15th October
of my long wishes to visit the San Thome Basilica came true on 15th October
2016. Visited the Basilica along with Mr. Venkatesh, Mr. Raja, and Mrs. Sakthi Prakash.
Thome Basilica
is a Roman Catholic Basilica on Santhome High Road. The Basilica was
built on the tomb of St. Thomas. The St. Thomas tomb is below the present
Basilica’s altar. The Basilica was constructed in the 16th Century
by the Portuguese. It was rebuilt as a Church with the status of a
Cathedral by the British. It was designed in Neo-Gothic Style by the British
architects in the late 19th Century.
is a Museum through which we can go to the underground St. Thomas’s tomb. It
was an awesome view of Jesus on the glass panel behind the altar. The museum
has a collection of the original wooden statue of St. Thomas, earthen wares, Bones
from the site excavated during the construction of this Basilica, stones with
inscriptions, Pallava Period Lion Pillars, Baptism bowl made of stone, rare
photographs, story of Jesus on mural, St. Thomas’s bone and the tip of the
lance head that killed St. Thomas. On the north side entrance statue of Pop
John Paul and on the right Flag post erected in recent years.
St. Thomas's Tomb below the Altar
Pope John Paul
Baptism bowl and Pallava period lion pillars
Vikrama Chozha Period
inscription, gift of land to Hindu Temple - This inscription was found damaged/vandalized by ..... ? during a recent visit in 2018.
The original St. Thomas wooden Statue was brought by the Portuguese
St. Thomas’s bone and the tip of the lance head that killed St. Thomas.
tomb cover stones with
cover Stones with inscriptions
For More Photographs: CLICK HERE
To be Continued (St. Rita’s Chapel -Church)
ReplyDeleteOnly ancient literature describing the mission of St.Thomas was written by Jewish author Bardaishan Acts of Thomas in the second century AD.
1. Andropolis Kherbeta, Egypt.
2. Babylon, Iraq
3. Maishan (Meson Mesene) Iran
4. Sarbug Sarbak Baloochistan Iran.
5. Warkan Baloochistan, Pakistan.
6. Taxila Pakistan
7. Kingdom of Misdeus ? Ghazni Afghanistan
St. Thomas visited Andropolis (Kherbeta) in Egypt first. The merchant Abbanes accompanied him. When he visited Egypt the kings daughter was getting married. The King had announced that all his subjects were required to participate in the wedding banquet.
St.Thomas attended the wedding but not eating. They were recling at the floor in the Arab style. Unguent was given to the guests which St.Thomas smeared to his head.
One of the cup bearers smote him and St.Thomas cursed him that his hand will be eaten by Dogs. One jewish maid had heard this.When the Cup- Bearer went out he was killed by a Lion. A dog brought a half eaten hand to the banquet site.
When the king heard about this he wanted the saint to bless his daughter. St. Thomas or Jesus in the form of his twin brother advised the newly married couple to abstain from consummation.
Next day the queen was shocked to see her daughter without Veil sitting with her husband. She considered it shameless. King angered by this called searched for St.Thomas but St.Thomas had already set sail for India.
Egypt had been ruled by a Greek kingdom from 305 BC to 30 BC. But after the defeat of Cleopatra and Mark antony, Egypt was ruled by Roman empire. But the king St.Thomas met could be an Arab Sheikh.
St.Thomas travelled south of Babylon to Maishan, then to Sarbug in Iran, and from there to Warkan in Ballochistan to Taxila in Pakistan.
According to Acts of Thomas St.Thomas visited next King Gondaphares (20 to 46 AD)(Gundaphorus) belonging to Indo-Parthian dynasty who ruled from Taxasila, in Pakistan.
St.Thomas, a trained carpenter and Architect was assigned to build a palace for King Gondophorus which he started in the Macedonian month Dios (October) and promised to complete it by Xanthikos (March). But St.Thomas spent the money for te welfare of poor. After six months when the king visited the site he found no palace. When the king enquired about the palace St.Thomas said the palace has been completed but not in this world. When the king was told that St.Thomas had built the palace in Heaven he realised that he had been cheated by St.Thomas.
St.Thomas alongwith Habban was imprisoned by King Gondaphares.
That night the kings long ailing brother Gad after making Gondophorus the guardian of his children died.Gad was taken by the Angels to heaven where he saw a beautiful palace. When Gad tried to enter the house the Angels stopped him saying that it had been kept ready for King Gondophares. Then the Angels sent him back to earth. Gad came to life and explained his brother the happenings.
Gondophares released the Apostle from the prison. Perhaps Abbanes was also released. Gondaphares and Gad were baptized as Christians by St.Thomas.
