Friday 7 June 2024

Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple / ஸ்ரீ லக்ஷ்மி நரசிம்ம சுவாமி கோயில் / அருள்மிகு லட்சுமி நரசிம்ம சுவாமி திருக்கோயில் / பழைய சீவரம் லட்சுமி நரசிம்மசுவாமி கோயில், Palayaseevaram / Pazhaiya Seevaram, Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu.

After visiting the Nadaivavi, Mandapam of Ayyangarkulam, on the way to Chennai visited this Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple, at Palayaseevaram, on 1st May 2024. This temple is on a small Hill / Kundru, on the north banks of River Palar. 

Moolavar   : Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar
Thayar      : Sri Ahobila Valli Thayar

Some of the salient features of this temple are…
The temple is facing west with a 3 tier Rajagopuram on the east side. Balipeedam, Dwajasthambam are in front of the temple. Garudam is little big in the ardha mandapam. Dwarapalakas are at the entrance of antarala. Utsavars are in the ardha mandapam. Moolavar Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy is in sitting posture with abhaya and alingna hastam. Maha Lakshmi is sitting on the left lap of Sri Narasimhar. Utsavars Sri Maha Vishnu is with Sridevi & Bhudevi, Maha Lakshmi and Andal are in front of Moolavar. Utsava murtis are also in the ardha mandapam. No images are in the koshtam.

In the praharam Viswaksenar, Nammalvar, Poigai alwar, Thirupapanalwar, Thirumangai alwar, Ramanujar, Vishnu Siddhar, Andal and Vedanda Desikar

Thayar Ahobila Valli is in a separate sannidhi facing east, on the east side entrance. Thayar is in sitting posture with abhaya varada hastam.  

A 4 pillar Mandapam is in-front of the temple and also there is another 4 pillar mandapam after the Rajagopuram.

The temple consists of sanctum sanctorum ( in rectangle shape ), antarala, ardha mandapam and a mukha mandapam. The sanctum sanctorum is on a upanam with kapota bandham and Yazhivari.

The bhitti starts with vedikai. The pilasters are of Vishnukantha pilasters with square base, kalasam, kudam, palakai and Vettu pothyal. The koshta half pilasters are of vrutha pilasters. The prastaram consists of valapi with bhutavari, kapotam with nasi kudus and Viyyalavari. The super structure above the bhumidesam is of ekatala salakara vimanam with 5 kalasas. Stucco images of Maha Vishnu’s Dasavatara and various forms are on the Parapet wall, Greeva koshtam and Nasikudus. The Vimanam is called as ananda Vimanam.

The Original Temple belongs to Chozha period and inscriptions are found on the wall and adhistanam. As per the Chozha period inscriptions this place was called as Seeyapuram, this temple was called as Rajendra Vinnagar and Perumal was called as Singapiranalwar.

The Kulothunga Chozha-I’s 10th reign year ( 1080 – 1 CE ) inscription is the earliest. This inscription records the gift of lands at Variyambakkam, to this Seeyapuram Rajendra Chozha Vinnagar Singapiranalwar. 

A person called Sethirayan, re-established this temple and the Moolavar. To continue the worship land was gifted to this temple as Vaikasana Kaani. This was represented by an official, called Arulala Perumal alias Vikrama Chozha Brahmaryan and the right was issued by the King Konerimai Kondan. During that time this temple was called as Thirumaliruncholai and this place was called as Seeyappuram alias Thiribhuvana veera Chaturvedi mangalam”.

A land was gifted to this temple for the 7 musicians, who plays music during Thirupali ( time of offering naivedyam ).

An Eri variyam was established to monitor the eri. 

The 1204 CE inscription records the gift of land for conducting the Puratasi Thiruvizha.

The 1729 CE, Vijayanagara period inscription records the name of Narasimhar as “Jeeyapura Lakshmi Narasimhar”.

Maha samprokshanam was conducted on 02nd December 2022.

An inscription in English and Tamil ( on the right side of Rajagopuram – inner side ) records the Trustees names from 1765 CE to 1979 CE. 

Tholliyal Nokkil Kanchipuram mavattam by S Krishnamurthy.

Lakshmi Narasimhar legend is associated with Bhakta Prahalath story. After killing Hiranyakasibu, Narasimhar was very ferocious. To make Narasimhar calm, Maha Lakshmi was asked sit on the laps of Narasimhar. After Maha Lakshmi, sat Narasimhar become calm. Hence Narasimhar is called as Lakshmi Narasimhar. 

As per the legend, Padmagiri Mahatmiyam, in chapter 17 of Brahmaanda Purana speaks about Vishnu Siddhar, an ardent devotee, desirous of Maha Vishnu’s Darshan. When approached to Mareecha Muni, the Muni guided Vishnu Siddhar to this place Padmagiri, where Maha Vishnu is in the form of Lakshmi Narasimhar. Mareecha Muni also told that Athri Maharishi did a penance and has got the darshan of Maha Vishnu in the form of  Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar at this place. Athiri Maharishi requested Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar to stay in the Padmagiri itself. To Athri Maharishi’s request, Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar stayed in this hill Padmagiri to bless the devotees.

As per another legend Kanchipuram Varadaraja Perumal Moolavar was damaged during Muslims invasion and a Perumal Murti was shifted from Palayaseevaram. Hence Every year, The Varadaraja Perumal utsavar will came to Palayaseevaram on the next day of Thai Pongal and stay at the Hill top mandapam. After that the Utsavar will join the Parivettai utsavam at Thorumukkoodal.  

Apart from regular poojas special poojas are conducted throughout the year and the most important are Narasimhaar Jayanthi in Vaikasi ( May June ), Kanchipuram Varadaraja Perumal’s Visit on Mattupongal Day ( January ), Parrivettai, etc,

A land was gifted to this temple for the 7 musicians, who plays music during Thirupali ( time of offering naivedyam ).  The Video of the Music play during morning pooja...

The temple will be kept opened between 08.00 hrs. to 11.30 hrs. and 16.00 hrs. to 19.00 hrs.

The temple may be contacted on the mobile number +91 9444569550 for further details.

The temple at Palayaseevaram is on the Kanchipuram to Chengalpattu Road, 6 KM after Walajabad.
The temple is about 6 KM from Walajabad, 17 KM from Chengalpattu, 21 KM from Kanchipuram, 38 KM from Tambaram and 69 KM from Chennai Central. 
Nearest Railway Station is Palaya Seevaram.


A Mandapam is on the upper level of the Hill with an access through Road and 100 and odd steps. Kanchipuram Varadaraja  Perumal Used to Visit to Palaseevaram on the Next day of Thai Pongal and stay at the mandapam.


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