Saturday, 18 July 2020

Thirumarperu Manikandeswarar Temple / Shri Manikandeswarar Siva Temple / Thirumalpur Shiva Temple Temple / Sri Manikandeswara Swamy Temple / Sri Manikandeswarar Temple, Thirumalpur, Ranipet District, Tamil Nadu.

This place was called Thirumarperu and the same is corrupted to the present Thirumalpur.  

This is the 11th Devaram Paadal Petra Shiva Sthalam in Thondai Nadu, about 8 KM from river Kusithalai/Kosasthalaiyar River. Since Mahavishnu is also called Thirumal and he worshiped Lord Shiva of this place, this place might have obtained the name Thirumalpur. Thirugnanasambandar and Thirunavukkarasar have sung hymns in praise of Lord Shiva of this temple.
    ஊறி ஆர்தரு நஞ்சினை உண்டு உமை
    நீரு சேர்தரு மேனியர்
    சேறு சேர்வயல் தென்திரு மாற்பேற்றின்
    மாறி லாமணி கண்டரே.
    குருந்தவன் குருகவன் கூர்மையவன்
    பெருந்தகை பெண்ணவன் ஆணும் அவன்
    கருந்தட மலர்க்கண்ணி காதல் செய்யும்
    மருந்தவன் வளநகர் மாற்பேறே.
... திருஞானசம்பந்தர் தேவாரம்
     பெருமாற் றின்படை வேண்டிநற் பூம்புனல்
    வருமாற் றின்மலர் கொண்டு வழிபடும்
    கரு மாற்குஇன்னருள் செய்தவன் காண்தகு
    திரு மாற்பேரு தொழ வினை தேயுமே
... திருநாவுக்கரசு சுவாமிகள் தேவாரம்,
(In this Thirunavukkarasar mentioned that, to get the Sudharsan Chakra, Thirumal worshiped Lord Shiva with Lotus flowers and Shiva blessed him).

Since this place Thirumarperu was treated as a part of Kanchipuram, the 18th Century Sage Swagnana Swamikal, has sung the sthala purana of this temple in his Kanchipuranam.   

42. திருமாற்பேற்றுப்படலம் (1494 -1511)  
1494  வணங்குநர்க் கிருமைப் பேறும் மேன்மையின் வழங்கி யெங்கோன்
             இணங்கிய சலந்த ரேச வரவினை யெடுத்துச் சொற்றாம்
            அணங்கனா ராடல் பாடல் முழக்கறா அணிநீள் வீதிக்
             கணங்கெழு திருமாற்பேற்றுக் கடிநகர்ப் பெருமை சொல்வாம்

11495 திருமால்சக்கரம்பெறவழிபடுதல்
             குவலயம் காவல் பூண்ட குபனெனு மரசற் காகச்
             சிவநெறித்  ததீசியோடுஞ் செருச்செய்நாள் விடுத்த ஆழி
             தவமுனி வயிர யாக்கை தாக்கிவாய் மடித லோடும்
             கவலுறு மனத்த னாகிக் கடுஞ்சமர் துறந்த மாயொன்

Moolavar  : Sri Manikandeswarar, Sri Dhayanatheeswarar,
                Sri Pravaleswarar, Sri Saatharupar,
                Sri Pavalamalaiyar, Sri Vaattamthavirthar,
                Sri Malvanankesar.
                But called by the first name Sri Manikandeswarar.
Consort    : Sri AnjanAtchi Amman, Sri Karunambigai.

Some of the important features of this temple are …….
The temple faces east with a 5-tier Rajagopuram without stucco images. Balipeedam, Dwajasthambam, and Rishabam are at an elevated level under a kottagai / shed. Moolavar is a swayambhu made out of Sandstone, a theenda thirumeni ( which means the priests will not touch the Shiva Linga banam ),  cone shape at the top and always covered with Kavasam. So Abhishekam will be done only to the avudayar and Punuku is applied on moolavar. In koshtam Dakshinamurthy, Mahavishnu, Brahma, and Ashtabhuja Durga. Urchava / procession murtis are in artha mandapam.

At the entrance of the main sanctum sanctorum Ganapathy with 10 hands is on the left and Murugan is on the right. Maha Vishnu is in standing posture at the center of the passage and  worshiping Lord Shiva. Rishabam is also in a standing posture in front of Maha Vishnu facing moolavar.