St.Thomas brought to life an youngman back to life by commanding the snake which had bitten him to suck back the venom.
St.Thomas brought back to life a woman slain by her boyfriend who was a follower of the Apostle.
Then St.Thomas visited a Greek kingdom ruled by Misdeus or Mazdai (in Syriac).
St Thomas was invited to the country of Misdeus by a rich captain called Siphor whose wife and daughter were possessed by demons.
St.Thomas travelled from Taxila to the Kingdom of Misdaeus in a chariot drawn by wild asses. The wild asses also talked and obey ed commands of the apostle. St.Thomas performed many miracles before freeing Wife and daughter from the demons. St.Thomas was preaching to masses who gathered around him (Either in Greek or Araemic)
Hearing about this Mygdonia wife of Carisius a relative of came to see St.Thomas. Again St.Thomas advised celibacy to her. Mygdonias refusal to dine or sleep with Carisius prompted him to complain to King Misdaeus.
King Misdaeus ordered his soldiers to bring St.Thomas before him. Since St.Thomas was surrounded by great number of people the soldiers could not arrest him. Then Carisius himself came. Carisius pulled out the turban of one of his slaves and put the cloth around the neck of Apostle and dragged him to the King.King Misdeus ordered him to be scourged 125 times before casting him into the prison.
Mygdonia went to prison with the intention of bribing the Jailers with ten Denarii but she met St.Thomas and a great light before him on the way. Jail doors had opened miraculously. St.Thomas came to her house anointed her with holy oil in the name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost Baptised and broke bread with her. Narcia the nurse of Mygdonia was also Baptised.
St.Thomas returned to the Jail. The doors were still wide open and the guards and the prisoners were sleeping.
Misdeus released St.Thomas asking him to persuade Mygdonia to return her old ways and to live with Carisius. St.Thomas went to Carisius house and asked Mygdonia to obey Carisius.
Then St.Thomas went to Siphors house where he Baptised Siphor, his wife and daughter after anointing them with holy oil, in the name of Father, Son and holy Ghost. St.Thomas broke bread and gave it to them.
King Misdaeus told about the misfortune of Carisius because of the sorcerer St.Thomas to his wife Tertia. Tertia was intrigued When Tertia went to the house of Charisius she found Mygdonia in humility with ashes and a sack cloth spread under her, repenting at the floor.Tertia then went to the house of Siphor where she met the Apostle who told about Jesus Christ. Tertia came home rejoicing. Misdaeus thought that she had been bewitched by the Sorcerer.
Ouazanes(Iuzanes, Juzanes, Vizan) ordered the soldiers to bring St.Thomas to the Court house.The prince was quite convinced by the preaching of St.Thomas and even wanted to find a way to free him. But the King Misdaeus came with his guards and took him under custody.
The soldiers bound the hands of St.Thomas and brought him before Misdaeus.The king asked who he was and with what powers he was doing these things.St.Thomas answered that he was a man like him but he was doing things because of Jesus Christ.
King Misdaeus asked the Apostle on a hot iron plate bare footed. Suddenly water sprang from Earth and covered the plates.
King Misdaeus send the Apostle to prison again and contemplated ways to execute him St.Thomas was accompanied by Ouazanes on the right, Siphor on his left and the wife and daughter of Siphor to prison.St.Thomas then prayed, the Lords prayer. Mathew 6: 9-14
Tertia, Mygdonia and Narcia went to the prison and bribed the Jailer with 363 staters of Silver. When they reached near St.Thomas found Ouazanes, Siphor and his wife and daughter there. All the prisoners were sitting and hearing the word. Iuazanes requested St.Thomas to visit his sick wife Mnesara who was ailing for long.
St.Thomas asked Juzanes to go and prepare things.The prisoners had locked it but Juzanes found it open. Juzanes met his ailing wife Mnesara on the way who claimed that an invisible youth held her hand and was leading her. Then Judas, accompanied by Tertia, Mygdonia, Narcia, Siphor and his wife and daughter came to Ouazanes's house. Judas promised that Mnesara will be further guided by Jesus.
Judas made the women undressed and wore a girdle and then anointed by Mygdonia. St.Thomas anointed Ouazanes and Baptised all of them in the name of Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. Apostle went back to the prison along with Tertia, Mygdonia and Narcia.
The Jailers went to Misdaes and complained that after admitting the Sorcerer they were unable to keep the doors of the prison closed and they could not prevent the Queen Tertia and Prince Ouazanes visiting St.Thomas.
