Friday, 1 September 2023

Hero stones / Sati Stones / Veerakallu /வீரக்கற்கள் / நடுகற்கள் / Niseedhigai Memorial Stones of Karnataka.

The Visit to these Hero stones installed in Various temples in Karnataka state was a part of the “Karnataka State, Hoysala Period Shiva, and temple’s visit”- on 30th July 2023, organized by தொண்டை மண்டல வரலாற்று ஆய்வு சங்கம் "திருக்கச்சி" FB Group. In addition to the Hero stone, this post also covers the Niseedhigai Memorial Stones installed at Jain Basadis. The Details of Hero stones and Niseethigai Memorial stones as given below.

Hero Stones / Sati Stone at Sri Lakshmi Devi Temple, Doddagadavalli
This Hero / sati Stone with inscriptions is installed on the south corner of the Temple Complex. This is a 4 tier Sati stone. In the First tier ( Bottom ) the Hero is sitting on a Horse and an attendant is holding an umbrella. This shows that the Hero must be holding a higher position in the army be it as a Captain or a small king. In addition, there are two Elephants with two men sitting on the elephants is shown. In the Second tier, the Hero is fighting with the enemies. In the Third tier, the Hero is taken to the Shiva Loka along with his two wives. The Devakannias are shown on both sides with chowry. This shows that the Hero’s two wives took sati after the hero died in war. In the top tier the hero is seen worshiping a Shiva Linga and the priest does the pooja.

The second Hero stone is installed inside the northwest corner of the sub-sannidhi of the temple complex. This is also a 4-tier Hero stone. In the bottom tier, the Hero is fighting with the enemies. In the second tier what is there is not shown. In the Third tier, the Hero is shown in a palanquin. In the top tier the Hero is shown worshipping a Shiva Lingam and a priest does the pooja.


Hero stones, at Sri Hoysaleeshwara Temple, Halebeedu
This Hero stone is used as a Ceiling panel in the Rishaba mandapam. The Hero Stone is also a 4-tier hero stone and is damaged to the maximum extent. There are some more Hero stones installed in the temple.


Hero Stones at Sri Bucheswara Swami Temple, Koravangala
This hero stone is installed on the back side of the Bairavar Temple (southeast of Buchêsvara temple in the fort). The hero stone is a 4 tier Hero stone. Hope this Hero stone was erected for Two Heroes. In the bottom tier, both heroes are fighting with their enemies. In the second tier the heroes are shown in the palanquin taken to the Shiva Loka by the Deva kannis holding Chowry / Samara and 4 Deva kannis are shown in flying position. In the 3rd tier, both heroes are shown worshipping  a Shiva Lingam. From the hairstyles of the priests, the Priests may belong to the Kalamukha sect.  In the Top Tier Shiva and Parvati are in seated position with Brahma and Maha Vishnu on both sides. In addition, the two heroes are in a worshipping posture with another person, a Rishabam.

The inscriptions are found in between the tiers and belong to Hoysala King Veera Ballala.  (The inscription is reproduced below, as given in the Epigrapia Indica- Kannada in English) 

Šr namas tunga-širaš-chumbi-chandra-châmara châravê | trailôkya-nagararambha-mala-stambhaya Sambhavê
Šivaya namah svasti samasta-bhuvanâšrayam pritvi-vallabham maharajâdhi- rajam pratapa-chakravartti Vira-Ballala-Dévaru Heddore-pariyantam prithvi- rajyam geyuttam ire svasti yama-niyama-svadhyaya-dhyana-dharana-mônâ- nushhâna-japa-samadhi-šila-guna-sampannarum aupasanâgnihôtra-dêva-dvija-
krama-puja-tat pararum marttandojvala-kirtti-yutarum appa šrimad anâdiy- agrahara-Šântigrâmada ašêsha-mahajanangalu gavudugalu Kôravangalada Duddana sîmâ-sammandhake kilegav adalli Bittiyojana makkalu Bammoja- Masanojangaļu a-mahajanangala prajerg à-tondugali... .biragallu ||

In addition to the above Shiva Temple, another Hero stone was found installed in the praharam of a Hanuman Temple of  the same Village. This Hero stone is also a 3 tiers Hero Stone. In the  Bottom tier, the Hero is holding his head in the left hand and holding a sword in the right hand. In the middle tier, the Hero is shown in a palanquin. Two DevaKannis  holding Chowry taking the Hero to the Shiva Loka. And 4 angles are shown in flying posture. In the top tier, the Hero is shown in a worshipping posture. In addition, Two priests, Rishabam, a drummer, a lady with a child on the hip, and a samaradhari are also shown.


Hero stone,  at Shri Nambi Narayana Temple, Thondanur
This Hero stone is kept in front of Thayar Sannidhi at Nambi Narayana Swami Temple of Thondanur. This Hero stone has 3 tiers. The bottom tier and top tier are in broken condition. In the bottom tier, the hero is shown in three bangha postures. In the middle tier, the hero is taken to the Shiva Loka by the Devakannis holding Chowry. In the top tier the Hero is shown in Yoga posture with yoga patti and two Deva kannis with chamaram are shown on both sides. The Bottom tier has the inscription around the Hero.


Niseedhigai memorial stones, Jain Temples, Jain Basadis, Shravanabelagola.
Found about 4 Niseethigai Memorial stones on Ratnagiri Hills, Shravanabelagola. These memorial stones are erected for the Jain monks or persons who took sallekana ie. stopped taking food and left their lives.



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