In the inner prakaram sannadhi for Suryan, Naalvar, Soleeswarar ( Shiva Linga was installed in memory of Parantaka Chozha ), Pancha matrikas, Balaganapathy, Uchishta Ganapathy, Chidambareswarar, Gajalakshmi, Valli Devasena Subramaniar, Veerabhadra, Bhairavar and  Chandran.

In the saba mandapam, Natarajar with Ambal and Manickavasagar. Pancha murtis stucco images are on the top of the entrance. In the mandapam bas-reliefs of Dakshinamurthy, Suryan, Mahavishnu, Balasubramaniar, Appar, Sundarar, Thirugnanasambandar,  Vinayagar, Murugan, Brahma/Nanmugan ( all the four faces are visible ), Ambal worshiping Lord Shiva, Kalinga Narthanar, Kamadhenu, Bhairavar, Veerabhadra doing dhabas standing on one leg. Ambal is in a separate sannadhi facing south immediately after the Rajagopuram.

It was told that the original inscriptions were recorded in the year 1905 by the Archaeological Department.  During the renovations in 1936 all the inscription stones were not placed in their original places, instead, they were used as floor slabs around, Rishabam, balipeedam, and Dwajasthambam. With great difficulty, we could trace the name of Mathuranthakan Kandarathithan and the title of Rajaraja Chozha.

As per the inscriptions, this place was in Jayangnda Chozha mandalathu, a part of Kamakottam, Valla Nadu, Thirumarperu. Lord Shiva was called Thirumarperudayar, Aludayar, Uthama Chozhiswaramudayar, and Avimuktheeswaramudayar. It is believed that there might have been a shrine for agni as Agneeswarar in earlier years.    

As per the Kandarathitha Chozhan’s inscription (283 of 1906) records, he created 5 groups to take care of the lands and paddy to be given to Naivedyam.

Another inscription records ( 303 of 1906 ), that Thirumarperu The moolavar of the Vishnu temple was called Kovindapathiyil Nintrauliya Perumal. Thos Dhamar Kottathu Valla Nadu Govindapathy.  The other inscription 326 of 1906 also confirms the same. And the inscription 326 of 1906 records the Namalwar’s Thiruvaimozhi. The inscription 326 of 1906 records the existence of the Govindapathy temple at Siriyarur of Manavil Kottam, Melpazhungoor Nadu. The inscription 333 of 1906, records that Thozhanar’s father has sung a Thirupathikam on Govindapathi alwar.

The inscription 267 of 1906, records the reconstruction of the Thirumalpur Temple along with the completion of prakara mandapas. For the same, an endowment was created by Veerada King Anaiyaman alias Mandalathithyan. In the same King's period, another inscription (323 of 1906 ) records the endowment of a mandapam.

The inscription 277 of 1906, records the donation of land for installation of Uthama Chozheeswaram, by one Sethirayan.

The inscription 284 of 1906 records that Chozha King Rajakesari Varman,  gifted land for the image of Umapathragiriyar ( Athi Sundara  Thevatheviyar ).

Parakesari Varman Rajendra Chozha’s inscription ( 321 of 1906 ) records the  Manavala Perumal’s image and jewelry.

Chozha King Rajakesarivarman period inscription ( 322 of 1906 ) mentions 18 Nadus of Vaishnavas. It also mentions the Land filled with flood mud due to flood in the river Palar, 100 laborers were engaged for clearing the same and the land of 12 Kol was gifted to them.

Kulothunga Chozha's 46th reign year inscription records the endowment of burning 10 perpetual lamps for which 60 kasu was gifted to this temple by Maduranthakar Ponnambalakoottar alias Kalingarajar, headman of the Village Arumbakkam of Manavil Kottathu Manavil Nadu in Jayagonda Chozhamandalam. Most of his period inscriptions record the endowment of burning perpetual lamps, creating a nandavanam, maintenance for which donations were made in terms of money, Land, and sheep / Goats/ewes.