King Misdaeus stripped St.Thomas and girdled him.King Misdaeus planned to execute St.Thomas but wanted to do it secretly as St.Thomas had many followers.
Misdaeus took St.Thomas along with four soldiers and an officer outside the city. He handed over St.Thomas to them and asked them to the nearby mountain and pierce him with their spears.People accompanied them to the hill. Iuazanes persuaded the soldiers to allow him to pray.After the prayer St.Thomas asked the soldiers to proceed. Four soldiers came and pierced him with spears and he fell down and died.
St.Thomas was buried in the Royal sepulchre where they buried all the earlier kings.
Tertia and Mygdonia were afflicted by their husbands but they remained firm in their faith.
Apostle St.Thomas before he went to the hill had made Siphor a Presbyter and Iuazanes as a Deacon.Many were added to their faith.
After a long time one of the sons of Misdaes were possessed by Devil. King Misdaes by then had become a believer of St.Thomas. King Misdaes wanted to get a bone of St.Thomas to cure his son.But when he opened the Sepulchre there was no bones of St.Thomas.
One of the brethren had secretly stolen the bones of St.Thomas and had taken them to Mesopotamia.
King Misdaes took some dust from the grave and hung it around the neck of his son thereby curing him. King Misdaeus bowed below the hands of Siphor the Presbyter who and the Brethern prayed for the King Misdeus. Multitudes of people joined the faith.
Alexander established a Greek colony at the foothills of Hindukush mountains which he called Alexandria of Caucasus in 329 BC in the country of Paropamisadae. Alexander the Great conquered the Ghazni province in 329 BC, and called Alexandria in Opiana.
Indo-Greek kingdom was established by Demetrius in 185 BC.
Early capitals
Alexandria in the Caucasus (Bagram), and Alexandria of Opiana(Ghazni) were in Afghanistan.
Later capitals Taxila, Chiniotis, Sagala, Pushkalavati all were at Pakistan at the Indus area and adjoining areas of Punjab.
An Indo-Greek king called Menander( Menander I Soter) ruled over Indo-Greek kingdom between 165 BC to 155 BC with capital at Sagala (Sialkot) in Pakistan. Menander converted to Buddhism and was known by the name Milinda. Strato I son of Menander ruled between 130 BC to 110 BC. Last king of this dynasty was Strato II Soter who ruled between 25 BC to 10 AD at Punjab. In 10 AD Indo-Greek kingdom of Strato II Soter was supplanted by the Indo-Scythian(Saka) Northern Satraps. But another last Indo-Greek king Zoilos III Soter has ruled from Pakistan in 35 AD.
A descendant of Zoilos III Soter(10 AD to 35 AD), might have survived at the Ghazni province of Afghanistan as King Misdeus. The kingdom of Misdaeus was
1. Desert
2. Mountainous
3. Had a place called Calamina
4. Greek kingdom
5. Currency was Denarri and Staters of silver
6. Close to Taxila
7. Wild Ass habitat
8. Months Dius and Xanthicos
Since Mygdonia wife of Carisius tells the Apostle that their country was a desert kingdom it could not have been Indus area.The last Indo-Greeks might have ruled from arid, hill desert like Ghazni province of Afghanistan.
Aravalli hills is a mountainous desert country but it was under Saka Satraps, the enemy territory.
Acts says that St.Thomas was executed at Calamina, a hill. Kalaminar near Jaghatu in the Ghazni province could be the place where St.Thomas was martyred. Greeks called this country Alexandria of Opiana. Wild asses are found at north eastern India and Pakistan. Denarii and Stater were Greek currency. Months Dius and Xanthicos were Greek currency.
In fact there are three places called Kalaminar in Afghanistan.
1. Kala-Minar Jaghatu, Ghazni, Afghanistan
2. Kalaminar, Chagcaran, Ghowr, Afghanistan
3. Koh-e-Kalaminar north east of Kabul
Misdeus might belong to the Soter dynasty established by Menander. Misdeus could be the son of King Zoilos III who ruled from Indus.
Andropolis, Egypt, an Ancient city and former bishopric, now Kherbeta and a Latin Catholic titular see. Kherebta, Kom Hamada, El Beheira Governorate, Egypt.
Hillah, Babil Governorate, Iraq, about 85 kilometres (53 mi) south of Baghdad. Iraq.
