayamuthu, Beetle nut leaves  10 nos,  for the same 4 kasu for naivedyam and 2 Kasu for Sandhi lamp gifted by Thiruvalavayudayan. 

Krishnadeva Maharaya's saka year 1441, records the remission of Tax of 20 pon as sarvamanya to the two temples ie. to this shiva Temple and The Chozha Kerala Vinnagaram Emperumanar of Salukkai alias Chozha Keralapuram, from the administrative control of Vandavasi Sirmai to Veerabhaadraraya Sirmai. for the expenses connected to offerings, worship, and festivals in these two temples.

The Pandya King Maravarman alias Tribhuvana Chakravarti Kulasekara Deva period inscription records the gift of the Village Murukkeri in SalikkaippaRRu as a Tax-free Devadhana to this temple of Aludayar Manukulakesarieswaram udaya Nayanar for worship and Thirupani / repair works.

Kulothunga Chozha-I's 49th reign year inscription starts with meikeerthi as "புகழ்மாது விளங்க...." records the sale of 2 Veli land as devadhana by the merchant guild of Chozhakeralapuram, a city of Venkunra nadu a division of Venkundra Kotta, in Jayangonda Chozha Mandalam to Sundari Udayanjeyda alias Puvendiya Chozha Manikkam, a dancing girl attached to this temple Manukulakesari Iswaram Udayar,  for setting up the image of Tiruppalliyarai Nampiratiyar and for offering to and for burning a perpetual lamp before the image.

An incomplete inscription of Rajakesarivaram Thiribhuvana Chakravarti alias Kulothunga Chozha's 3rd reign year inscription starts with his mei keerthi as "பூமேவி வளர..." records the sale of land.    

The present trustee has spent around 11 Lakhs from his personal fund towards the maintenance of this temple.

Devotees pray to Lord Shiva and Ambal to remove marriage obstacles and marriage boon.

Apart from regular poojas special poojas are conducted on pradosam and Mahashivaratri days.

The temple will be kept open between 07.00 hrs to 09.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs to 19.00 hrs.

Gurukkal Balakrishnan may be contacted on his mobile at +919786376572 for further details.

This place Salukkai is about 2 km off from Tiruvannamalai to Kanchipuram Main Road, 7.2 km from Vandavasi, 21 km from Cheyyar,  39 km from Kanchipuram,  57 km from Chengalpattu and 113 km from Chennai Central.
The nearest Railway Station is Kanchipuram.


Maha Vishnu and Bhairavar


  1. Thank you to for taking us to the unknown temple. I also thank Tondaimandala Historical Research Society.

  2. மகிழ்ச்சி ஐயா 😍😍🙏🏻