The inscription of Kô-nôn-inmai-kondân’s 14th reign year inscription on the north wall of the central shrine of Sri Manikandeswarar Temple of Thirumalperyu, record is of much historical interest. It refers first to a grant of revenue in paddy and in gold, made in the 21st and 22nd years of a Chôla king entitled Tondaimânârrûr- tunjinadeva, to the temple at Tirumalpêru. The grant was not entered in the revenue registers, evidently by a mistake, and was therefore rectified in the 4th year of Parakêsarivarman, 'who took Madirai and Îlam.' A fresh grant was also made to the temple in the 36th year of this same king. This latter grant being misappropriated by the assembly of Puduppakkam which was entrusted with the management of the gift, a complaint was lodged before the king, here referred to as Kô-nôn-inmai-kondân, in the 14th year of his reign. The offending members were fined for the mistake committed and orders were issued that the defaulting members of the assembly should in future conduct the trust honestly.
Rai Bahadur V. Venkayya has fully discussed the contents of this inscription and their historical bearing in the Madras Epigraphical Report for 1907, p. 71 f. He points out that Tondaimânârrûr-tuñjiņa dêva, who preceded Parakėsarivarman the conqueror of Madirai and Îlam, could be no other than the latter's father Aditya-I., and that the title which means 'who died at Tondaimânârrûr' must indicate that Aditya-I., who was the actual conqueror of Tondai and the hero who deprived the Ganga Pallavas of the last vestiges of their authority, died in the Tondai country in the village Tondaimânârrur ( ie., the modern Tondamanad near Kalahasti ). It is not clear who King Kô-nôn-inmai-kondân was in whose 14th year the present record was written. In identifying him it has to be observed that he rectified a mistake which his 14th year. Mr. Venkayya was inclined to identify Kô-nôn-inmai-kondân with Aditya Karikâla (II) whose latest date known from inscriptions, however, is his 5th year. Kô-nôn-inmai-kondân may have been Rajakesarivarman Gandaraditya, the immediate successor of Parântaka-I. But the appearance of the same names among the signatories in this record as well as in another document distinctly of the time of Uttama Chôla, makes it almost certain that the Kô-nôn-inmai-kondân of the Tirumalpuram inscription is no other than king Uttama Chôla.

South Indian Inscription Volume 3
Annual Report on South Indian Epigraphy, Year 1906.  

 Praharam base - Inscription 
 Praharam base - Inscription 
 Inscription stones are used on the floor
 Inscription stones are used on the floor
 Inscription stones are used on the floor
The recent years Inscriptions on the Rajagopuram wall 


Thirumal and Chandran worshiped Lord Shiva of this temple. Mahavishnu used his Sudarshana Chakra/discus on Sage Thatheesi. The Chakra loses its sharpness as soon as it touches the Sage. Lord Shiva also had a Chakra, which he used to kill Jalandhara. So Maha Vishnu worshiped lord Shiva with 1000 lotus flowers to get the Chakra or Discus. To test Maha Vishnu’s devotion, Lord Shiva made to disappear the 1000th flower. When one more flower was required to complete 1000, Maha Vishnu immediately plucked out one of his eyes and offered in the pooja. Satisfied by the devotion of Maha Vishnu, Lord Shiva gave the Chakra/discus, eye and called him Padmashan or Kamalakannan. There is a Mahavishnu utsava murti/procession deity  available with a Lotus in one hand.

Mahavishnu and Rishabam in front of sanctum sanctorum

It is believed that the Shiva Lingam was made out of sand by Ma Parvati, on the banks of river Virudaseera.

It is believed that devotees who pray to Lord Shiva will be relieved from the threats by the enemies and will win in litigation cases.

Apart from regular poojas, 10 days Brahmotsavam in Masi, Garuda seva to Vishnu, Aani Thirumanjanam, Margazhi Thiruvathirai, Thirukarthigai, Maha Shivaratri are celebrated in a grand manner. 

The temple is kept open between 07.00 Hrs to 12.00 Hrs. and 17.30 Hrs to 20.30 Hrs.

Sivachariyar Shanmugam Gurukkal, Mobile number 9444386442  may be contacted for more details and Pooja.

Buses are available from Kanchipuram. A Private bus KRC from Kanchipuram to  Panapakkam passes through this place. Another private bus  Bharathi from Arcot to Kanchipuram passes through this place.
Temple is about 5 km from Thirumalpur Railway Station, 21 km from Kanchipuram, 22 km from Arakkonam Junction, and 83 km from Chennai.The 
Nearest Railway station is Thirumalpur and the nearest Railway Junction is Arakkonam.


 Ambal sannidhi


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