MOSANI (MAISHAN) where is the resort of the merchants of the East, and reached the land of the Babylonians and the of Sarbug walls unto came (Acts of Thomas)
Meson (Mesene; Maishan) the great, that lieth on the shore of the sea (Acts of Thomas)
1. MAISHAN MESHAN PROVINCE of the Sasanian Empire. It consisted of the Parthian vassal kingdoms of Mesene and Characene and reached north along the Shatt al-Arab river and then the lower Tigris to Madhar and possibly further. Its inhabitants included Babylonians, Arabs, Iranians, and even some Indians and Malays
Capital : Vahman-Ardashir
Since it is situated in the seashore the most likely place mentioned in the acts.
2. Maysan Governorate Maisan Iraq. Metropolitanate of Maishan or Maysan was an East Syriac metropolitan province of the Church of the East between the fifth and thirteenth centuries. The historical region of Maishan or Maysan is situated in southern Iraq. _______________________________________________
Sarbak a village in Sarbuk Rural District, Sarbuk District, Qasr-e Qand County, Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Iran
Warkan (Hyrcania?) had my parents sent thither by the hand of their treasurers, unto whom they committed it because of their faithfulness (Acts of Thomas)
Warkan, is a Mountain that exists at Loralai, Balochistan in Pakistan.
2. HYRCANIA IRAN (Varkâna)
Hyrcanian Forests IranVarkâna, the name of the satrapy located on the southern and southeastern shores of the Caspian, is thought to mean "wolf-land" (c.f. Avestan vəhrkō, Sanskrit vŗka and New Persian gorg). The Greeks knew it as Hyrkania (Ὑρκανία, while in Latin and consequently Western European languages, it's spelled "Hyrcania".
Taxila (Takhkhasilā) Punjab, Pakistan is 32 km away to Islamabad. Taxila was the capital of Gondophares I who was founder of Indo-Parthian Kingdom who ruled between 19 AD to 46 AD. His kingdom encompassed Drangiana, Arachosia, and Gandhara.
St.Thomas is mentioned as the twin brother of Jesus. Didymos, Judas Thomas. But Acts never mention Joseph and Mary as St.Thomas's father.
Alexander's invasion of middle east, Persia and India favoured the spread of Christianity to east. It also spread the Greek and Aramaic languages to the east.
Jesus himself had conversed in Aramaic and not Hebrew. Hebrew remained the literary language of Jews. Syriac language was Neo-Aramaic language which was closely related to the Aramaic, spoken language of ancient Judea.
Seleucia was built in 305 BC on the west bank of Tigris in Mesopotamia north of Babylon by Seleucus I Nicator. Seleucia was the capital between 305 BC–240 BC. Later under Sassanians (Persian) Seleucia-Ctesiphon became the centre of Church of the East (Nestorianism).
Seleucus I Nicator also built Antioch in Syria (now Antakya, Turkey) in 300 BC. Antioch was the capital between 240 BC–63 BC.
Edessa (Şanlıurfa, Turkey) was also built by Seleucus I Nicator in the upper Mesopotamia.
Babylon became a centre of Jews under Greeks. Babylonian Jews revolted against Parthian rule in 11 AD under Jewish brothers Anilai and Asinai who ruled Babylon between 18 AD to 33 AD. At the Seleucid Greek cities Seleucia, Antioch and Edessa both Greek and Syriac Christianity evolved. Both were culturally Greek. Ancient Greek cities Edessa (Selçuk), Chalcedon (Kurbağalıdere), Nicea (İznik) formed the cradle of Eastern Christianity.
Syriac Christianity evolved under the umbrella of Eastern Roman Empire or The Byzantian empire infact which was actually Greek .Since Turkey, Syria and Iraq were under the Eastern Roman empire dominated by Greeks. Compared to Romans Byzantian Greeks were more tolerant to Christianity from the beginning.
All the eastern Christian customs including Syriac Christianity evolved from Greek Christianity and not from Arabs or Jews. Eastern Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox, Nestorianism (Now Syro-Roman) all evolved in Nicaea, Edessa and Antioch. NICEAN CREED followed by most of the Christians was formulated here.
In Kerala Christians practised Nestorianisn prior to the arrival of Poruguese in 1498 AD. Nestorianism or Church of the East was considered a heretic form of Christianity by the rest of the Christendom.
Nestorianism was based on the teachings of Nestorius Patriarch of Constantinople. Nestorius belonged to ANTOCHIAN SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY. Around 428 ad Nestorius started teaching that Jesus had two Natures one human and other Logos. Jesus had two hypostases and actually two different persons. This theory was called RADICAL DYOPHYSITISM which differed from the ORTHODOX DYOPHYSITISM practiced by the rest of the Christians ie Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox of Byzantium.
Nestorius argued that Jesus was only human and God is different from him. Nestorius refused to call Mary Mother of God (THEOTOKOS). Instead he called Mary Mother of Christ. This was considered blasphemous by most Christian's. Cyril the Patriarch of Alexandria led the opposition to Nestorius.
In the ecumenical council convened at 431 AD by Byzantine Emperor THEODOSIUS, Nestorius was denounced as a heretic, deposed from his post as Bishop and exiled. The theology he created was called Nestorianism. The non-Ephesine followers of Nestorianism were forced to move out of Antioch in the Eastern Roman Empire to SELEUCIA CTESIPHON at the banks of Tigris river which was the capital of Sassanian Persian Empire around 486 AD. Seleucia Ctesiphon is now part of Iraq.
Nestorianism resembled other Abrahamic religions such as Judaism but quite different from Christianity.
Nestorians did not believe in the divinity of Jesus. Jesus was only a man directed by Holy spirit according to Nestorius. Mary was not to be addressed as Mother of God by Nestorians as they did not consider Jesus as God. Mary was addressed as Mother of Jesus or Mother of Christ.
Nestorians were iconoclastic and their churches displayed SINGLE WOODEN CROSS. Their churches did not have any idol of Jesus, Mary, Apostles or Saints. Nestorian Churches were simple structures lacking any kind of decoration. No towers or arches or Baroque or Gothic style existed. They were not colourful. Nestorians revered saints but neither the pictures of Saints or idols can be kept at home or worshipped.
Nestorians practised Circumcision. Nestorius told his flock that Jesus himself circumcised hence all the Nestorians should do Circumcision as well.
The Peshitta Bible used by Nestorians were slightly different from other Syriac bibles which denied the Divinity of Jesus and the position of Jesus as Mother of God. This was called Nestorian errors by other sects. Nestorian theology was Radical Dyophysite meaning Jesus has two Natures( Human and Logos) two persons and and two hypostases and completely split.
In the early days of Christianity, Christian's were questioned by people.
1. If Jesus was God how come he was crucified and died ? To whom did Jesus pray at Gethsemane park ?
2. If possible you may relieve me of this role. Whom did crucified Jesus call ? Eli Eli Lama Sabaktani -- My God My God why have you forsaken me. Was he praying to God ?.
To answer these questions early Bishops adopted the Dyophysite theory that Jesus was half man half God. This is derived from earlier Trinity theory otherwise called Trinitrianism. Father and Son used as God and Human forms.
Radical Dyophysite II NESTORIANISM
Orthodox Dyophysite Y ROMAN CATHOLIC
Monophysite l JACOBITE
Nestorian Radical diaphysite theology with two natures two Persons and two hypostases is radically different from other sects. As Nestorius claimed Jesus was only human guided by Holy spirit. Roman Catholicism , Protestants Eastern Orthodox and rest of the Christendom used Orthodox Dyophysite theology ie Jesus has one Person and has one hypostases but two Natures, Human and God.
Nestorians thus differed from other sects by their Nestorian Errors
1. Jesus was not God but a human
2. Mary was not Mother of God but Mother of Jesus.
Portuguese who were overwhelmed by the presence of Christian population in India did not like the Nestorian theology.
Portuguese with the help of Mar Jacob Abuna(1503) tried to correct it immediately after their arrival. They succeeded in banning Radical Dyophysitism and Nestorianism.
Portugues converted the whole Syrian population to Roman Catholicism. Roman Catholics believe Jesus as God and Mary as the Mother of God. Though Eastern rites is derived from Nestorian rites Nestorian errors have been corrected,
Portuguese saved the Christian population of Kerala from complete annihilation at the hands of Samuthiri and Arabs.
If Portuguese had not come Arabs would have dominated whole of Kerala. They built magnificent Basilicas and Cathedrals.The Christian population leaped from 30000 at 1504 to 200000 in 1660 AD.
In modern times Portuguese are not hailed as Great reformers but as Villains. But their Blood and efforts have radically transformed Christianity in Kerala.
At 341 AD Shapur II who was a Zoroastrian by faith ordered the massacre of all Christians in the Persian Sassanid Empire. During his time about 1150 Assyrian Christians were martyred. It has been speculated that early Christian's migrated to Kerala in this period. But the Persian Bishop in that period Yohanan bar Maryam of Arabela, was totally unaware of migration of Thomas of Cana or any other migration.
Yazdegerd I was the first Sassanian King to support Christianity. Yazdegerd l (399–421) convoked a council under Mar Isaac Council of Seleucia-Ctesiphon, in AD 410 in Seleucia-Ctesiphon the capital of the Persian Sassanid Empire. Convoked by King Yazdegerd I organized Christians of his empire into a single church, The Church of the East,, an Eastern rites church.
Seleucia-Ctesiphon, capital of the Sassanian empire, Nisibis, Basra, Erbil, Kirkuk in Iraq and Beth Lapat in western Iran became important centres of the Church of East. Church of East adopted Nestorianism as its Theology in 486 AD.
But soon another form of heresy arrived in 451 AD. This new sect was promoted by Jacob Baradaeus who became the Bishop of Edessa in 543 AD. Jacob Baradaeus who wore tattered, stitched clothes. Jacob's theology was Miaphysite a form of Monophysite theology in which human and Godly forms of Jesus were fused together.
Jesus was one person one Hypostases one Nature with two components God and Human. Present Jacobites and Orthodox follow the Monophysite or Miaphysite theology along with other Oriental Orthodox churches. Jacobite Theology was St.James, rites Western rites.
Theology : Radical Dyophysitism
Language : Syriac
Theology : St Mari St Adai(St Thomas line of disciples)
Rites: Eastern rites
Syriac orthodox (Jacobite)
Theology : Miaphysitism
Language : Syriac
Theology : St James
Rites : Western rites
Except Language nothing is common between Nestorianism and Orthodox churches.
(Actually Marthoma I had abandoned St.Thomas-Liturgy and had adopted St.James-Liturgy in 1675 AD. So modern Orthodox and Jacobites follow St.James not St.Thomas)
In the Council of Ephesus Bishop Nestorius was denounced as heretic and exiled His followers mostly Syrians and Persians and Syrians migrated to Seleucia Ctesiphon the capital of Sassanian Persia which was situated 28 km south of Babylon. Nestorianism became a separate sect.
Those who opposed the Chalcedonian Definition that repudiated the monophysite notion that Jesus had a single Nature were called non-Chalcedonians. The Oriental Orthodox who favoured the Miaphysite theology separated from Byzantine Greeks state religeon.
1)Byzantine Greeks formed EASTERN ORTHODOX (Greeks, Georgeans, Russians)
2) ORIENTAL ORTHODOX (Syrians, Egyptians, Ethiopians, Erithreans) Arabs and Africans formed the Oriental Orthodox sect.
a) Egyptians formed Coptic church
b) Syrians formed Syriac Orthodox(Jacobite)
c)Ethiopeans formed Ethiopian Orthodox
Thus the Byzantine Christianity once had followers from Persians, Syrians, Greeks, Egyptians and Ethiopeans were divided on ethnicity by 500 AD.
Toldot Yeshu was a Apocryphal book written in the 5th century AD. This book gives a brief description of the life of Nestorius.
The following is chapter 7 of the TOLDOT YESHU:
1. Now after a long time the kingdom of Persia arose.
2. And a certain one went forth from them and made a mock of them, even as the heretics had made a mock of the wise men.
3. And he said to them, Paul erred in his writing when he said to you, Be not circumcised: for Yeshua was circumcised.
4. Moreover Yeshua said, I am not come to diminish a single word of the law of Moses, not even one sign; but to fulfill all his words.
5. And this is your reproach which Paul laid upon you when he said, Be not circumcised.
6. And Nestorius said unto them, Circumcise yourselves, for Yeshu was circumcised.
7. Furthermore Nestorius said, Ye are idolaters that say, Yeshua is God, seeing that he was born of a woman. Only the Holy Spirit ministered through him as with the prophets.
8. And Nestorius began to debate with the Nazarenes: he persuaded their wives.
9. He said unto them, I will enact that no Nazarene shall have two wives.
10. And as Nestorius became detestable in their sight there arose a strife between them, in so much that a Nazarene would not pray to the abomination of Nestorius, neither a Nestorian to the abomination of the Nazarenes.
11. Thereafter Nestorius went to Babylonia, to a certain place the name of which is Chazaza, and all fled before him.
12. And the women concealed themselves, for Nestorius was a violent man.
13. The women said to him, What wilt thou of us?
14. He said unto them, I will only that ye receive of me the bread and wine offering.
15. Now it was a custom of the women of Chazaza to carry in their hands large keys.
16. He gave one of them the offering; and she cast it on the ground.
17. Then the women threw the keys, which were in their hands, and smote him so that he died.
18. And the strife continued between them for a long time.
5.6 According to this book Nestorius promoted circumcision among his followers.
7. Nestorius despised idolatry. He argued that Jesus born of a woman was only human but a prophet guided by holyspirit.
9. Nestorius enforced Monogamy among Nazarenes
The early Nestorians practised Circumcision similar to Coptic and Ethiopean Christions. Until Portuguese arrival only Nestorianism existed in India. So among these Indian Nestorians also circumcision might have been an accepted practice from 500 AD to 1200 AD.
In the thirteenth century however Nestorians not only abandoned the practice of Circumcision, but opposed this practice outside muslim countries.
Isa Kelemechi Nestorian official at the Yuan court of Kublai Khans Mongol empire was instrumental in promoting Anti-Muslim prohibitions such as Circumcision and Halal slaughtering.
Nestorianism was considered a heretic form of Christianity. Nestorians were not allowed to stay in the rest of Christendom. Nestorians were not welcome in Europe Rome and Byzantium. Nestorians could migrate only to eastern countries. Strangely this heretic form of religeon which denied the divinity of Jesus and denied the Godmother status spread to India and China.
The Christian's other than Nestorians criticised the portions of Nestorian Theology which portrayed Jesus only as a human and denying Mary Mother of God status. These portions in the Nestorian Theology were called Nestorian errors. Portuguese priests in India were offended by the Nestorian stance that Jesus was not God.
Portuguese under Archbishop Menezes in India strived hard to remove the books from Usage which contained the Nestorian Heresy ie Nestorian errors. If the errors were minimal Roman Catholic priests under Menezes corrected the bibles by hiding those lines with ink before allowing the Indian Church to use them in their Churches.
Nestorian Patriarch was also called Catholicos was the head of the church. Patriarch always took the name Mar Shimon. Though Nestorians were converted by St.Thomas their Patriarchs preferred to call themselves as Simon (Peter), an apostle who occupied a higher ecclesiastical position than St.Thomas. Under the Patriarch Metropolians, Bishops, Priests (presbyter) and Deacons come.
Persian Nestorians were multiethnic people.They were a mixture of
The first eastern Christian's were Byzantine Greeks and most of the early Bishops were Greeks as well.The names and positions such as Metropolitan and Episcopa are Greek terms.The Greeks residing in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Persia by mixing with the local population might have formed the Nestorian church as well. The names of the ancient Bishops were always in Greek and not in Persian, Syriac or Arabic.
Assyrians an araemic people like Jews but often enemies and overlords of Jews. Assyrian kings used to bring Jews as slaves.Their language is derived from the Neo Araemic language.Assyrians were the Asura equivalents of Middle east. They were called Assuryanis and their ancient capital was Assur. Assuras occupied the Middle areas of Euphrates Tigris river basin while the Mittanian Aryans occupied northernmost areas of Euphrates Tigris river Basin, Northern Mesopotamia ( Al Jazeera). Southern Mesopotamia was occupied by ancient Sumerians and in the South eastern areas by Elamites believed to be relatives Dravidians.
Other Aramaic people were Semitic residents of present day Iraq. Some of them could have been related to Jews. Between 10 AD to 36 AD Babylon was ruled by two Jewish brothers called Anilai and Asinai who had revolted against Artabanus II of Parthia. But after 36 AD Jews were harassed by local Babylonians, Araemians and Greeks forcing them to emigrate to Seleucia Ctesiphon and Nisibis. But there is no records of Jewish conversion to Christianity
Persians were the next major race to be converted to Nestorianism. Church of the East was officially formed in 410 AD, under Sassanian king Yazdegerd I, even before Nestorianism was made the official religeon in 486 AD. Persian Nestorians used Pahlavi Script to write. In Tharisapalli plates three signatories signed with Pahlavi letters ( Syriac is conspicuous by its absence)
Arabs Nestorians occupied south of Bhagdad. Karbala was once a flourishing Christian city.
Kurdish people around Mosul close to ancient Nineveh were Nestorians. Indian Jewellery of Nestorian Syrian Christian's might have inspiration from the Kurdish Jewellery.
The Patriarch of Mosul used to sent Bishops to head the Indian Church.After 1552 schism, in 1553 Mar Shimun VIII Yohannan Sulaqa the Nestorian Bishop was instrumental in the conversion of Nestorians to Roman Catholicism and eventually Chaldean Catholic Church was formed under Rome. But this conversion was only nominal as they still had strong conviction to Nestorianism.
Both Mar Joseph Sulaqa (1563), and Mar Abraham (1568) Bishops under the Chaldean Patriarchate of Babylon came from Mosul. Nestorianism survived among Kurdish people to present.
Many Kurdish Nestorians withdrew to hilly areas to escape their arab tormentors. During 1933 the Kurdish Contingent of Nestorians tried to cross borders and French on the other side, but French turned them back. The members Kurdish contingent were massacred by the Iraqi forces when they went back.
Christian church was founded by Jews in the Mesopotamia.But in the Church of the East they played minimum role.
There are ome references to Armenian Nestorians. Southists believe Kanai Thomman was an Armenian trader.
Until Portuguese arrival Nestorianism was the only form of Christianity which existed in India.
Cosmos Indicopleustus was a Greek Nestorian priest and a trader from Alexandria. Cosmos visited India and Srilanka around 516 AD. Cosmos said that there was a Persian Nestorian Bishop at Srilanka and a priest at Male where pepper grows, most likely Kerala. He also said about Nestorian Christians at Mangarouth (Mangalore) and Kalliyana (Kalyan near Bombay or Kalyanpur an ancient Pandyan capital near Mangalore).At Srilanka Nestorians completely disappeared. When Portuguese arrived they did not find any native Christians in Srilanka. Christian Topography is the work of Cosmos Indicopleustes written around
The Srilankan Christians could have migrated to Kerala or Tamilnadu in the middle ages. In 632 AD Persia had been invaded by the Arabs and most of Persia came under Rashidun Caliphate. So the Srilankan Nestorians could not have gone back to Persia or Syria.
First Tamil evidence for presence of Nestorians in Kerala is the Tharissappalli sasanam issued by Ay king of Kollam Aiyanadikal thiruvadikal to Persian trader Mar Sapir Eso in 849 AD. A palli either a Choultry for foreign traders or a Christian church was built by Mar Sapir Eso under the auspices of Kollam king. Palli in Tamil has many meanings including resting place a lodge, a Choultry, then a place of worship for jains, a school, Kitchen etc.
It is interesting to note that out of the 26 foreign signatories 13 were Muslims, 6 were Zorastrians, 4 were Jews and another 3 were Christians. The European scholars feigned that the could not decipher the names of the signatories written in Pahlavi, Kufic and Hebrew. If Tharisappally had been a church it could be the most secular church.
The Kollam tradeguilds Anchuvannam and Manigramam were part of the larger trade guilds of Balijas. Balija (Valanjiar) were Banas of Kadamba kingdom who became traders in the middle ages and had built a vast trade network mainly in the southern India and also sea routes to China and Middle East.
Balija trade guilds included Nanadeshikal ie foreign traders. The foreign traders were allowed to build fortified lodges in which they lived. The foreigners were allowed to collect tax locally. Tharissapally plates and Ravi Korthan plates were Balija trade guild plates assuring them rights. Persian Nestoriaans were part of Nanadeshikal under the Balijas.
Tharissappalli plates mentioned the names of some Nestorian Christan traders. Out of the 26 foreign signatories, only three were Christans, and of the rest 13 were Muslims, 6 were Zorastrians and 4 were Jews only 3 were Christians. It is quite unlikely 26 foreigners of diverse religions united to build a Christian Church in 849 AD. British researchers and missionaries feigned their inability to interpret the names of the signatories.
The Syrian traders could actually be multiethnic but connected Nestorianism. Persian, Aramaic, Syrian, Kurdish, Arabs, Armenians etc. The Christian traders sailed from Basra to Kochi and Kollam, Kayalpattinam and Madras following trade winds.
The Trade winds blow in the reverse direction only after six months which enabled them to go back to Mesopotamia. For six months the middle eastern sailors were forced to stay in India. In that time the Syrians often married from local Dravidian women. But after six months they will leave their wives and Children in India and go back to Basra. The Next year the same trader may come back and meet his family or may never come back.
These Syrian traders who married local Hindu Dravidian women were called Nasrani Mappillas Christian Son-in-Laws. The wives and children of the Syrian sailor will join the local Christian Colony and the Children will be raised Christians adopting middle eastern Christian names. But most of the Syrian children may not visit Iraq, Syria or Persia. They will also be known by the name Syrian Nasrani Mappilla.
Kodungaloor, Chendamangalam, Kochi, Kollam, Kayalpattinam and Madras could be the places which had Syrian colonies. Marco Polo found Persian graves at Kayalpattanam near Tuticorin.
When Karbala in Iraq was a flourishing Christian city possibly of Nestorians who traded with India a city called Al-Hindiya existed near it. Al-Hindiya means of Indians. Dutt clan of Mohyal Brahmins resided at Dair-al-Hindiya. Rahab Sidh Dutt leader of Mohyal or Hussaini Brahmins fought on the side of Imam Husayn ibn Ali at the Battle of Karbala in 680 AD. Until seventh century Indians used to stay near the Christian city of Karbala. After the destruction of Karbala in the 7th century Nestorians could have migrated to India. Mohyal Brahmins migrated to Punjab
Thus when Syrians colonised India there was an Indian colony at Hindiyah, Iraq.